I'd reveg her one more time Jim. I hear you can expect improvement. Wouldn't you like to find out?
I'd reveg her one more time Jim. I hear you can expect improvement. Wouldn't you like to find out?

Naw....I always wanted to be an explorer. Keep searching for the absolute best. That's the ticket.

Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg

Flower Day 55

Well, all that's left is the re-veg girls and they're in the home stretch. Every one of the girls has amber trichomes and it's just a guessing game for me when to take them down (or rather, hang them upside down). I haven't even looked in the drying chamber this morning to see how the JH buds are doing. The big issue here is couch lock and will I like that every time I dig one of these buds out. Supposedly, these next few days is when the bud weight will be added. What's a novice grower to do? LOL

The sun is out and I think it's supposed to be 100 F here today after a couple days of cloud cover.

Anyway, here's a close up and all look like this except the WW. She has amber but still developing pistils and probably wants to fox tail a bit. Buds are fat and heavy.

That's a significant amount of amber going there Jim. Keep us posted as to the different effects. I never let mine get this amber so I have no way to compare, but I've always been curious. Just not curious enough to let any of mine get to couch lock. I had enough of that during my Baggie days. All I'm looking for anymore is uplifting, cerebral, zippy.
That's a significant amount of amber going there Jim. Keep us posted as to the different effects. I never let mine get this amber so I have no way to compare, but I've always been curious. Just not curious enough to let any of mine get to couch lock. I had enough of that during my Baggie days. All I'm looking for anymore is uplifting, cerebral, zippy.

I fight the same battle. When I started smoking in 1968 it was rare that I would have enough to be smoking all day and always with alcohol of some sort. I don't need anything depressant and I certainly don't grow for weight.

I was able to look into the roots of the JH clones and I'm still not satisfied. Mix was completely filled but could have been more dense. I guess I shouldn't be very surprised as there was so little veg stage and I would suspect that root production would be better during veg. Once flipped, the plant directs its strength to the bud and what it hopes to be seeds and reproduction. I'll never disclose to them that they won't be pollinated unless I want them pollinated. They also need to have high expectations.

My recycled mix has a thrip or two. Treated with Spinosad and Neem oil. This recycled soil will be used in next grow. I hope to charge it with KIS organics Nurtrient pack. Oh well....here I go planning again and it's still today.

I broke a few JH clone buds and they should be dry enough for vaping. My day is looking crazy stoned I think. I have left over barbecued pork tenderloin and fresh from the garden tomatoes and squash. Unfortunately, not my garden. Haha
Your garden grows magical things. Let others grow the tomatoes and squash for you. :laughtwo:

It's so good to see you Dennise. I hope you're home and well. :love:

Your garden grows magical things. Let others grow the tomatoes and squash for you. :laughtwo:

I have seen some spots that would make a home for me.....with a vegetable garden...hahaha.


Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg

Flower Day 56

I have a doctor appointment is morning and when I get back home I'll be harvesting these crops. I was a little concerned about the timing but I tested the JH that was harvested a couple days ago and it meets my approval. I really like how Jack Herer makes me feel. Like right now I should be in the shower but here I am. Shots below show the amount of amber trichs to have a significant percentage but I'm not even going to try to estimate it. In my mind, it just ripe.

There's a good chance that I have pics all mixed up here...









Enjoy your day folks. :love:

What a beautiful shot Jim. I particularly like the trichomes marching along the pistils. Just a gorgeous shot. :bravo:

Yeah, they look done to me too. Happy harvest and best of luck with the appointment. :kisstwo:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg

Flower Day 56

Everything has been chopped and is in the dryer with a fan moving air in that room. It sounds so quiet in there. This will set no records but will hold me over while I do very little. There were many little bitty buds and I'll separate them later for hash and oil.

I guess there's always a "take away" from any adventure. I do think it's advantageous and frugal to re-veg good plants and I love this cloning stuff. Those two achievements will save you a bunch of seed money. If I can do it, anyone with a few growing skills can do it.

I don't suggest running another grow like this. Nothing IMHO substitutes for a good long veg period. It allows those stems to strengthen and flowers will be bigger/thicker I think. On the other hand, once the light went to 12/12 it's been less than 10 weeks to harvest. That's quicker than most autos. We'll see how it all weighs out.

It's gonna be a few quart jars and don't forget about that hash.

I still have the JH outside so this thread will stay open for progress reports.

The Barn


There you go Jim. Quite an adventure it was. :high-five: Thanks for the trills. Any idea when you plan to start up again?
There you go Jim. Quite an adventure it was. :high-five: Thanks for the trills. Any idea when you plan to start up again?

I'm itching to drop a seed right now. Just taking it slow Sue. I need to look at those roots tomorrow so that will have to substitute for growing....and have girl outside.

Haha...I found 2 more seeds today but I can't remember where the bud came from. I guess it doesn't make much difference where it came from. One of those girls went full out hermie dude and jabbed my girls with the stinger. Haha So now I'm a breeder? Can I put that on my resume?

I'm going to smoke a bowl and seek sleep early if I can. :love:
It's harvest time again here! Love the hanging buds drying. Your trichome shots are fabulous!

You KNOW you're going to drop a seed. I can feel it......


Well...I just lost my post. Some ghosts in my machine I guess.

and I feel a little lost this morning when I think of the empty tent. I had me some more scissor hash this morning. Wow. :drool:

JH clone in morning sunny spot

This thing looks more like a pepper plant than cannabis. Went re-veg last few weeks but hasn't really grown much vegetation.

I know that feeling Jim. I've had it way too many times in the past year. :laughtwo: I'm sure you'll find a way to ease the pain. Lol!

She is a tiny thing still, but she should be taking off here any day now. She has until October, no?
I know that feeling Jim. I've had it way too many times in the past year. :laughtwo: I'm sure you'll find a way to ease the pain. Lol!

She is a tiny thing still, but she should be taking off here any day now. She has until October, no?

Yep...she should be ready in October.

Jack Herer clones

I took the JH clones out of the barn and cut buds from the sticks and jarred them up. I really like this part of the grow. Pretty and sticky! Anyway, buds went in 2 quart jars and yielded 63 grams. This was 6 clones so on average this is not great.

Same lesson learned - a longer veg time allows for precious training and trimming time and produces a greater yield.

I'll smoke some of this today which I'm certain will be as good as their mother. Don't forget the barn is still full of hooch. :slide:


:thanks: all for stopping by. Stop for moment today and pray for this country. Pray for your loved ones and thank whatever greater power you have for grace and mercy.
Nice harvest you have there!

I've only been growing less than a year now and my first few harvests were like my first few Christmases. It still has that kid-like appeal for me to smell the buds each day as I cure them. I be putting up about 6 more jars from the re-veg girls so this will indeed be my sweetest grow. You and Nis will be there very soon. Then it will be all about better product through what we've learned and the changes we make to genetics, medium, lights, watering and stuff like that.

All I can say is I'm having fun.

Jack Herer is in the grinder today. Here :passitleft:
I've only been growing less than a year now and my first few harvests were like my first few Christmases. It still has that kid-like appeal for me to smell the buds each day as I cure them. I be putting up about 6 more jars from the re-veg girls so this will indeed be my sweetest grow. You and Nis will be there very soon. Then it will be all about better product through what we've learned and the changes we make to genetics, medium, lights, watering and stuff like that.

All I can say is I'm having fun.

Jack Herer is in the grinder today. Here :passitleft:

It's been a joy to be watching all this transpire Jim.

Thanks. :passitleft: ...... Canna??
Two and a quarter ounces is a respectable draw from a set of budscicles, which is how I think of the small pot grows. They're excellent for a taster garden, when you really want variety but don't want that much of a single plant. Dr. Ziggy's the master at this. He once pulled a massive amount from his small pots, running them like a fine-oiled machine.

Good harvest of superior produce Jim. Enough JH to keep you smiling like a butcher's dog for many moons. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Reps for the harvest buckaroo. :high-five:
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