Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Because this is your new id on 420forum,i can not check back,we have the bin number,i can ask our enigneer send to you.:high-five:
I'm getting mine assembled .
It's top of the line EVERYTHING .
I remember asking Sara what the bin numbers were of the epistar in my pro160 and she didn't know.
It's because the are very low binned .Much cheaper less efficient per watt and much more heat. The timber come with the best Meanwell drivers and some of the best pinned heat sinks. And they are dimmable. And they are 100% made in America !!! I'm getting the Vero 29 v7 900w assembled and delivered for $1500. That is a steal . It's quality in the timber . It's quanity with Mars .
The pro series 160 that I have isn't bad .
But I will bet the bank that 3 epistar 160 which equals 1125 actual watts will get the doors blown off of it by the 1 900w Vero or the cree version timber frame work. I also have. Amare Technologies se250 and it blows the shit out of the pro160 and it only pulls 250 watts.
I wanted to get more pros series because you get more. But since Sara can't make that happen which I understand I'm going to get the timber which is use's the best of everything. Not low bin LEDs and cheap no name drivers .
This price we can not do it,i'm sorry for that.:Namaste:
I'm not talking bad about the Mars pro series either. Again I love my pro 160. But after Sara told me they couldnt give me the lights for $1500 it got me looking else where again . And got me wanting to look for something American made . So I can support the American economy!!.
If one of the cup diodes not work,it will not affect the whole light,just change that section.We can arrange it for as soon as possible.:high-five:Do you want we send to you within this week?
No big deal. One of the blue bulbs died. With 320 bulbs per lamp this is bound to happen sooner or later. I bet Mars-Hydro will send me a new bulb to put in
The new president metioned he will raise the import tax,but after he took the office,we are not sure how he gonna do it.:Namaste:We will wait and see what gonna happen,but for now,we didn't receive any notification yet.:high-five:
:circle-of-love:Yes,"Made in China",some of them are bad,but not all,still have many goods thing.:thanks:
The Mars Pro series with remote,we found it's not convenient to use,the smart system is complicated,so we do not recommend our cutsomter to go with it.We are keeping upgrade our products,they will be better.:Namaste:If anyone have any opinions about our products,please feel free to tell us.:welcome:
Was actually wondering how the Trump situation would affect you American growers. Was thinking about it because he was talking a lot about toll barriers on products from China. I guess that will make the Mars lamps much more expensive in the US?

I have imported all sorts of stuff from China. There is much that is total shit indeed, but also a lot of quality stuff. I'm totally in love with my Mars lamps. I live in Europe so made in America just means a lot more expensive for me due to insane import taxes :) Guess made in America means the same to you guys as made in Germany means to me. The Germans sure knows how to make quality stuff. But so does Mars-Hydro. I also have a 160 - From the first pro-series. That one has been a working horse for me for many grows. Now temporary retired while I search for a space to put up a mother-tent
:circle-of-love:Thanks for doing that,it will be my pleasure.:cheer:
It sure is Sara. I will keep sending you photos and soon we will have a room full of big buds under the beautiful purple light of Mars :)
:circle-of-love:May i know the name which you used on this forum?because i really can not check out when did you bought the Mars pro 160.:high-five:I want try my best to help:high-five:
The smart system is complicated,everytime when our customer want to buy this light,we will recommed them go with the switchable one instead,and explain the remote system problem.Also we didn't stock goods for the remote one at any of our international warehouse.:Namaste:
I love my pro 160 . I had a driver go out about 2 weeks after I got it and Sara got me a new under 5 days. The only thing I hate about it is the remote . It is awful. I think most would agree the remote sucks .. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't sometimes the routine works sometimes it doesn't which is OK for veg but in flower it's not a good thing. Yeah I think with Trump Mars panels will have to go up in price and once that happens Thier apeal will fade quickly . That's why I bought the pro 160 in the first place is because it was cheap. Once the taxs are imposes it won't be good for Mars . Because there are far better options out there. Once you get into the upper end led panels and diy Cobb kits
we always need a change ,but only we it really come,we will know it goods or not.Hope this change will be good.:high-five:
Yep your right. I'm sure it will affect Mars a good bit. But my country has been getting screwed over for the last twenty years in trading. It's time for a change . Our country isn't as rich as some think. We need fucking jobs and real leader I think we have one now

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Several containers already on the way to USA,and also other international warehouse.:cheer: Mr president want to raise the import tax,but he still need some times to process,so let's wait and see.Like you said it will be good to keep the USA company stay in US,also will have many influence.:Namaste:
Death and Taxes LOL. @Sara I better order that container full of mars lights soon before Triumph reigns on my parade. Mars is not owned by multi national graduates of the Chicago school of economics is it? I did not think so. About 30 years ago good old usa raised the price of imports and screwed out of a sweet deal I had on imports from Taiwan owned clothing company. I know Iknow.. child labor etc etc..just sayin that as a very small us company trying to do business I keep getting screwed by local politics... why raise tariffs ? just make those huge multi national US owned companies like walmart stay in USA. I'm sure China agrees with that! But no, THEY are planning to build 2000 walmarts in Mehico soon while screwing the small business with high tariffs.
Yes the remote series are not good to use,even i don't know how to use it right always.Everytime i need to consult with our engineer.:Namaste:
Agreed. The remote totally sucks. It made my growth re-veg after a month in bloom and I had to harvest everything premature to save it. The remote would change the lamp settings now and then. Usually once an month or so. What I did to stop that from happening was to program the lamp and then remove the batteries from the remote control. After that I had no problems. I still love how you can customize everything on those though. For example when I am going to use it for a mother-tent I can possibly customize the strength of light to make them grow faster/slower according to my needs
:high-five:I'm sure there are some solutions there,only when it really happen,then we will know how to deal with it.:high-five:Yes,Europe is a big market.:high-five:
They'll continue to sell in Canada, Europe, Australia and so on. The European market is huge
It will be great.:cheer:
Yea they will be fine . But alot of loss of revenue off the top from the USA and our boom of legalizing weed alot of places

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I think that day will come soon:Namaste:
Hoping that boom will spread to us on this continent as well. Until then I keep growing as DeVille instead of my real name. I could go to prison for years for this shit
I found that a safe way to use the Pro 160 is to program it, then remove battery and put the remote away completely until it need a new program. That way the lamp will keep the correct program forever. The idea with remote and a light you can adjust after your preferences is great. But sadly it was buggy - You should re-make the remote and give it better software. I love my Mars pro 160

Yes the remote series are not good to use,even i don't know how to use it right always.Everytime i need to consult with our engineer.:Namaste:
I will contact you tomorrow Sara. When I looked at the photos I noticed that two of the red bulbs are also dead. I did not notice this before. So I will go out in the grow-room when lights go on again in 9 hours and 46 minutes :) Then I will check the entire lamp to see if more bulbs are dead. If you look closely on this photo, you can see also two reds are dead


If one of the cup diodes not work,it will not affect the whole light,just change that section.We can arrange it for as soon as possible.:high-five:Do you want we send to you within this week?
I think we will know it soon,as he already took office:high-five:
I don't know when he will raise taxes for u all but good luck

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Sorry folks :) I did not mean to start a political debate. It was just a thought since Mars-Hydro is Chinese and all. Personally I refuse to talk politics in such a forum. That is bound to create a bad mood for everybody. We're here to learn from each other how to grow marijuana, not to fight about politics. I am not gonna flag any political views whatsoever in here

Lol say what u want idc about you. He just got in office . I will not discuss politics in here for the simple reason of people like u that are all butt hurt !! Lol bye hater

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