Jack Herer Outdoors

Background: She was cloned from my first JH and moved outside on May 8, 2016 with few roots and about 6 inches tall. I measured it at 12 inches on July 15. The plant receives direct sun about 4 hours per day, with the remaining day in shade. She has only been fed a mix of Big Bloom and some compost. Outdoor temperatures have reached the mid-90s F for about 4 weeks and she's possibly stressed by the heat. Overall, she is doing very well and I'm just pleased to have something growing. :love:

Today I put some insect repellent on and made my way down the ditch and photographed her from the side to give you some perspective. I only wish my photography was better.


Enjoy your day folks.

Jack Herer Outdoors

Background: She was cloned from my first JH and moved outside on May 8, 2016 with few roots and about 6 inches tall. I measured it at 12 inches on July 15. The plant receives direct sun about 4 hours per day, with the remaining day in shade. She has only been fed a mix of Big Bloom and some compost. Outdoor temperatures have reached the mid-90s F for about 4 weeks and she's possibly stressed by the heat. Overall, she is doing very well and I'm just pleased to have something growing. :love:

Late in the day I do have some diffused sun streaming through the trees to the west so I figured I'd try to walk that ditch and see if I could get some better photos. I try to inspect these and noticed what appears to be powdery mildew. Can anyone confirm this diagnosis from the last pic?

It does look like PM. Usually it will be on the underside of the leaves and, as Cy said, will rub off in your fingers.

A mixture of baking soda, some olive oil, and a drop of dish soap sprayed on the plants will get rid of PM. Make sure you get the underside of the leaves thoroughly! ;)
I can't really tell Jim. Does it rub off on your fingers? When I had it, it would usually start near the stem.

It does look like PM. Usually it will be on the underside of the leaves and, as Cy said, will rub off in your fingers.

A mixture of baking soda, some olive oil, and a drop of dish soap sprayed on the plants will get rid of PM. Make sure you get the underside of the leaves thoroughly! ;)

I perform the rub test tomorrow morning and I'll look at it a little closer. I did water it this morning and could have gotten a little dirt on the leaves. I don't know. I only saw it when I looked closely at the pics.

:thanks: both for chiming in. I sure appreciate it.
Hi Jim!

Just to be cautious I would treat as Krip suggested. However, like Cy and Krip said, it's in an unusual place. It looks more like something accumulated on the tips, probably from water or rain. Reminds me of calcium deposits from hard water.

Have a good night my friend!

Hi Jim :ciao:

How is the JH? PM sux. Just wanna say it is lactose intolerant as well. lactobacillus serum works on it, I found the recipe on the unconventional farmer site. I also used sierra natural science 244. Some additional info, it is only recommended to treat cannabis plants with a diluted milk solution during growth and preflowering.
For maximal effectiveness the treatments should be alternated weekly with another fungicide

Not certain yet if it's PM. I looked at her from my side of the fence but didn't get down in the ditch to look at it close. I didn't see anything that looked ugly from 4 feet away. I'll get around to it
It looks a lot like what was left on my leaves (2nd grow last set of pics) when I put the girls back after misting before they dried off. I mist with a dilute fert mix during veg and it leaves white bits at the tips and anywhere it can collect or pool.

You can see the spots in this pic.

Nice looking girl too mouser. :high-five:

Mine has me wondering how to treat it. Lower stem is just dark crud. I suspect fungus of some sort. It made me so sick Sunday when I got around to looking at it closer. I also broke a piece off to look at it with microscope or loupe but I wanted so badly to wash my hands so I put the piece down on the deck rail and just washed my hands. When my ADD finally subsided I couldn't find the small piece.

I completely covered it yesterday with Insecticidal soap and sprayed it again this morning with Neem oil. My first instinct was to take the shovel back there and just bury the thing. But then I'd never know if I can control whatever it has.

I wanted to drop seeds today for my next indoor venture but I still haven't tracked down my electrical problem.

Here's the ugliness:


I may actually just put this thing out of its misery and bury it. I made me want to take a second pail of bleach water to my tent. LOL
Next grow will have a Blue Dream from HSO.

Lalala. Yesterday I had my cataract operation on my right eye. It seems to be recovering well and my vision is improving. I'll probably have the lens of my glasses removed so I can adjust better.

I didn't sample any herb until late yesterday but I didn't quite get where I wanted to go. My wake and bake this morning is better. I have Sugar Mango in the grinder and I'm going to grow this again along with the BD.

I am surely blessed. :passitleft:
Dang Magic dude, so sorry to see the gunk on that plant for sure! Looks pretty thick on there too. :(

You had me scared, I saw some darkness on the bottoms of my pond girls and had to go check. It's just black dirt that splashed up on them with the heavy beating of rain we got a few days ago. I'm going to spray it off there just to keep the stems clean.

I'm going to have to grow some of that Sugar Mango soon. Between you and Dennise, it sounds heavenly.

Jack Herer outside is still growing. I had cataract surgery on my right eye last week so my vision is really out of whack so I haven't been back into the ditch to look at her closely or spray her again with Neem oil. I'll just use this as my test to see what she can do to protect herself but I will try to spray her again.

I'm going to close this journal as it's served its purpose. My vault is full of jars of weed and I've dropped new seeds in water yesterday. They'll all go into jiffy pucks later today and I'll start a new journal in a few days.

:thanks: all for visiting and for suggestions and comments. :love:
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