Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 26 - Mary clones Day 22

Let me take the time to :thanks: all for visiting. I hope this photo journal brings you some joy.

As soon as I feel like doing some work, I'll take all the girls out today for defoliation and trimming. I'll be certain to get some good photos while they're out because I really do like the form of some of these at this stage. The re-veg girls haven't been turned in a week so I'm going to make sure the dark side will get some light this week. I don't have to get the loupe out to see that trichomes are developing on the clones even on fan leaves. One close up photo that I cropped and magnified will show this development.



WW Re-veg


JH Re-veg


Mary Re-veg









Here's the close up of the trich development. This JH phenotype was extremely sticky with a fragrant terpene profile. I keep my nose buried in that jar every time it's opened. I'm really looking forward to having more of this great award winning strain. I can only imagine what the next 30 days will bring.



Have a great day folks. :love:

:passitleft: Jack Herer
Morning Magic... Hopefully you can get something around your other one outside.... Canna has a little wire fence around hers that seems to work well....:circle-of-love:

Thanks Dennise. You and Sue both recommend a little fence. I used the little fence thing last year and still had them destroyed. I need to have some deniability since it's just outside of my lot. I try not to think about the legalities of such things but I'll leave it to fend for itself.

These were culls and technically not very important to me right now. They went into the ground so I wouldn't feel like I wasted the plant.

Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 27 - Mary clones Day 23

Yesterday every plant came out for trimming and clean up. Almost all were dry so they got mix of Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I'll be watching closely for the next few days for additional bloom development. If I stick with plan of feed/water/water next up is pretty simple. I do adjust the pH of water.

I got a mild surprise this morning. I have a quart of Pineapple Express auto buds (blue pot) of the Spring grow and I loaded my bowl with some. It was smooth and had a mild earthy-fruity taste that bopped the top of my head. Now I've got to go back and compare the PEX from the softie. I have a pint of those buds. This high is sweet, very complex cerebral affect especially with my morning cuppa. THC and caffeine. Gotta have it.

Anyway, here's the photos from the tent this morning. We have stacking and fading and trich development and all that stuff going on. I still get excited.




WW Re-veg


JH Re-veg


Mary Re-veg





Have a great day folks. :thanks: all for stopping by. :love:

:passitleft: Pineapple Express
Very nice Jim your ladies look amazing. I hope my PE turns out good this time around, I hear good things about PE but I seem to always have problems with this strain, but she is doing good so far, just went into 12-12.:thumb::volcano-smiley:

Mine was actually an auto so it was primarily water and wait. It is good dope though. So glad I grew it.
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 28 - Mary clones Day 24

Well, I thought I posted a picture of the team this morning. I guess I didn't.

My wake and bake was Pineapple Express auto again. It's very popular around this house. I think my body is very receptive to this strain. My CB1 receptors are very compatible to letting it do its thing.

Anyway, just a shot of the bunch this morning as I didn't focus very well on some individual shots earlier this morning. In my defense, I have new camera equipment which I completed this morning by adding a very expensive macro lens. Back in the day, I used to have a very nice Pentax 35 mm but I've moved on now to a new Nikon D5300. Oh well. I like toys.



Macro Sample All these JH clones are getting this frosty.


Have a great day folks. :love:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 28 - Mary clones Day 24

Well, I thought I posted a picture of the team this morning. I guess I didn't.

My wake and bake was Pineapple Express auto again. It's very popular around this house. I think my body is very receptive to this strain. My CB1 receptors are very compatible to letting it do its thing.

Anyway, just a shot of the bunch this morning as I didn't focus very well on some individual shots earlier this morning. In my defense, I have new camera equipment which I completed this morning by adding a very expensive macro lens. Back in the day, I used to have a very nice Pentax 35 mm but I've moved on now to a new Nikon D5300. Oh well. I like toys.



Macro Sample All these JH clones are getting this frosty.


Have a great day folks. :love:
Beautiful snap of that bud! It's quite impressive to say the least!
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 29 - Mary clones Day 25

I thought about searching through my last grow and find the people who encouraged me to flip these clones as soon as they gripped a little soil. For various reasons I do look back sometime and it will turn up one day. Anyway, whoever it was.....


Fourteen beautiful ladies in this one area is truly a thrill for me. RH has finally normalized and was 76% when I opened the tent this morning. 56% within a few minutes of air movement and LED. Temperature was up to 84 F yesterday so I'm in a nice range (I think).



JH clone


JH clone


Today the wake and bake is Sugar Mango. When I opened the jar it smelled of a variety of hard candy. The high is very pleasant but I don't have much get up and go. I'd rather just spend the day posting silly stuff on the internet. It's just very relaxing right now so I'll sort this day out with a bowl of cereal and then get on with it. Lots to do today.

Have a great day folks. :love:
The yield you can get out of a bunch of smaller pots is amazing, isn't it? I just set up that larger tent and I'm getting ready to duplicate your efforts with a small run of my own. I wanted to thank you for the inspiration your grow caused me to take action on. They look tasty as they can be Jim. :high-five:

Thanks gypsy. :passitleft:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 30 - Mary clones Day 26

The yield you can get out of a bunch of smaller pots is amazing, isn't it? I just set up that larger tent and I'm getting ready to duplicate your efforts with a small run of my own. I wanted to thank you for the inspiration your grow caused me to take action on. They look tasty as they can be Jim. :high-five:

Thanks gypsy. :passitleft:

Hi Sue. I guess the yield will be about average. The one gallon pots are the limiting factor here. I still see that comment here and there like, "I hope they finish" and I wonder if these will run out. Will they get severely root bound? No doubt I'll feed them well.

They're only half way in so there's probably another four weeks for me to screw this up. I see several clones that need some support so I'll stake some more of them today. This is a good sign though as their stems are strong so the flowers are adding some weight...yeah


I spent my day outside yesterday and when I looked in on them about an hour before lights out, they were dry. All but one WW got straight water. I'll need to be more attentive to their needs. Things are still nice and green. They were all standing with their leaves firm this morning.



WW Re-veg


JH Re-veg


Mary Re-veg


Various Clone pics






JH clone Guerilla Grow


Have a great day folks. :love:
Yea on the guerrilla JH clone! :yahoo:

The small pots need constant watering at this point. You'll do a great job of attending to their needs. I have no doubt you'll harvest more than you anticipate.

A better way to look at it my magical friend is that you have another four weeks to get it it just right. :battingeyelashes: You knew I wasn't going to let that little negative thought get in there too comfortably now, didn't you? :laughtwo:
Jack Herer, White Widow and "Mary" Re-veg and their clones

Flower Day 31 - Mary clones Day 27

I usually haven't checked on this remaining plant early in the morning but I did today and found this:

JH clone Guerilla Grow


It didn't have many roots left extending from the jiffy pot. A new hole was dug and it went back into the world to survive. I watered it in and I'll find some large heavy things to surround and protect it. I suspect the culprit is one of my neighbor's cats. I didn't catch him in the act, but he was very close and looked guilty.


Tent team continues to do whatever it's doing in there. I just try to stay out of there. It's my "Do no harm" philosophy. I'll probably lift and twist a few pots today and try to time the watering a little better.



WW Re-veg


JH Re-veg


Mary Re-veg


Various Clone pics


Have a great day folks. :love:
I'm glad you popped it back in the ground. Cats can be problematic. Apparently they're drawn to the cannabis, almost like catnip. Hmmmm.... Must be the terpenes. Interesting.

The tent looks yummy Jim. Things must be getting close for some.
One mystery solved !

A couple months ago an SD Card for my camera went missing. I do a little looking each day but it never turned up.

This morning, I took pictures of my babies and looked at them on the PC via the new SD card. I had an errand to run early this morning so I showered, dressed and put all my stuff in the vault. When I leave my home, I lock up cameras, guns, all my herb and my laptop PC.

When I got back home, I unlocked the vault and thought I'd find the SD card in the laptop. It was not there. I checked the camera. No, not there either. I rummaged through all the things in my pockets and not there. Checked the car seat and floor of the car. Nope, not there either.

So I decided to top off my high and sat on the deck to smoke a cigarette. :idea:

SD cards generally use a spring latch to hold them into their slots in PCs and cameras. Laptops go into the very bottom of the vault and have slide over a ledge that's part of the safe. Anyway, if the PC is placed in there just right, the SD card can be depressed into the slot and I found both of the SD cards in the floor of the vault.

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