Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 52

I keep thinking that there would be some drastic change that would prompt me to harvest again. I deliberately did not water 2 days ago and they were droopy dry yesterday morning. They got their diluted Overdrive mix and it'll be straight up tap water here on in. I'll look at them again today closely. Bud development....bring it!

The White Widow clone harvest went in to the jar this morning. I saw one seed and I'm just letting it cure with the bud. I never saw any nanners but everyone know my eyes are bad. Anyway, the 2 WW clones weighed in at 13 grams and it is much milder smoke right now than my earlier harvest. It's on to burp burp burp for those buds.

WW clone harvest gets jarred






Some Buds for your viewing pleasure






Have a great day folks. :love:
Lovin' that last shot. Beautiful color in the fans. We should anticipate the WW would improve with a good cure. I'll be waiting to hear how she smokes in a month. Interesting how having a good inventory means you don't stress so much about how long to let them go, isn't it?? I have to giggle at the thought of you having jars of it Jim. :laughtwo: :slide: :party:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 53

Lovin' that last shot. Beautiful color in the fans. We should anticipate the WW would improve with a good cure. I'll be waiting to hear how she smokes in a month. Interesting how having a good inventory means you don't stress so much about how long to let them go, isn't it?? I have to giggle at the thought of you having jars of it Jim. :laughtwo: :slide: :party:

You should remember the anticipation of harvesting my first grows. I was like a little kid who couldn't wait. I have more jars now than I have space. Nice problem. :love:

Sugared frosty goodness for the win! ;)

LA...I've been mistreating them so going in this home stretch I'm going to kill 'em with kindness. :high-five:

:passitleft: High Magic man... I love bunches of jars... Hope you have a great holiday and Light... I love ya....:circle-of-love:

Do I need to send a T shirt for some love? Ok, you're forgiven. Love ya...really mean it! :love:

The whole bunch got removed from the tent and stripped of anything ugly. The WW can barely hold her buds but I'll check her again later today. Everything got water. They're really drinking a bunch and I just haven't been giving them enough. Outdoor temps have been hot so tent temps have reached 86F. Just a little warm for my liking but I'm not going to invoke more air conditioning. Power bill running the LED is reasonable but I need to keep it that way.

I'd be surprised if any of the re-veg girls go 60 days. I'd rather my weed provide a little racy high. The WW I just harvested will let you feel your pulse rate rise with a hit. I kinda like that feeling. I switch this morning to Pineapple Express auto from G13 Labs. :passitleft:

So I hope everyone gets a nail hot for tomorrow's Independence celebration here in the US.






Jack Herer


White Widow


JH Clones


Have a great day folks. :love:
Mmmmmm....... Yummy. :laughtwo:

I prefer my buzz on the racy side too Jim. Show me any amber and I'll chop within hours. Lol!. :high-five:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 54

Yesterday I wanted to test the Mary clone buds which were harvested about a week ago but I stay so high there's no way I would be able to differentiate the high. The plan was first thing in the morning. My mind would be clear. I have all intentions to tell the whole story but this weed is so good. Shut the fuck up good!

Mary was the first grow and I didn't do it justice back then. So many mistakes and the last two buds from back then molded overnight and went to make oil and a little shatter. Anyway, I can't collect all my thoughts and just posted a wake up for SweetSue over at Stage's house and I'm not sure of anything right now. Good dope. Very good.

I stuck macro lens on the camera last night and so I went with that this morning. I'm going to harvest something tomorrow I think. Happy Independence Day.

Team Tent

Sounds like happy daze for you :)

Yes....I ended up harvesting the JH clones. The trichomes started turning amber and I wanted them a little on the racy side. JH is my favorite and I'm looking forward to these. Buds are young side and I've never trimmed off so much of the sugar leaves. Then there was the base of the last one that I trimmed none of the sugars. I forgot to photograph it. These are going to bring the tent yield up nicely as they were dense and heavy. I no longer weigh them before drying so we'll wait a few days and weigh them before jarring.

Here's the amber trichs


In the barn


Something else. This trim and some other scissor hash I had reminds me of the opium den.
Oooo...... The kind of buzz we both chase. Yore doing better than me there I think. :laughtwo: You have more clones of Mary, or was this the end? I hope not, from what you describe. Well done Jim. :thumb:
Oooo...... The kind of buzz we both chase. Yore doing better than me there I think. :laughtwo: You have more clones of Mary, or was this the end? I hope not, from what you describe. Well done Jim. :thumb:

High Sue. No more clones of Mary. I have about 10 seeds so I'll just have to hope that whatever hybrid she is stable and will be homogeneous. I guess that the re-veg Mary could be re-vegged again or I could get a clone maybe. I just have to believe the best just hasn't been grown yet. Mary is a sweet 7 or 8. I think I'll run into a 9 if I keep growing solid genetics.

I have to keep grading myself here. I have six pots of roots to analyze tomorrow and see what's up down under.

Nice harvest Magic!

First time that the plant wasn't all burned up and yellow. JH is as sticky as they come. I sure like that.
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