Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

We upgraded website, so I can not find previous order information. But we email to every customers to ask them to keep payment records for warranty before they receive the lights. So could you send me payment records picture including lights information, shipping and payment information? Then our factory can help you better about why the two light, one has problem.

Thank you Rooster. When I saw Entheogenerator's post about light burned out, I PM him quickly to help him to repair light.

I admit small parts of our lights may burn out, it is a fact, but we are positive to deal with after-sales problem, that's why we set repair centers in different countries to help customers. My main job is helping customers solve problem. The customer asked the detailed reason why the two same lights used at the same time, one has problem and another one has no problem, I am sorry I can not explain it very clearly. Firstly, I need customer offers me purchasing records to show the two lights were bought at the same time, then our factory can do further study, but I feel sad I did not receive his payment records for the two lights until now.

So the whole reason you need my payment records is because you believe I'm a liar? It's not to help solve the problem? They were indeed purchased at the same time. Do you need the date? It was September 10, 2016. What other information would you need from a screenshot of my order? It was paid with paypal.

Was your paypal account shut down since then? Where did the old order records go? That is not cool that you just "lost" my personal information.
So the whole reason you need my payment records is because you believe I'm a liar? It's not to help solve the problem? They were indeed purchased at the same time. Do you need the date? It was September 10, 2016. What other information would you need from a screenshot of my order? It was paid with paypal.

Was your paypal account shut down since then? Where did the old order records go? That is not cool that you just "lost" my personal information.
I would echo Roosters suggestion that this would be better suited im PM. I hear you Entheo. You came here to comment and discuss the issue you are having. At this point though you and Sara are just slinging dirt at one another. We have heard your issues and she has explained her company's situation. And now we have all heard you both. Now I think it's time that you guys work on solving the problem together. I can understand completely your frustration, but wont anyone think of the plants!

That last bit was a bit of humor to try and lighten the mood.

I hope you guys can get this all sorted out.

I would echo Roosters suggestion that this would be better suited im PM. I hear you Entheo. You came here to comment and discuss the issue you are having. At this point though you and Sara are just slinging dirt at one another. We have heard your issues and she has explained her company's situation. And now we have all heard you both. Now I think it's time that you guys work on solving the problem together. I can understand completely your frustration, but wont anyone think of the plants!

That last bit was a bit of humor to try and lighten the mood.

I hope you guys can get this all sorted out.


It doesn't have to be just between me and Sara. What do you think about Mars' footprint claims? Their yield claims? Do you use CO2? How much mars light do you use on your grow's footprint? There's a lot that's been brought up today besides the burnt lenses. I'm sure we're all tired of reading about burnt out LED's, there must be a hundred pages of them scattered throughout this epic. But they never explain themselves. Let's discuss that. Or how they've apparently lost everybody's order and personal information.
It doesn't have to be just between me and Sara. What do you think about Mars' footprint claims? Their yield claims? Do you use CO2? How much mars light do you use on your grow's footprint? There's a lot that's been brought up today besides the burnt lenses. I'm sure we're all tired of reading about burnt out LED's, there must be a hundred pages of them scattered throughout this epic. But they never explain themselves. Let's discuss that. Or how they've apparently lost everybody's order and personal information.
I dont think you will ever find a company that isn't going to claim the top end of their results in the very best of conditions. That's marketing my freind. I always expect that when I read the data from any manufacturer. As well I think you will always hear unhappy customers on forum's and reviews because they (rightfully so) feel that they have been wrong if their equipment fails or fails to meet the expected results of the customer. I'm not trying to blame you or say that your anger isn't warranted , but we all know that Mars hydro is providing lower cost lighting options. And yes we are taking a bit of a risk but that's what the warranty is for, and great people like we find here on the forums who might help us fix our stuff.
I dont think you will ever find a company that isn't going to claim the top end of their results in the very best of conditions. That's marketing my freind. I always expect that when I read the data from any manufacturer. As well I think you will always hear unhappy customers on forum's and reviews because they (rightfully so) feel that they have been wrong if their equipment fails or fails to meet the expected results of the customer. I'm not trying to blame you or say that your anger isn't warranted , but we all know that Mars hydro is providing lower cost lighting options. And yes we are taking a bit of a risk but that's what the warranty is for, and great people like we find here on the forums who might help us fix our stuff.

I checked 4 different companies and I did find one that was honest. Check the thread in my signature for details. Their lights are expensive but when you do the math on how many Mars panels it would take and the seemingly high risk that one of them fails within the warranty period, Mars is not the right choice. The better manufacturers have 5 year warranties and guess what? you don't see any forum posts of them failing.

The good companies will actually educate you, freely and publicly, about what their product exactly can do. These tables I shared earlier are derived from a public study, but it was so helpful that the good company provided them to back up their claims that their light can cover the full footprint at the highest CO2 levels.



Mars Hydro in comparison is an insult to the consumer. They are cheap and that's it. Their information is not just inaccurate, it's designed to manipulate you and keep you from growing out of their product line.
I checked 4 different companies and I did find one that was honest. Check the thread in my signature for details. Their lights are expensive but when you do the math on how many Mars panels it would take and the seemingly high risk that one of them fails within the warranty period, Mars is not the right choice. The better manufacturers have 5 year warranties and guess what? you don't see any forum posts of them failing.
Well then why did you end up buying a mars hydro at all. At the price i paid if it only lasts a year it will have paid for its self with out question. Even Sara (I think, so don't crucify me if it wasn't her) has said that after 2 years there will be degradation and you might want to replace them. I really do look at them as I bit of a disposable item. And again at gghe price point that's kinda what I expect. As an entry level light they really seem like a decent option. For you clearly not and that's fine.
Well then why did you end up buying a mars hydro at all. At the price i paid if it only lasts a year it will have paid for its self with out question. Even Sara (I think, so don't crucify me if it wasn't her) has said that after 2 years there will be degradation and you might want to replace them. I really do look at them as I bit of a disposable item. And again at gghe price point that's kinda what I expect. As an entry level light they really seem like a decent option. For you clearly not and that's fine.

I didn't know any better. Their information is misleading. But several lights and many tests later, I think I've earned my review. I won't ever purchase another one of their lights or give them my information again. I became close to this community and Mars Hydro is by far the dominant commercial presence here. I feel bad now being one of the novice growers promoting their cheap products. I don't blame anyone for buying into it at the entry level, but there's things you need to know if you want to rise from there. Mars Hydro isn't going to inform you.
Thank you for acknowledging my post. Love how Smokesara skipped right over that one. Any negative feedback is buried as quickly as they can by replying to every other post and mixing in a bunch of 1 liners and advertisements. They did PM me privately but I came here to discuss why two lights purchased at the same time, shipped together, used together, burn out differently? How many different reasons could there be? Someone forgot the thermal paste or something.

But Smokesara is too busy making multiple posts about CO2 when no one even brought it up.

It's not fun, or informative, or easy to navigate this thread for help. It's clearly just an advertising platform and Mars doesn't care about any real discussion on their lights. All they care about is user-submitted pictures, activity, and a base to advertise to.

I hear you man, the other guy's have with this through PM and send MH the details they need and your problem will be fixed...It would be easier for you to screengrab your receipt from your paypal than it would for Sara to search through MH's

From the picture you posted it looks to me you have enough light for your space...A helluva lot of people get wrapped up in PPFD when they should be looking at other way's of getting the result's they want:peacetwo:
Strange..... when there is a problem with a light, all sorts off knights jump up, to minimize the problem(s)...... :hmmmm:
For me it was the same as Entheo, i read the forum and for each problem that pops, there where 5 that say how good they are and never have a problem with it.... I buyed one and was hoping that i was one of the 5.... but no, i was not... :(
When (!!!) it was working, they did there job for me and i was satisfied, but when a light is broken, you are nothing with it!!
I used my MII900 2500hours and there where 5 burned leds
I fixed them and after 2900h 1/3 of the leds where down. After a little use like this is, i find 400 dollar a lot of money.. (where MH claims they be working for 50k hours....)
Who buy a light to use customer service...?? I try to fixed it the second time but that was not working..
MH try to help and cannot say anything about them, but thats not why i buy a light for...
I bought another expensive light and the MII 900 is lying somewhere.... because i cannot fix it, but happy that i replaced it and that one is working properly, like it should be without stress!!! ;)
I didn place this on the forum before because MH was helping correctly but at the end its not correct that something quit working after less than 3000 hours of use. And see the same that happen again, now with Entheo so i wanne tell you mine because also these stories are MH.... so if your a handy guy... i was not.
No hard word about Sara or Lucy and all the others they did more than there best...
Strange..... when there is a problem with a light, all sorts off knights jump up, to minimize the problem(s)...... :hmmmm:
For me it was the same as Entheo, i read the forum and for each problem that pops, there where 5 that say how good they are and never have a problem with it.... I buyed one and was hoping that i was one of the 5.... but no, i was not... :(
When (!!!) it was working, they did there job for me and i was satisfied, but when a light is broken, you are nothing with it!!
I used my MII900 2500hours and there where 5 burned leds
I fixed them and after 2900h 1/3 of the leds where down. After a little use like this is, i find 400 dollar a lot of money.. (where MH claims they be working for 50k hours....)
Who buy a light to use customer service...?? I try to fixed it the second time but that was not working..
MH try to help and cannot say anything about them, but thats not why i buy a light for...
I bought another expensive light and the MII 900 is lying somewhere.... because i cannot fix it, but happy that i replaced it and that one is working properly, like it should be without stress!!! ;)
I didn place this on the forum before because MH was helping correctly but at the end its not correct that something quit working after less than 3000 hours of use. And see the same that happen again, now with Entheo so i wanne tell you mine because also these stories are MH.... so if your a handy guy... i was not.
No hard word about Sara or Lucy and all the others they did more than there best...
Im not defending MH, I'm stating why I chose to buy one and accepted the quality that I was paying for. Entheo has every right to come on here and tell us what he thinks of their product that's exactly what this forum is for, but his coversation with Sara was about his unit and their service and it quickly devolved into an angry rant about his purchase. Frankly it seemed to like a bit of trolling, and I don't sub to the forums to hear unconstructive mud slinging. But that is why I did continue to exchange posts with him afterwards to share my views and explain why I bought a MH. So if someone post that they have a problem and 5 people say that they never had a problem and how good theirs works that's their experience, that they are sharing with the forum.
Sorry you got a dud camelion. That really sucks!
I didn't know any better. Their information is misleading. But several lights and many tests later, I think I've earned my review. I won't ever purchase another one of their lights or give them my information again. I became close to this community and Mars Hydro is by far the dominant commercial presence here. I feel bad now being one of the novice growers promoting their cheap products. I don't blame anyone for buying into it at the entry level, but there's things you need to know if you want to rise from there. Mars Hydro isn't going to inform you.
Thanks I do appreciate you view and info, it may very well influence my next purchase!
I hear you man, the other guy's have with this through PM and send MH the details they need and your problem will be fixed...It would be easier for you to screengrab your receipt from your paypal than it would for Sara to search through MH's

From the picture you posted it looks to me you have enough light for your space...A helluva lot of people get wrapped up in PPFD when they should be looking at other way's of getting the result's they want:peacetwo:

It's not that easy. They lost the order information. How shady is it that they require the customer screenshot to verify a purchase? I could forge the screenshot to say anything. Anyway, their paypal account at the time must have been deactivated since then because the payment doesn't even show in paypal. All I have is the bank statement. It's stupid that I would have to prove myself in the first place. When will they prove themselves? I've given them hundreds of dollars.


To be clear, from the beginning, I never asked for a warranty repair. Once this light burns out completely that's it. I just wanted to share the picture and get an explanation, but then the way Smokesara buried it along with any other negative feedback offends me. So now it's not really about the burnt out LED's, since they apparently can't explain that and won't take responsibility. It's about how they really don't actually care about the consumer, just the money. They don't even know what it takes to flower cannabis in CO2, or if they do they're not educating their customers or designing for it.

Mars Hydro is cheap, but is that supposed to forgive every disappointment? Should we not expect honesty? HID bulbs are pretty clear about their depreciation and burnout times. There's not many surprises. LED technology was supposed to be even more reliable. I'm not saying it's a big deal for a few chips to burn out, but it is a big deal that there's a long history of this pattern of cheap materials failing randomly for many MH customers specifically. I think that deserves a little public attention.

Also trying to do you guys a favor. PPFD does matter when the results you want are top-shelf nugs. I'm personally tired of trimming a 2x2 of dank, then a ton of mids and larf. I have my first harvests coming up under 700+ PPFD and I'm finally seeing top quality. You can do it with Mars panels, but you need to limit them to the direct footprint, which is a huge waste of energy when you add up the four lights you would need for a 4x4. Yet all their top models claim 4x4 coverage. It's a scam.
Did no-one have to change a bulb in the HPS days???? lol

Yeah, and people used to pedal their bikes, but that doesn't help you with your broken car.

You can't just compare with old tech, one of the selling points of all LED lights is that you don't have to change bulbs and that diodes last for 50000 hours. (spoiler: most of them don't)

A helluva lot of people get wrapped up in PPFD when they should be looking at other way's of getting the result's they want:peacetwo:


PPFD readings is the only way to see if a light stacks up, and light is the most important factor when growing plants.
Yeah, and people used to pedal their bikes, but that doesn't help you with your broken car.

You can't just compare with old tech, one of the selling points of all LED lights is that you don't have to change bulbs and that diodes last for 50000 hours. (spoiler: most of them don't)

Point being- Thing's depreciate and need replaced from time to time,I'm fully aware diodes don't last..I've already replaced a few


PPFD readings is the only way to see if a light stacks up, and light is the most important factor when growing plants.

Agreed it's an important factor..but it's not the only factor...I've seen some great results from low wattage light's and some dire results from supposed high par/high wattage set ups
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