Caring about a wounded young plant and working hard to build an organic soil. Jim.... :hug: :love:

I'd choose to believe that the compost you added, along with some kelp will do wonders. Watch her surprise you and start to shoot up. :laughtwo:
Shame, that little one is a fighter. I'm sure she will reward you for the second chance.
A boost from the FF might do the trick. A little P and kelp to stimulate some root growth.

It turns out I had 1/2 gal of FF Big Bloom and cal mag already mixed from the Spring auto grow. I worked that few spoons of compost I gave her yesterday into the soil and gave her 1/4 gal of the nutes. This plant is just icing on the cake as I have jars of weed keeping me relaxed all I want. Somewhere, someone in this town sells dry ice and I have plans to make some hash from this excess.

I've had a time getting the quart of my Mary harvest from retaining moisture. The top buds went into a pint jar and humidity stabilized but the quart wanted to go high on me. The buds were removed and sat in a plate all day Sunday. Now stable at just below 60 %. I guess the bottom buds were just retaining moisture. Anyway, I've smoked this stuff the last couple days and it's a little bit more powerful than I remember. In any event if I smoke it all day, it will make me very drowsy.

Jack Herer Outdoors

Background: She was cloned from my first JH and moved outside on May 8, 2016 with few roots and about 6 inches tall. I measured it at 12 inches on July 15. The plant receives direct sun about 7 hours per day, with the remaining day in shade. She was fed a little Big Bud and some compost on July 19 to stimulate root and plant development.

We got another inch and a half last night.


Have a great day folks. :love:

I have Sugar Mango in the grinder today. :passitleft:
Jack Herer Outdoors

I started the next soil mix today. All of the stuff from previous grows was re-cycled, including most of the roots and was tossed into one of my 55 gal plastic barrels. I figure about 30 gallons of material. To that I added 8 cups KIS Organic

two cups of Azomite and 8 TSP of Xtreme Gardening Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal innoculant or whatever.

Makes my head spin and there's no science to the amounts I'm using here. I put this lid and retaining ring on rolled it around my yard until I was sweating and out of breath. Then I added about a gallon and half of water and rolled it around some more. I was going to roll it around some more tonight, then thought about how that might look to my neighbors. It can wait until everyone goes back to work tomorrow.

Hey Jim don't worry about the science involved with growing. You're in organic land now bud. Let the soil and the plants do their thing. When people started growin hydro, a lot of people began thinking that growing plants is more of a chemistry thing. In actuality, it's more of a biology thing. Plants are alive. In a different way than us, of course, but definitely alive. And when it come to eating, if there are readily available "food" for them they'll decide on neutrients to uptake. Let the soil compost a while throw some worms in there, and stand back and watch the magic.(pun intended) You should have no problems Jim. Congrats on starting a soil. I'm stoked for you.
Hey Jim don't worry about the science involved with growing. You're in organic land now bud. Let the soil and the plants do their thing. When people started growin hydro, a lot of people began thinking that growing plants is more of a chemistry thing. In actuality, it's more of a biology thing. Plants are alive. In a different way than us, of course, but definitely alive. And when it come to eating, if there are readily available "food" for them they'll decide on neutrients to uptake. Let the soil compost a while throw some worms in there, and stand back and watch the magic.(pun intended) You should have no problems Jim. Congrats on starting a soil. I'm stoked for you.

Thanks Cy. Also gives me a chance to correct something.

two cups of Azomite and 8 TSP of Xtreme Gardening Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal innoculant or whatever.

should be 8 Tablespoons. Yesterday I added the 1/2 gallon of EWC that I collected in the yard.

Getting real excited about my next grow. The autopsy of the roots of those clones told me a great that I need to do a better job of watering/feeding. But I also weigh this with the fact that the clones just didn't get a proper veg. I certainly understand that the plant can't develop roots and flowers. Prolly both suffered from my last adventure.

The pages of my old notebook started falling out so I have a new notebook and a blank canvas now. Gonna do a couple of autos mixed in just because I like to explore.

Hey Jim don't worry about the science involved with growing. You're in organic land now bud. Let the soil and the plants do their thing. When people started growin hydro, a lot of people began thinking that growing plants is more of a chemistry thing. In actuality, it's more of a biology thing. Plants are alive. In a different way than us, of course, but definitely alive. And when it come to eating, if there are readily available "food" for them they'll decide on neutrients to uptake. Let the soil compost a while throw some worms in there, and stand back and watch the magic.(pun intended) You should have no problems Jim. Congrats on starting a soil. I'm stoked for you.

I'm stoked for you too Jim. All day yesterday, when you and your soil crossed my mind (more often than you'd think Jim) I stopped and smiled. You're going to enjoy this ride my friend.
Jack Herer Outdoors

Background: She was cloned from my first JH and moved outside on May 8, 2016 with few roots and about 6 inches tall. I measured it at 12 inches on July 15. The plant receives direct sun about 7 hours per day, with the remaining day in shade. She was fed a little Big Bud and some compost on July 19 to stimulate root and plant development.

There has been only subtle change but I was jonesing to get the camera out. Pineapple Express was my wake & bake this morning and I got lots of things done. Not powerful but stimulative. I guess this is a clean house kinda high or I might get lost in these threads.


Have a great day folks. :love:

I have Pineapple Express auto (G13 labs) in the grinder today. :passitleft:
Am I the only one that can't see the picture? There's been some weird stuff happening on the site this evening.

The latest pics posted show up for me. Maybe try a page refresh? :)

Looking just Mmmmmmahvelous here Magic Mayan! I need to read up a bit though. Catch up time this weekend. Woo hoo!

Welcome Dan. :thanks:

The longer I stay around here the more I understand that the photos bring the viewer closer to the subject.

I decided to use that wooden "Lazy Susan" as my background along with other props. It was a Christmas gift and indeed is a beautiful piece.

I also have a different impression of the Pineapple Express smoke. It's pretty stoney.


Just getting caught up, Brother, and I LOVE me some Pineapple Express! :love: One of the best strains I've grown! :yummy:
+REPS! :welldone:
I did. I even quoted his last post, extracted the picture link, opened a new tab, and it still gives me an error. I wonder WTF. The other pics are fine. Other threads. It's just Jims last pic.

Maybe if I reboot and take a break...


Taking a break from frustration is always a good thing. :) If it still doesn't work, leave it for tomorrow. LOL

I'm going to have to go through all of the different nutrient bottles I have here and see if any of them have Kelp in them. I would love to give that a try on some plants to see if there is a noticeable difference.
Hmmm.....I wonder if Lake Michigan has kelp. Could go get my own..... :laugh:

I love your reveg girl Magic, I think she's going to come through her ordeal with flying colors.
Sure wish I could get the rain you get, I'm having a tough time with drought here.

Jack Herer Outdoors

Background: She was cloned from my first JH and moved outside on May 8, 2016 with few roots and about 6 inches tall. I measured it at 12 inches on July 15. The plant receives direct sun about 7 hours per day, with the remaining day in shade. She was fed a little Big Bud and some compost on July 19 to stimulate root and plant development. More feed given yesterday as it's been very dry and hot. Of course I see the whole US is hot right now. Weird, wild weather.

She is doing very well and I'm just pleased to have something growing. :love::high-five:

I tossed my back out again Friday so I have indulged in some opiates and this morning some recently harvested Jack Herer. Here I am planning a new grow and my photo favorites from my second grow; White Widow and Jack Herer are still the tops. Makes my outdoor JH grow more important because I've never jarred up anything I've grown outdoors. I should also take some cuts as I do love this phenotype.


Same pic just magnified. From this prospective, she just looks so short and she measured about 13 inches so there hasn't been much vertical growth yet. She has started growing some 3 finger leaves so progress is noted.


I'm not going to church today because sitting with a bad back is better done at home. No opera chairs in my church....just hard ass pews. Enjoy your day.

I hope your back heals up today. Ouch!
I think the good lord will forgive you staying at home. You can certainly do just as well appreciating there as you can in church. :)

So.....I commented on needing your rain....I need to be careful what I wish for. I have floods out here with all the rain and thunderstorms that started this morning. LOL

Plants are loving it!

Enjoy the J. H. and have a relaxing day.

Jim, how much sunlight does she get every day?

Sorry to hear the back is hurting. :hug: very gentle hug. :love:
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