Close to an ounce from three clones? That made your heart do a happy dance, didn't it? :high-five: Looking over your impending harvest you're going to need a lot of jars Jim. :woohoo:
You are going to have an awesome harvest soon!

I just smoked some Pineapple Express buds that weren't trimmed particularly well. I'm sure to get more practice. :;):

Close to an ounce from three clones? That made your heart do a happy dance, didn't it? :high-five: Looking over your impending harvest you're going to need a lot of jars Jim. :woohoo:

Considering that those were the last cuts I had to root and they didn't get any veg time; yep I consider it "all good". I bought a dozen quart jars for this grow. I'll have enough jars.

My main goal here was to see if I could grow the buds better. I don't see how the potency of the Jack Herer could be better than my first grow but it might have better flavor or more robust terpene profile. The JH is still the stickiest buds I have. Could I improve there? Maybe I'm just trying to justify nute expense?

I don't know....pretty high right now. :rofl:
:passitleft: High Magic man... Have you tried the essential oil for added trichs... it works amazingly well IMO and if your interested let me know and I will post up the oils for ya... Cajun said they use them in the garden thingy he was working at and it really does work... I was using Ultra Snow Storm but seeing as I grow organically it kinda defeated the purpose but man does that stuff work... I think the oils work just as well and since I have been using it I get snow tips on most of my girls...:yikes:....:circle-of-love:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 48

The 2 WW clones were put in the barn this morning. These are extremely thick, hard and heavy but I managed to make a bad trim and cut one bud into about 3 pieces. Yield should be pretty good on these. Nothing else in the tent is ready so we'll just keep pouring on the diluted mix of Overdrive.



WW re-veg


JH re-veg


Mary re-veg




Close up of a WW clone bud before harvest


Inside the Barn


Still a few days left to vote for your favorite member, plant and nug.
Awesome journal mate.

The buds on that JH look fat!

:thanks: Still a few days to go. I'm hoping for fat ones but I never know if or how they'll swell.

Beautiful Magic man... Hope your day is blessed and filled with lots of dank green....:circle-of-love:

High Dennise. Been dank for sure. I might not pick the pipe up again today. :love:
They're plenty fat already bud. I suppose they can never be too fat though. LOL!

Looking good Jim. I remember on one of your other runs, you said, "My goal is to be a better grower." I think it's safe to say that you are now one hell of a grower. Good job Jim, I knew you had it in you. I think your skill is starting to catch up to your magic.
Looking good Jim. I remember on one of your other runs, you said, "My goal is to be a better grower." I think it's safe to say that you are now one hell of a grower. Good job Jim, I knew you had it in you. I think your skill is starting to catch up to your magic.

Well hello Cy. Good to see you again. :hug: How's it been?
Well hello SweetSue!! I'm still here, just a heavy lurker lately. Things are going well.... I think. My wife is taking a micro biology class and I'm going to give her a sample of my soil for her to look at under a microscope, and I'll post it on your organic soil discussions sometime next week. Gonna have a journal starting pretty soon, trying to save another strain. Sorry to hear about your hater neighbor. My brother in law did that to my dad, but it opened the door for me to start my own indoor garden. One door closes, another opens. Good to hear from ya Sue. I'm getting my shit together, and you will be seeing more from me. Have a great day! BTW, isn't Magic Jim the man???
Looking good Jim. I remember on one of your other runs, you said, "My goal is to be a better grower." I think it's safe to say that you are now one hell of a grower. Good job Jim, I knew you had it in you. I think your skill is starting to catch up to your magic.

Oh Cy....what a treat to see you! You dropped in at an interesting time and thanks so much for the compliments.

Here lately I've been studying trichomes. Look at what the trichs do on the yellow spots on these WW leaves. Leaves send dying signals and trichs elongate thinking there's a better chance of catching some pollen. Just plain interesting to me.






Oh Cy....what a treat to see you! You dropped in at an interesting time and thanks so much for the compliments.

Here lately I've been studying trichomes. Look at what the trichs do on the yellow spots on these WW leaves. Leaves send dying signals and trichs elongate thinking there's a better chance of catching some pollen. Just plain interesting to me.







Dang Jim, this was a lovely stroll through your trichomes. You're getting better and better at this. Thank you for making my evening sparkle. :hug: :love:

Yes Cy, MagicJim is the man. :battingeyelashes:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 49

I really don't have much of a commentary this morning. I'm fasting today until I have my eye appointment which is a second opinion about cataracts. I have much to be thankful for so we trust God and move forward.

Things are certainly moving full steam to a harvest. Clones still have some pistil development but the re-veg girls are fading. Re-veg girls could also use some yellow leaf cleanup but I may not do anything today.

I went ahead and voted in the contests this morning. If you haven't voted please do so. 420 Contests

Have a great day folks. :love:


WW re-veg


JH re-veg


Mary re-veg



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