Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:circle-of-love:I'm glad to hear that your girls are loving the light.::cheer:Yes,time will tell,i'm sure your girls will surprise you more:cheer:
Thanks for the welcome :) it seems to be pretty good actually. I was a bit alarmed at how cool it actually runs as I'm used to battling heat with HID'S.

The plants so far seem to be loving it, I have been using both the grow and bloom switches simultaneous since they sprouted on a 20/4 cycle, it's incredibly bright and with such minor electric consumption you just can't grumble.

Only time will tell but I'm really excited to see how they turn out in flower, I will be topping NL down to the third node in about 5 days or so, whereas I will be letting northern express and MK ultra grow El Naturel due to pot sizes.

Overall verdict so far is really impressed, only time will tell though .

Happy growing!

The tap water here is terrible...i'm always afriad some insect will jump out of it oneday...:volcano-smiley:
They look great man and I am a huge fan of everything biobizz any questions ask away. Dependin on the ppm of your water you are giving you may want to invest in a cal mag. Where I live I seem to have enough in my tap water. Alg-a-mic is there cal/mag sea weed stuff but be warned it may turn brown after opening depends on how old it is.
:circle-of-love:Both lights have their advantages:
Mars II uses glass cover ,Reflector uses reflection board,the gap is wider on Reflector than MarsII. So Reflector will cover more area but MarsII will have stronger intensity on average area.:high-five:
Your more than welcome .
And I'm also loving the saving of energy with use of the LEDs and heat wise it's a god send !

You have some nice strains going there man can't wait to see how they turn out please be sure to post some pics in the thread for us to have a look see

I've heard good things about the reflectors but I chose to go with the Mars series 2 line and am very happy with them

I also topped mine and have brilliant results witch no doubt you will also !
Happy growing and have a bless evening .

Happy growing .
So the tap water in your location is ideal for growing.:bravo:I may need some for myself.:volcano-smiley:
I dont even know anything about mine pH/ppm/e.c. goes from tap to bottle then mixed then plants and no problems so far :rofl:
:goodjob:It's cool,don't afraid of hurting my eyes anymore,haha:cheer: Nice pics.:thanks:
I received My Mars glasses today. am impressed. they are large enough to fit over my glasses comfortably.
I took pics through them 1st time I was able to show the 144's in action. today is day 30 for My girls Happy birthday
:circle-of-love:Hi jimmyclone,the paypal only will settle accounts by USD only,no matter what currency you are using,paypal will convert to USD at the final payment.:Namaste:
We show different currency on our stores before(it's just for customer checking),but as the currency exchange rate is always changing and the paypal will change the currency automaticly at the final payment,so now we show USD on all of our stores.:high-five:
I tried to buy 2 reflector 192s on mars's canadian site and everything was ok until i tried to pay..... They tried to convert my price through paypal to us dollars... There is no way im paying thay price in usd.. It clearly has the canadian flag in the corner and even above the price it says (CA) by the panel.. Sara can u help on this issue? I would like to buy 2 of these but not in USD.. Also if a price on a canadian website is being sold in USD, it must say beside the actual price xxx.xx USD... As you can see from the screen shots its in canadian, not american..

Nowhere on here does it say US dollars...
Help please...
Thank You

Paypal can only accept USD payment,and they will convert the currency by paypal currency exchange rate automatically.:high-five:
Hmm they best straighten this out before i make a purchase as it states Canadian Prices and should be a converted to USD as that would be bogus pricing.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
Paypal can only accept USD payment,and they will convert the currency by paypal currency exchange rate automatically.:high-five:
So basically Mars Hydro uses USD as their currency and not the Chinese Dollar.

Problem is when its advertised in CDN we exspect to pay in CDN price not a coversion to USD.

I know its just business, but make sure all websites show the price in USD nothing else.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
We are sorry for the inconvenient that we were out of work at weekend:Namaste:PM sent.
I sent an email. To marshydro with no response..... Hoping Sara can help here....

:circle-of-love:The price on our website is right,just when you make your payment ,the paypal will exchange your currency by paypal currency exchange rate automatically to USD.:high-five:
Tried again to purchase. As soon as i go to pay, paypal shoes this..

You cannot advertise a price on a Canadian website in another form of currency without stating it beside the cost... Mars better be standing up and selling me these units at this price...

814 USD = 1,069 CDN
870 CND = 1,142 USD

Now thats for same product listed as i want, now you tell me the problem there?

We Canadians will pay more when the CDN price is converted to USD instead of paying the USD price?

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
As the paypal currency exchange rate is changing,if paypal collect the final payment as customers local currency,the price will always changing.It will be more complicated for our customer.:high-five:
And now we only show USD on our official website.:Namaste:
I had the same issue. Couldn't get around it as they wouldn't budge. I bought when the sale was on and the cost rose almost 10% when I tried to pay. I ended up paying about $100au more than advertised
Please do not worry,for all of our customers,they can make payment by there countries currency,and the payment will convert to USD at the final payment.:Namaste:
If they dont budge i will be contacting the BBB of Canada, they cant do this.. And obviously need to be taught

As the paypal currency exchange rate is changing,if paypal collect the final payment as customers local currency,the price will always changing.It will be more complicated for our customer.:high-five:
And now we only show USD on our official website.:Namaste:
I just went to Mars Hydros website and posted here about the CDN price and USD price.

Big difference if i paid the USD price over the CDN price is about 100.00 difference.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
As the paypal currency exchange rate is changing,if paypal collect the final payment as customers local currency,the price will always changing.It will be more complicated for our customer.:high-five:
And now we only show USD on our official website.:Namaste:
Is it too difficult to allow customers to pay in their local currency? I'm not an international retailer so I dont know how hard it is but it seems there may be less confusion if you charged in the local currency
:thanks:Thanks for your understand.All the payments will be USD.:high-five:
It has to do with the current exchange rate to be honest they should of just left it in usd since even I have to pay in usd over here. But it actually works to my advantage since the euro is a bit more than the usd for the time being.
On a canadian website sara, prices must be in Canadian dollars.. So if your saying paypal is converting it to US, then can u send me a link to pay with my credit card in canadian? This is a big difference in cost for us canadians. I will not buy lights for mars unless it is in Canadian dollars.. I tried to pay through the website directly with my card, but it wont allow me..

If you buy our lights,all currency will exchange to USD,will not change to your home currency.:high-five:
Hi Jimmy clone. From what I see the price is in US.Dollars. It is then converted to Ca. Dollars on PayPal. It is the same here in EU. Price in dollars and then PayPal converts to home currency.
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