Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Sara, would it be ok to start a grow journal to enter in your cup? I am in week 4 of bloom but I have photo's from pretty much everyday since I sprouted the seed's...I'm new here so don't know if this is acceptable..

Welcome to joining in contest IrNIung. Could you add Mars Hydro in the grow journal theme? :high-five:
Main room is completed! 32 Train Wreck from Green house seeds are growing under 2 Mars Pro II Epistar 320

Good start:thumb:
If the Mars II 400's are going away, whats the best deal I can get on one? Sara I PM'ed you the other day. Perhaps I can add another 400 to my existing 400 in my 2.3x2.3x5 tent?

If you use two pcs of 400 in tent 2.3x2.3x5, it will be 66W/SF. I think if you add a less powerful light reflector 48 will be better.
How often would you feed my 32 Train Wreck clones? I set the timer on 6x15 min every day.

Think from the last time I did hydro in clay pebbles I would feed them 4 times a day but not 100% sure. Then i increased to like 15 min every other hour after a while.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this one

Deville, wish experienced growers will give you suggestions about it:cheer:
Dedicated room gives you many choices. The cheapest way is to paint your room flat white. Flat white paint reflects light very good. Almost as good as orca grow film and in some tests I've seen it beat Mylar in total light reflection/distribution.

Orca is the best I know about, but it's very expensive.

I think both flat white and silver can reflect light very good
Thanks, I actually have her in a dedicated room thats some storage for now as well. Eventually I want to finish it as a 9x12x9 room. I am deciding between a marine/moisture resistant paint or a reflective material. Whatever I decide on will have to be the best quality I can find, and I dont mind payin extra for that. I dont skimp on my gear.

I think reflective material will work well
Not in Canada? :(

Yes , the seed company that cooperates with us told us they only can send free seeds to USA.
We can send free yoyo (more than USD500 order) or glasses (more than USD1000 order) during 24th--27th to Canada customers
Thanks Sara! Awesome promotion for the mars cup! .
Do you want to see the growing withCOB 100W?

I'm 1000% sure I could do the COB some justice based on what I'm producing with the 300w panels ;)
Isn't deville doing a mars cob grow... now that i think about it deville is a busy boy

. I thot so too. I've been scouring his perpetual journal but so far can only find it in the big room as a little supplemental... then there's some discussion about putting 4plants under it in a shed space...

DeVille, do you have it in action at the moment? Or are you planning something with it?

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