Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

I filled up the GH with ground cherries this year... as we plan to try an sell some at farmer's markets.... but the frost wiped out all but one.... I thing I lucked into a cold climate mutant, this one as endured 4 or 5 frost and is still green and no damage on the leaves. I'll harvest a lot of seeds from this one and hope the mutation carries over.
Newbie for cannabis and very glad to have found this online resource. We farm here @ 44'N in Maine so we have a lot of infrastructure already (insulated greenhouses and high tunnels) so we are going with what we know (and have) and not investing in lights etc. Maine just passed as law that residents can grow, at any time, twelve (12) mature plants, six (6) flowering plants, and unlimited seedlings. Which is awesome. Also, we are allowed to give away 2.5 oz at any time (and no limit to transactions) to any 21+ adult (without $ in return). Well, there is already a strong barter culture where I am so this, again, is awesome. We have a 12x24' passive solar greenhouse that we normally use for cucumbers and tomatoes but this year we are going to dedicate it to 8-10 cannabis plants and see how we do. As you can see from the attached photos we use aquaponics and, while we plan on using cloth bags this year, it is a nice resource for nitrogen rich watering! Have eight (8) beans which are four (4) of Northern Light Auto and four (4) White Widow Photo. I figured I would play with both and see how they responded to my particular circumstances. Got too excited and germinated one of each on Feb 28 and days late both popped (thanks CKS!). Since days are still lengthening here, I have a 100W CFL hood lamp (from the chicken coop) supplementing until 7pm (so 13 hours daylight). Hoping to transfer these into 2 gallon cloth bags and up-pot to 5 and then 10 gallons.
Luck u great luck it wiil b nicee subbed
I filled up the GH with ground cherries this year... as we plan to try an sell some at farmer's markets.... but the frost wiped out all but one.... I thing I lucked into a cold climate mutant, this one as endured 4 or 5 frost and is still green and no damage on the leaves. I'll harvest a lot of seeds from this one and hope the mutation carries over.

How cold did it get to do that? Def keep those seeds!
Approximately that time as well...but I think we are close here....I almost planted corn yesterday but figured I can wait another week or so. I have oats, buckwheat, and peas in the ground already.
We are starting our planting today. I have to get the cucumbers and squash transplanted outside and gotta start getting the other stuff seeded into the beds. Gotta transplant the maters too but I might transplant them and grow them indoors for another week or so.
We are starting our planting today. I have to get the cucumbers and squash transplanted outside and gotta start getting the other stuff seeded into the beds. Gotta transplant the maters too but I might transplant them and grow them indoors for another week or so.
Ever think of breeding ATF tomatoes? o_O
How cold did it get to do that? Def keep those seeds!
It got down to -1 then down to -4 (which took out everyone else) and a couple more frost -1/2. I'll take a bunch of seeds from this one.
I like their stuff as well...but @ $5-6 a bag...

I buy it and use the CoM Lobster Compost and amend it with rock dusts and other goodies. Pretty good stuff. Dont think I ever bought a bag of "soil" mix. Easier and cheaper to just buy a few bails of CSPM and add compost and rock dust to it & mix.

Or a few yards of mushroom soil if I wanna feel like shovel is my friend.
GH Update - Well, it looks like updates are going to be approximately weekly as there is not a whole lot to do but train them in their tomato cages, water them weekly, and give them breathing room! Night temps outdoors have still been dipping in the 40's and are expected to dip in the high 30's growing in a GH is essential this time of year where I am. I lost an Amnesia auto and a Lemonchello Haze photo due to low temps (my mistake) otherwise everyone is looking HEARTY! Waiting to see the sex of the 2x Stankberries (one is going in the 45-gallon) and adding 1-2x more autos in the coming week (one is for a comparative grow of the Brooklyn Sunrise Auto here).

I think this is the last update with the downward looking shots...I had to stand on a 5-gallon bucket this time :)

ATF @Day 65....

Critical @ Day 50...

Carnival @ Day 50....

DTF @ Day 65....

Kushberry @ Day 60....

Blueberry @ Day 50...

White Widow @ Day 50...

Autos @ Week 12-13...almost ready to harvest (but smelling so great I am dragging my feet)

New Autos and Seedlings....

"Before" shot of GH ...while you can still maneuver!

Close-ups of Carnival training (like all the rest) in the tomato cages....

Lastly...sleeping GH chicks...

Your girls are getting yuge! I love those gigantic fan leaves! Your garden is looking happy and healthy. Thanks for including the baby chicks pic...they are adorable.
It is the calm before the storm! I am slowly maneuvering things while I some point it will all grow into one another (in a good way). The chicks feel the Zen of the space....I stop in often for a few minutes for a quick mental reset..
Damn Blew!!! You are killing it in that Greenhouse brother! Those leaves are impressive as hell man! So are the plants! :Sniffle: They grow up so fast! You are going to yield very very well! So glad to see these strains performing this well for you.
Nice to have those vicious guard chicks. Nothing's going to bother those plants. Looking good in the GH blew. Keep it up

Yes, hopefully I can keep this batch of chicks alive....

Sorry to hear about the snooping cops in your state...God forbid they actually, you know, protect and serve...
Damn Blew!!! You are killing it in that Greenhouse brother! Those leaves are impressive as hell man! So are the plants! :Sniffle: They grow up so fast! You are going to yield very very well! So glad to see these strains performing this well for you.
Thanks Van. Yes, they are looking thin from the side shots, but that is only because they are spread wide on the inside and will fill in over the next (gulp) 3 months!

I lost a Lemonchello Haze seedling due to low temps (I suspect) and I was going to throw that in a 30-gallon. If both those Stankberrys are male I am putting one in the 30 and the other in the 45....:)
Praying for a girl stankberry for you. We finished the final trim on it last damn sticky and smells so freaking good.
Well, it's why I dropped 2x...figured enough fvcking about...I want a female! If there are 2x females then even better...
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