Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

The bin itself doesn't stink. I got concerned when I lifted the lid and saw liquid at a higher level than I wanted. Well its a big freaking bin that I can't move on my own and I didn't want the worms to drown so I figured "well drill a hole below the liquid line and let it drain out". Well 15 minutes later I could hardly stand the pee stench. I will add it to my outdoor garden just to be safe!

I add carrots, egg shells, other veggie peels, some tater scraps (that I have to stop adding cause they are freaking rooting and throwing up shoots along with the carrot tops) and occasionally some cooked rice that doesn't get eaten. No dairy and no meats.
All those additives sound issues there.

Just sounds like you need more media to absorb whatever excess water there is...worms won't drown as long as there is "high ground" :rofl:

I had more liquid than I wanted at one point and I tossed in some dry coir...sucked that shit right up....
Will that collect more than I put in there to begin with?
no...what goes in comes out, just in different form (even though I tend to see worms using more moisture than creating it)

you are all good...just add some dry brown matter and keep going.

Dryer lint is also good....
Well when the worm tea is done draining, I am going to slap on some Flex all tape on the holes. Then if I need to drain it in the future I can just cut a whole and seal it again when I am done.

After the batches of soil are done, I will add a little drain tap to it so I have easy access to drain any excess moisture.
Well when the worm tea is done draining, I am going to slap on some Flex all tape on the holes. Then if I need to drain it in the future I can just cut a whole and seal it again when I am done.

After the batches of soil are done, I will add a little drain tap to it so I have easy access to drain any excess moisture.
I can't wait to see those Stanberry's in your GH... If they go anything like vans, you will have solid colas touching the roof!

great worm info as well! Screen shot most of it for future reference, thanks guys!

and thanks for the smoking times! I can't wait to raise my own meat, not sure ill enjoy sending them to slaughter, but they will live the best life until then and feed the family after.

Usually my old man runs the smoker.... Lol years ago, when my grandpa was alive, had everyone up for a big fathers days... Smoked turkey... Yummy.... Things were looking awfully Smokey... Opened the lid on the traegar and the entire thing was engulfed in flames lol, not sure what happened, needless to say old man was on the phone to traegar the monday morning, president of company called him back and there was a new one there by end of the week.

@smokesbetter plants are looking good!are you going to start a journal?

Same here after being married for who knows how many years I still get the wife's elbow in the ribs while trying to carry on a conversation with people. She says I'm rude being so up front with them.
My first boss that gave me a chance into upper management said that's what he liked about me. Said he didn't want a yes man and knew i would tell him exactly what was on my mind. I knew he still made the final decision and had to carry it out the best i could but he always wanted to here the good with the bad. He eventually made me vice president of his company. And i hardly ever said yes in getting there.

that's awesome he made you vp! And ya I am use to getting the cut eye when I start talking lol our/wife's business is raising/training horses... I've pushed her and supported her attempt to make a career out of it.. But man some of these horsey peopleo_O... what ever happened to common sense? It's a rare thing in this day and age.

have a great day all! Sorry post doobie response, loosens the tongue lol
I can't wait to see those Stanberry's in your GH... If they go anything like vans, you will have solid colas touching the roof!

Yep, they should have plenty of time to get going...I was staring at the ATF today and it is getting big....

I can't wait to raise my own meat, not sure ill enjoy sending them to slaughter, but they will live the best life until then and feed the family after.

We always say our pigs have one bad day! I was spraying them with the cold water today and they were loving it in the mud. Pig Heaven.
Woot woot!! I believe that the strain is still a 100% germination success rate! Now lets get you a woman or two of it!
I am pretty confident out of 3 we'll get 1 lady...otherwsie time to buy a lottery ticket.

I was at the hardware store today and saw they were selling Coast of Maine Stonington (haha) Blend for $23.95 for 1.5 ft3. My 350 gallons =46 ft3 which is 30 of those bags = $720. Pays to make your own soil! I looked at the ingredients and I'm like "no basalt or glacial dust?!" :laugh:

Same ingredients except I know where it was sourced and how much is in there (they don't list %). AND...I have basalt and glacial dust...:cool:
We always say our pigs have one bad day! I was spraying them with the cold water today and they were loving it in the mud. Pig Heaven.

what sort of process do you use at the end? Ship them to butcher ? Or someone comes to farm? Or do you do it yourself?

I told my wife you should just wear a shirt labelled "Cannabis Grower" if you are buying that!

lol I think everyone is thinking that when I'm in the garden centre.... Maybe I'm just a paranoid pothead lol

if the weather cooperates I'm gonna be mixing up soil for my new veggie gardens this weekend, will have to go back and check out your ingredients blew, a penny saved is better than nothing... I know ive got a bag of glacial dust but that's about it right now lol
what sort of process do you use at the end? Ship them to butcher ? Or someone comes to farm? Or do you do it yourself?

We take them to a processor..

lol I think everyone is thinking that when I'm in the garden centre.... Maybe I'm just a paranoid pothead lol...if the weather cooperates I'm gonna be mixing up soil for my new veggie gardens this weekend, will have to go back and check out your ingredients blew, a penny saved is better than nothing... I know ive got a bag of glacial dust but that's about it right now lol

Well, it's legal here but I am in a small town so not only do they know you...they know where you live...anyone driving by our GH can smell it! Mostly, they would mock you for wasting $24!

Start with good compost and go from there...
thanks blew! Sorry I like to ask alot of questions... More than one way to skin a cat, so I like to know what others do so I can be educated when I finally have the opportunity to pursue things.

compost is definitely key. It's going to be interesting watching the new beds vs the old beds... Old beds have bottom foot and a half of compost I dug out of the 15yr old manure pile on the farm we were leasing.... Don't have access to that anymore so it will be mostly sheep manure... Half tempted to call my friend with a sheep farm and see if I can load the pickup instead of buying bags now that it is on my mind.. But its a solid 45min there and anlther 45back .... I need more time in the day lol
thanks blew! Sorry I like to ask alot of questions... More than one way to skin a cat, so I like to know what others do so I can be educated when I finally have the opportunity to pursue things.

compost is definitely key. It's going to be interesting watching the new beds vs the old beds... Old beds have bottom foot and a half of compost I dug out of the 15yr old manure pile on the farm we were leasing.... Don't have access to that anymore so it will be mostly sheep manure... Half tempted to call my friend with a sheep farm and see if I can load the pickup instead of buying bags now that it is on my mind.. But its a solid 45min there and anlther 45back .... I need more time in the day lol
Ask away...I ask a shit is short and lots to learn.

I just got 5 bucket loads of horse manure from my neighbor...they have 2x horses and that adds up. They are selling the house (fingers crossed someone cool buys it) and I think the realtor asked them to clean out the manure, so they called me with the smaller tractor to get the last small piles. I skimmed off the top 2-3" of dirt/composted horse manure from the last 20 years! I felt like a thief, but I was actually doing them a favor. It was like Lebonese Hash....:p

I used to just add coir/perlite/vermicluite (for water retention and aeration) and greensand and myco... @Van Stank suggested basalt and glacial rock dust, which I not? He adds some more things that I don't. I grabbed seaweed this year as well and threw that in the bottom of my worm bins. If all goes well, that will be my secret sauce....
And i hardly ever said yes in getting there.

Right on brother. :high-five:

....but it ain't ever gonna keep me from being honest."

Right on guys... I only have 1 policy - honesty. I spend my days in search of truth.

Pretty much it.. my dad was brutally honest probably to a fault. I knew where I stood with him. Very very few people I can say the same about, sadly.

My wife, if asked would tell me how it is but she likes to avoid controversy or argument which I respect. All I gotta do is ask tho... then sorry I asked!

RE: worm Leachate (liquid)

Can dilute with water and water in, if it smells try 5:1 water:lecheate

Smelly stuff ... if you have a compost pile can add it to that (outdoor gardens too) or I would just dilute and water in. I wouldn't use in a compost tea. Too many bad bacteria (smells), that you would be multiplying in a tea. You need A LOT OF OXYGEN (big ass air pump 950CFM or so - I use that!) to fix it. Not worth it.

The leachate really really good but its best when it doesn't smell. Reason for smell its been in there longer. Put a tap on the btm of the container and drain it every other day. The smell should go away.

If you're getting a lot of liquid add more dry bedding and dont add water. If you're putting kitchen scraps in there every day, there should be enough moisture from those inputs.

Google "worm lecheate"; its common and a good thing. Thats stuff is even better than the worm castings. Like everything tho, moderation. Cleanliness/Godliness thing too!

On the tater scraps - just do peelings. Taters have a bacteria on the outside that keeps the fruit from getting composted. Kinda makes sense, eh? Food for thought. All root crops have this on the outside of the fruit. So the best way to compost them is to only do peels and if you gonna throw larger pieces in, cut them up some. mix in some more bedding material.

Root crops are the hardest thing to compost. I've had sweet potatoes got a year in the bin and not decompose. Once they are shredded with the screen I put them thru = golden. The peels, the bacteria get at it from the inside.
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