Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Defol and topping will enable the plants stretch out enough,and more branches,also the lower leaves can get more lights...:goodjob:
Anything is achievable just be sure to use the biggest pots you can on the autos for a bigger plant/yeild what's your space size I'm
Still looking for a decent cbd strain for you there's so so much to choose from
But only that sugar gom was the high levels you wanted and sadly been discontinued .. you can do some topping and training to help the yeild so the light gets every were on the plant. I'm going to be giving mine another heavy defol in next day or two I've already got 1kg of leafs from defol in the freezer for butter and other experiments down the line .

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Awesome to hear can you post your setup and were they high CBD strains?

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User

You can look in my signature below and click on the one that says 6 auto 4 strain. My setup I run now starts on page 14. I use all 7 gallon air pots.
:goodjob:4pcs Reflector 144...Can i visit your growing room?:cheer:
Just updated My Grow Journal for the Cup

Day 24
I thought it will be big different...:volcano-smiley:
I've also noticed most autos I've grown have pretty much the same taste. There are of course small differences between each strain but its like everything is made from the same mother plant.

Sent from my Z987 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Humm..Mars II 1600 is ok,i would recommend you go with Mars Pro II Epistar320:high-five: You will get good yield,but i'm not sure if you get as many as you planed...there are many other factors for growing...:Namaste:
Omg SmokeSara

will the mars II 1600 in a 5 x 5 x 8 tent yield the results i looking for?

Nutes FF trio blend
bending branches, defoiling
use molasses in last 2 weeks but flush in last week.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
Hi fanleaf,i'm fine...Last few days was busy...Chinese New Year is coming...and the Vegas Cannabis Cup is coming...:cheer:
How are you doing these days Sara? Just want to let you know I'm still going and will send you report soon.
Humm..Mars II 1600 is ok,i would recommend you go with Mars Pro II Epistar320:high-five: You will get good yield,but i'm not sure if you get as many as you planed...there are many other factors for growing...:Namaste:
Ok i know other factors matter but as long as i can get a pound out of 4-6 plants i fine with that in 3 months.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
Mars II 1600 Draw power:110V Bloom: 704.7w±5%,Mars Pro II Epistar 320Draw power:110V Bloom:740W±5% ,and Mars Pro II Epistar with better built-up compare to Mars II.
It will depends on the size of how big your plant will be...:Namaste:
Lol thks so 1 x 320 light in a 5 x 5 x 8 mars tent would this be enough lighting for 4-6 plants Autos or non-autos?

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
There's some auto that only give quarter ounce. I hate autoflowers, they are so inconsistant with yeild, I've grown the same strain side in the same room and same lights and got extreme wieghs differences with 36gram being the highest and 6 grams being the lowest. Trust me when I say stick with photosensitive plants if you want anything close to a consistent wieght

Sent from my Z987 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

hate to say it but all those problems aren't the seeds fault. Many experienced growers haul in more bud with autos than you can with photos simply because you can turn around every 60 days give or take. I don't know if you purposely picked autos that just don't yield or what but I've never had an auto with a piss poor yield like that. Don't give auto's a bad name just because you don't know how to grow them. I grow both but your yields are obviously not the plants fault.
4-6.5 ounces dry every single time
All autos and that was a low harvest.

That weight is from 6 autos
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