Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hi Jimmy clone. From what I see the price is in US.Dollars. It is then converted to Ca. Dollars on PayPal. It is the same here in EU. Price in dollars and then PayPal converts to home currency.
Mars hydro can't advertise a price on a Canadian website without stating specificly that it is in usd. Nowhere on my screen shots does it say usd until you get to paypal. This is false advertising, and is not allowed here. Right at the top it says "Canadian store ships to Canada ", so this is their canadian store. Prices must be in Canadian unless othwise specified..
Which there not..

Mars hydro can't advertise a price on a Canadian website without stating specificly that it is in usd. Nowhere on my screen shots does it say usd until you get to paypal. This is false advertising, and is not allowed here. Right at the top it says "Canadian store ships to Canada ", so this is their canadian store. Prices must be in Canadian unless othwise specified..
Which there not..


Its the same as if you walk into a Canadian Store you pay the price Advertised in Canadian unless otherwise posted.

Mars better correct this as its listed in Canadian Prices therefore NO CONVERSION to any other currency is allowed.

I want to buy from them Soon Very Soon, but not if its a Hit and Run on your money.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
Check out this Norhern lights plant growing like hell towards these magic lamps :)

Considering to top it to get a more even canopy before I induce flowering?

Anyway - SmokeSara - Another image for you :)
Philippine also not allowed grow cannabis,right?

Have you heard of President Duterte and the Philippine Death Squads? Since he took office last year there have been over 6000 users and sellers killed by police and vigilante groups mostly for shabu (methamphetamine manufactured in labs owned by Chinese nationals). Almost 70k users have turned themselves in rather than being eliminated by Duterte.

There is cannabis in the Philippines grown mostly out doors in the mountains. Needless to say it's very low profile.

I do know of some people who grow lettuce hydroponically using Leds. never heard of any one growing cannabis using lights.
Cannabis-art under the beautiful purple light of the Mars pro II 320 :)

Some more photos for you @SmokeSara


The leaf of Big Bud


Pure Power Plant
:circle-of-love:Our light are using red,blue and white diodes.:high-five:
Sara...Cannabis doesnt need green but it sure does use it. There is always some green in the lights spectrum but some have not enough.

I have no idea how much green spectrum is in the mars lights. It could be great. It could be very little. None the less cannabis does use green. It may not need it to live or grow but it does use it for functions.

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Our lights spectrum:440nm, 460nm, 630nm ,660nm,730nm(IR), 2400k-3000k :high-five:
Like you mentioned,we also heared some news about he green spectrum,but the test is more important.
Our engineer had tested the green spectrum before,it's not a big difference.We will make some green spectrum light to test if it is really good for growing cannabis again,cos most of our custoemr said they do not need green spectrum.:high-five:
Green Light (500 nm - 600nm) There has been quite a bit of research on how different spectrums affect plant growth, especially over the last decade by researchers at NASA trying to find a way to grow plants most efficiently in space with LED grow lights.
We have long known that plants need at least red and blue light to grow normally, but recent discoveries have found that green light, while not the most efficient spectrum for photosynthesis, has a significant effect on how plants grow.
Green light has been shown to be involved in seedling and vegetative development, the initiation of the flowering stage, CO2/water usage, stem growth and overall plant height. There's probably more we don't know about yet!
But like the other spectrums, plants seem to want just the right amount of green light for the best growth, not too much or not too little. After many experiments with green light, the NASA Biological Sciences research group has reported that light sources consisting of more than 50% green cause plants to grow slower, though combinations including up to 24% green actually enhances growth for some plants.
When we develop our lights we will gathering ideas and growing opinions from all growers,and also do the research.But the growing experience is more important than the research,right?Sure we did the test in our labor too.
Spectrum is very important to a LED light,we make decision by combine the growing experience, the research and the tests.:high-five:
Although your plant can respond to green light in some ways, it can't "see" green when it comes to photoperiods and knowing when it's day or night. So you can actually use green light to look at your plants in the dark and it won't interrupt their dark period at all! Use green light to check on plants in the dark so you don't disturb their sleep!

Some of the most expensive LED panels out there that do proper research include green in their lights for that reason. I'm in no way saying Mars lights aren't great...Just sayin
:circle-of-love:You are so nice to me,thanks for your support.:thanks:
So you have the old models with the least amount of spectrum you. For one the lights you have are 2 years old Can't blame your misfortune on Mars more your own growing skill if you have had bad experience as you can see from about 50 of our journals we have NO PROBLEMS , and green led people use when there plants sleep ! Lol so more so dumping on your self pal all you had to do is message Sara who btw is top notch ! And your issue would have. Been solved that's twice now you fire shots with and here's an evidenced based opinion my Mars have uv and ir diodes also green lol would you like a photo to clear up your misconception ?? And I showed you evidence on what they do but here it is again as you must have missed it taking a dump on your self
. I'm sorry but no matter what you say Sara doesn't deserve this does she ? All she does every day is help rude people like your self that are frustrated and lash out like kids Sara doesn't have to do this but she does day in and day out so you can't base your judgments on 2 year old lights when people
On here have older ones and have no issues at all , and with in them two years they have filled in the spectrum firstly I think you owe Sara an apology as she doesn't own Mars and shouldn't have to deal with when people go like you as what would you do if somebody talked to your mum that way or your sister ? Nuff said you've had your rant if nothing nice to say the say nothing at all and please leave our lovely Mars LEDs thread ! Also if you wasn't happy with the spectrum 2 years ago I seriously doubt you would be buying again so that's your issue

Happy growing .
When we develop our lights we will gathering ideas and growing opinions from all growers,and also do the research.But the growing experience is more important than the research,right?Sure we did the test in our labor too.
Spectrum is very important to a LED light,we make decision by combine the growing experience, the research and the tests.:high-five:
Can you produce a light that can grow the cannabis in 1 months time fully grown and harvest?

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
I think Mars should be putting some effort into research and development into a COB series light(if they're not already)...seems to be what experienced growers are leaning towards, if they go with LED...I don't follow this thread religiously...but...when I do pop in...I'm seeing more complaints than in the past!??...I think these issues should be a priority and maybe a resolve posted to such, as to dispel any negative thoughts a potential customer may have developed a product that sells...keep improving...and support your disrespect...just constructive criticism...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
:circle-of-love:Welcome Locoschmoko,she grow fast...everyday is changing:bravo:
High all! Hope everyone is well! I'm a long time forum stalker and thought I would post my set up.

I'm not doing an actual journal due to not having the time to commit to it due to family commitments etc but after circumstances changed I had to drop my 90x90x180 tent with 400w MH/HPS set up for a very discreet cupboard grow. After a lot of research I opted for the Mars Hydro 48 reflector as it would fit my space perfectly.

I'm currently growing 3 different autos in 3 different sized containers for the hell of it;

Sensi Seeds NL Auto in 3 gal pot
Fast Buds Northern Express in 2L pot
And TH Seeds MK Ultra auto in a 16oz party cup!

I want to see how the different pot sizes effect flowering and yield, in an ideal world I would have used 3 of the same strain for a proper test/comparison but hey... I'm greedy and like variety :)

All are grown in Biobizz light mix using Biobizz grow, bloom and TOPMAX. I'll post in this forum again when all 3 are harvested which will be around mid March.

Sensi NL day 11


Fast buds Northern Express day 7


TH Seeds MK Ultra Auto



Happy growing everyone! . .

I think Mars should be putting some effort into research and development into a COB series light(if they're not already)...seems to be what experienced growers are leaning towards, if they go with LED...I don't follow this thread religiously...but...when I do pop in...I'm seeing more complaints than in the past!??...I think these issues should be a priority and maybe a resolve posted to such, as to dispel any negative thoughts a potential customer may have developed a product that sells...keep improving...and support your disrespect...just constructive criticism...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
The Mars II Pro lights are COB

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
:circle-of-love:It's no problem,we all believe what we have.And this is the wonderful point of this forum,we can share our ideas and opinions,so we can know many different stuffs out there,from a different view.:bravo:
Thank gawd that's all over .. sorry for clogging up the thread guys and girls and sorry Sara for being off subject back to Mars led subject

Happy growing .
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