Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Ok, It's been a while since updating because...Spring! Gets busy, doesn't it?

A lot of stuff is on cruise control so I find myself in the GH kinda of puttering and admiring ...the large soil pots seem to never need water (I haven't watered in 6 days) and I am hopeful this will be the added advantage come August (with massive root balls and higher temps)....first the Stanks....DTF, so far the leader in size and growth (ATF close second)...she's in a 30-gallon pot.

ATF, also growing fast...30-gallon pot

Kushberry, slow to start but with months ahead of her...looking strong...20-gallon pot (in front on second pic)

The Stankberry? As Austin Powers said "That's a man, man!" She was yanked and is currently vermicompsoting. 2x Stankberry in soil waiting to take her place...not sure who at this point gets the vacated 45-gallon. Lemonchello Haze? CBD Cheese and Cream? Stay tuned as we have a few more weeks to decide....

Carnival...looking good in her 45-gallon pot

Blueberry, happy in her 30-gallon pot

Critical, liking her 30-gallon pot

White her 20-gallon...she was meant for a friend, but I might keep her and give him a clone...;)

(WW on the right)

And adding a delicious fragrance to the GH are the almost ready to harvest autos:

NLxBB and Alien Mephisto

Also new autos in their 10-gallon pots with some Stankberrys germing and Lemonchello Haze and CBD C/C popped enjoying the sunlight...

More autos germing in 10-gallon pots with some poly to keep them warm....actually had one @SeedsMan Skunk #1 auto and Coffee Ryder not pop...which surprised me...guess I'm spoiled with their normally high germ rate.

And lastly, new chicks. We had a fox take down ALL of the last batch in an unexpected coop infiltration....bummer.

man that sucks about your chicks! Damn foxes, so beautiful though, guess they gotta eat ... 4-5 years ago, we were leasing a farm, coyotes are over populated in our area... Our apt was over the barn... Just so happened to glance out the window and saw the bugger stalking the owners half blind/deaf older dog... Grabbed my shoes and my two dogs.... Mine almost got him, quick scrap, and he took off for the forest, let them run it to the treeline and called them off, never know how many are lurkin.

greenhouse looks awesome blew, those girls are all going to explode for you! if we ever find time for a vacation im coming to visit lol you've got an awesome little paradise there!
man that sucks about your chicks! Damn foxes, so beautiful though, guess they gotta eat ... 4-5 years ago, we were leasing a farm, coyotes are over populated in our area... Our apt was over the barn... Just so happened to glance out the window and saw the bugger stalking the owners half blind/deaf older dog... Grabbed my shoes and my two dogs.... Mine almost got him, quick scrap, and he took off for the forest, let them run it to the treeline and called them off, never know how many are lurking. greenhouse looks awesome blew, those girls are all going to explode for you! if we ever find time for a vacation im coming to visit lol you've got an awesome little paradise there!

Thanks for the GH snaps @Pjs420...I am definitely looking forward to this summer and seeing what happens. My first grow was last summer and I just held on for the ride. Hoping there were some lessons learned and, more importantly, improvements made in my methodology.

Yes, I was pissed I lost those chicks. Sucks worse for them, but nonetheless it was my responsibility to keep them alive. I am definitely surrounded by all sorts of things that go bump in the night. Just spoke to a guy the other day that had his coop door ripped a bear! My coop could actually withstand a bear (I think)...but I was brazen enough to think it was too early to setup the electric fence.
We like growing enough for friends!

Also, our law allows us to stockpile all we grow, so we just store it in half gallon mason jars in out root cellar...

Hey there Blew.... popping in to say high... ^^^ that right there. 6 flowering plants per house hold and stockpile is exactly how I do it (well 6-7 BIG plants). Can make a living doing it that way if all top shelf.

Me thinks that Stanberry is a bro, bro

blew said:
Very interesting timeline with some hilarity thrown in...I laughed hard when reading in 1972, Nixon declared drugs are "America's public enemy #1"...while simultaneously signing a $1B anti-drug bill...
One year later he declared "we have turned the corner on drug addiction"....:rofl:

Yeah Nixon, what a looser that guy was/is/will always be. He's a real fvcktard. Reason why cannabis was declared illegal around the world. Anslinger is another one. If you read the timeline, 1968 they cracked down on cannabis in Vietnam and the soldiers turned to heroin came home addicted and there was a heroin epidemic. Wow! That was Nixon's idea.
I wonder how all the heroin got to NA from SE Asia in the 70s?? Food for thought on a voting day! Hippies didn't bring it in, that's for sure. We were busy with weed!


Blew - good like with your summer rounds... love me some DD hope you get a nice one. Black pheno is good , the green pheno is crazy good but rare.
Hey there Blew.... popping in to say high... ^^^ that right there. 6 flowering plants per house hold and stockpile is exactly how I do it (well 6-7 BIG plants). Can make a living doing it that way if all top shelf. Me thinks that Stanberry is a bro, bro Yeah Nixon, what a looser that guy was/is/will always be. He's a real fvcktard. Reason why cannabis was declared illegal around the world. Anslinger is another one. If you read the timeline, 1968 they cracked down on cannabis in Vietnam and the soldiers turned to heroin came home addicted and there was a heroin epidemic. Wow! That was Nixon's idea. I wonder how all the heroin got to NA from SE Asia in the 70s?? Food for thought on a voting day! Hippies didn't bring it in, that's for sure. We were busy with weed! /rant. Blew - good like with your summer rounds... love me some DD hope you get a nice one. Black pheno is good , the green pheno is crazy good but rare.

Welcome @bobrown14 ..saw you were burning your way up through the thread.

We are still allowed 6/adult, so that allows us 12x in flower. The autos will be done by the time the photos hit flower. One nice exception in our law is that people can grow pot our farm...all we do is "give them permission in writing"...and of course, being a nice guy, I'll look after them! Nothing about how much or who owns the harvest either, which is the sweet loophole. We have a lot of old "back to the land" folks up here (great neighbors btw) so finding interested parties is a non-issue. Which is why I am looking to expand next year...even if the 6x/adult gets dropped to 3x. And, yes, I like the idea of BIG plants!

I'm not sure how to label my politics (and thankfully that chatter is muzzled here on 420) but suffice to say I have no confidence in government looking out for me or mine.

Glad you're in for the ride....:welcome:
Welcome @bobrown14 ..saw you were burning your way up through the thread.

We are still allowed 6/adult, so that allows us 12x in flower. The autos will be done by the time the photos hit flower. One nice exception in our law is that people can grow pot our farm...all we do is "give them permission in writing"...and of course, being a nice guy, I'll look after them! Nothing about how much or who owns the harvest either, which is the sweet loophole. We have a lot of old "back to the land" folks up here (great neighbors btw) so finding interested parties is a non-issue. Which is why I am looking to expand next year...even if the 6x/adult gets dropped to 3x. And, yes, I like the idea of BIG plants!

I'm not sure how to label my politics (and thankfully that chatter is muzzled here on 420) but suffice to say I have no confidence in government looking out for me or mine.

Glad you're in for the ride....:welcome:
Yeah doesn't matter if they are Red or Blue, they are all crooks if they are politicians. Said it before, say it again......whores for hire, every last one of them.

I found an add on I used for a bit on my old computer. Allowed you put your cursor on a politicians name it and it listed all their major campaign donors. Interesting thing was that it didn't matter if it was a republican or democrat, they were all bought and paid for by the same special interest groups. They may not disclose that freely to many of their constituents but that add on was definitely interesting.
Yeah doesn't matter if they are Red or Blue, they are all crooks if they are politicians. Said it before, say it again......whores for hire, every last one of them.

I found an add on I used for a bit on my old computer. Allowed you put your cursor on a politicians name it and it listed all their major campaign donors. Interesting thing was that it didn't matter if it was a republican or democrat, they were all bought and paid for by the same special interest groups. They may not disclose that freely to many of their constituents but that add on was definitely interesting.

All true...
Yeah you gotta love a person that comes into office with a personal net worth of 500k and leaves office 8-16+ years later with a personal net worth of 10+ million dollars on a salary of 174k year.
Yeah you gotta love a person that comes into office with a personal net worth of 500k and leaves office 8-16+ years later with a personal net worth of 10+ million dollars on a salary of 174k year.
Don't forget the millions of OPM they spent getting re-elected as well....
Politicians have two jobs........first one is to get elected. The second one is to get re-elected. The Bastards don't give a crap about anything but those two jobs. They will all lie, cheat, steal and deceive family and friends (if they really had any) to achieve either of those two things and not care about the consequences of their actions.

I have a high opinion of them as you can tell.
Politicians have two jobs........first one is to get elected. The second one is to get re-elected. The Bastards don't give a crap about anything but those two jobs. They will all lie, cheat, steal and deceive family and friends (if they really had any) to achieve either of those two things and not care about the consequences of their actions. I have a high opinion of them as you can tell.

Don't get me started...let's just agree they are all pieces of shit and move on to more inspirational growing cannabis! Or smoking ribs!

Btw, I tried the Famous Dave's beef and chicken rubs (I bought the 3-pack after reading your post)...they were damn good.
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