Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Here ya go, no matter how bad things may seem the warm purple glow of my mars lights made something out of seemingly nothing. Clipped, all but killed, soaked, rooted, hydro grown, transplanted outside, dug up and potted, finished inside under my mars600, lastly sat in my enclosed trailer in the dark in freezing temps for 48 hours. I pushed this thing to every extreme I could short of setting it on fire. I got jars of damn good smoke. Go figure.

:cheer: :goodjob:
I could be wrong lilo .
I don't think you would get the same amount of air flowing across the fins on the heat sink... and cooling with air is all about maximun air flow across as much surface area, hence the fins on heatsink or anything air cooled

My grows usually are with two dwc buckets. Those are two air pumps for the buckets. Everything in the tent has been powered down to allow these wonderful buds to dry.

How to Check pH & Stop Cannabis Nutrient Deficiencies
How Does pH Stop Cannabis Nutrient Deficiencies?
PH is the measure of how “acidic” or “alkaline” something is, on a 1-14 scale. A pH of "7" is considered neutral, for example pure water has a pH of about 7. The measurements of pH has to do with the concentration of hydrogen in the sample. A cannabis grower can measure the pH of a water sample using special pH tester drops or a digital pH pen, like the one shown here on the right.
Okay, so why is pH important to cannabis growers?
Cannabis naturally likes a slightly acidic environment at the roots. Soil with a slightly acidic pH is what causes cannabis plants to thrive in the wild. Proper pH at the roots helps plants get access to the nutrients they need. If the pH at the roots is too high or low, the plant can't properly absorb nutrients and you end up with cannabis nutrient deficiencies!
11-23-17: The Mars tent got flipped to 12/12 today

The Dark Devil is still running wild, had to bend her over again.

:thanks: It loves that light too much, so it want to reach it
Yeah. I'll take 4-5 clones of her very soon. Then i will plant 4 of them in a dwc system. Then i will take 32 clones from those 4 for my next big grow

You grow more plants than most other growers. :thanks:
BAR12-60cm, is the powersupply of the bar be removed from the light?

This is Mars Bars powersupply , it is different from light powersupply
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