Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

All the falures I can find on the 300 lead back to heat related failures. It seems as though pumping hot air over the heat sink and into the rest of the unit and overheating EVERYTHING is a much better idea than mine which is to follow the natural convection characteristics of heat and moving it up and out.
Hi all I have a question about to plant to light ratio . I have a 3x3x6 tent and I picked up the mars hydro 480w. How many plants do you think jj should do? I was going yyo just do 2 but I'm wondering if I should push to 3.

Thanks in advance!
Hi all I have a question about to plant to light ratio . I have a 3x3x6 tent and I picked up the mars hydro 480w. How many plants do you think jj should do? I was going yyo just do 2 but I'm wondering if I should push to 3.

Thanks in advance!

3 shouldn't be an issue
Sara have you thought of selling additional top bars? Not to use up top but on the sides. My fan/filter sucks in the sides of my tent a lot. I'm in the process of making some for the sides

I had this problem also when I was growing in tents..I fixed it by letting in a bit more passive, if you have a fan bringing air in..turn it up..if you don' up a few of the intake hole's and let a bit more air in
I had this problem also when I was growing in tents..I fixed it by letting in a bit more passive, if you have a fan bringing air in..turn it up..if you don' up a few of the intake hole's and let a bit more air in
I would like to be able to.... but the air outside my tent is outdoor air temps, and winter is here... So I can't just open more vents. I'll be making a few bars up tomorrow and that should fix it up nicely
Now youre just being silly. Why would I EVER want to stand on the tent? You want to grow in a plastic shed? No one is stopping you.

Actually my little shed has been considered several times. I like strong durable products. My brain never stops picking things apart. I love being sneaky and hidin things in plain sight. Actually if it was legal here I would have plants growin out of my ears. Actually. Probly not. Orange peels really work did this last night to some dry crunchy buds works great.
Is there gonna be a closeout on the old mars600? I need to add to my light supply I like this light. I am still building up my grow and the 600 seems to fit my needs so far.
Hey brother. I live in an old house and in the wilderness. I was plagued with gnat problems. I solved this by giving my plants a soil drench of azamax once every 2-3 weeks.
Kill the larvae and kill the problem brother!

Highly recommended as the health of the plants will drastically improve.
I don't use a lot either I did on initial applications but now I just use a 1/3 of the recommended dosage for maintenance. Gnat free 9 months. Fought them for a year :p

Thanks for sharing experience with us :circle-of-love:
I beg under Pure T5 and I flower under pure led

No wasted hps electric from me lol

Will it help you save cost of T5 for vag in the long run?
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