Lovie's Blueberry And Chocolate Thai Organic Grow Journal

Update-Chocolate Thai: I know I said I was going to move the tallest one to a Jiffy Pod a couple of days ago but that ended up not happening. I just got Ocean's Farm Happy Frog soil and will be doing that within the hour. Since it stretched, I am going to bury some of the stem because it is very flimsy.

The smaller one is 3 days out of surgery. Growth is slow, but that is to be expected since I broke off most of the taproot. It is still in the broken Rapid Rooter that is banded together with a hair tie. Once the plant decided to stand up and start growing I figured it would be best for the time to leave it as is. I am wondering what I should do now. Should I leave it as is for a little while longer to allow the taproot to grow without disturbance? Should I go ahead and put it in a Jiffy Pod with soil? If I do put it in the Jiffy Pod now do I plant it in the broken Rapid Shooter being held together with a hair-tie, remove it from the Rapid Rooter and plant it directly into the soil, or place it into a new Rapid Rooter and then plant it in the Jiffy Pod with soil?
Update-Chocolate Thai: I know I said I was going to move the tallest one to a Jiffy Pod a couple of days ago but that ended up not happening. I just got Ocean's Farm Happy Frog soil and will be doing that within the hour. Since it stretched, I am going to bury some of the stem because it is very flimsy.

The smaller one is 3 days out of surgery. Growth is slow, but that is to be expected since I broke off most of the taproot. It is still in the broken Rapid Rooter that is banded together with a hair tie. Once the plant decided to stand up and start growing I figured it would be best for the time to leave it as is. I am wondering what I should do now. Should I leave it as is for a little while longer to allow the taproot to grow without disturbance? Should I go ahead and put it in a Jiffy Pod with soil? If I do put it in the Jiffy Pod now do I plant it in the broken Rapid Shooter being held together with a hair-tie, remove it from the Rapid Rooter and plant it directly into the soil, or place it into a new Rapid Rooter and then plant it in the Jiffy Pod with soil?
I would just cut off the hair tie and plant the whole shebang straight into soil.
Update: I planted my Chocolate Thais in Jiffy Pods. I am getting ready to ensure my closet is dust-free and sprayed with Home Defense for indoors before moving them into the closet. I have had spider mites before........I don't want to do that again!

Sadly, there will not be any Blueberry or Do-Si-Dos. After yesterday's update, my daughter-in-law volunteered to clean up while I rested my foot and napped. When I woke up and got myself together I went to put the Do-Si-Do that rooted into a Rapid Rooter only to learn she saw a plate with paper towels and thought it was trash. The rest of the story tells itself.
Update: I planted my Chocolate Thais in Jiffy Pods. I am getting ready to ensure my closet is dust-free and sprayed with Home Defense for indoors before moving them into the closet. I have had spider mites before........I don't want to do that again!

Sadly, there will not be any Blueberry or Do-Si-Dos. After yesterday's update, my daughter-in-law volunteered to clean up while I rested my foot and napped. When I woke up and got myself together I went to put the Do-Si-Do that rooted into a Rapid Rooter only to learn she saw a plate with paper towels and thought it was trash. The rest of the story tells itself.
Omg I'm gutted for you.
You can't even rest for a bit without something happening. :Namaste:
I'm so sorry. :Namaste::Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I can't be upset with my daughter-in-law. She was only trying to help. She is one of those people who have a lot of book smarts but lacks common sense.

It looks like I will be learning how to clone. The only plants I have had before now were spider plants. All it takes to clone them is taking a clipping and dropping it into some water. I am guessing it is not that easy with cannabis. If anyone would like to share your process on cloning or has a good article to reference, I would greatly appreciate it.

I used a Scrog for the plants I currently have in my 4x4 tent. Every article I read about Scrogs said to set the net 8 inches from the soil so that is where I set mine. Afterward, I learned setting your net 8 inches from the soil is not a rule set in stone by looking at other growers' journals. I do not want my net that low again. Pruning and cleanup have been a challenge to say the least.

The Chocolate Thai Strain Info from Herbies Seeds says this plant is short for a sativa, only growing up to 4ft tall. I assume the 4ft is for an untopped plant and once it is topped a Scrog net will need to be close to the soil line since the plant is naturally short. That being said, I think in my 4x4 tent a manifold and/or flux might be best. What I am considering (if this is possible, I want some expert opinions on this) is to allow my 2 plants to get to 8 nodes,top above the 4th node, and then clone the tops. I want to use the original plants for a manifold. After the tops I clone develop roots and are planted I want to micro-top the clones, remove the bottom branches from what would now be the 1st node and do a flux for the clones.

The branches I remove from the clones for the flux can be used as clones in my 2x4 tent. I realize this will leave me with 4 clones and not all of them will fit in a 4x2 tent. I figure since the Chocolate Thai is a smaller plant I can fit 3 of them in the 2x4 tent and I can squeeze one of them into the 4x4. The one I squeeze into the 4x4 will be behind in growth compared to the rest of the plants, but I figure that wouldn't be a big deal. I figure the Scrog net being low in the 2x4 tent won't be too hard to manage because the tent has one big door along the 4ft side so maintenance shouldn't be too hard.

What do you guys think?
I can't be upset with my daughter-in-law. She was only trying to help. She is one of those people who have a lot of book smarts but lacks common sense.

It looks like I will be learning how to clone. The only plants I have had before now were spider plants. All it takes to clone them is taking a clipping and dropping it into some water. I am guessing it is not that easy with cannabis. If anyone would like to share your process on cloning or has a good article to reference, I would greatly appreciate it.

I used a Scrog for the plants I currently have in my 4x4 tent. Every article I read about Scrogs said to set the net 8 inches from the soil so that is where I set mine. Afterward, I learned setting your net 8 inches from the soil is not a rule set in stone by looking at other growers' journals. I do not want my net that low again. Pruning and cleanup have been a challenge to say the least.

The Chocolate Thai Strain Info from Herbies Seeds says this plant is short for a sativa, only growing up to 4ft tall. I assume the 4ft is for an untopped plant and once it is topped a Scrog net will need to be close to the soil line since the plant is naturally short. That being said, I think in my 4x4 tent a manifold and/or flux might be best. What I am considering (if this is possible, I want some expert opinions on this) is to allow my 2 plants to get to 8 nodes,top above the 4th node, and then clone the tops. I want to use the original plants for a manifold. After the tops I clone develop roots and are planted I want to micro-top the clones, remove the bottom branches from what would now be the 1st node and do a flux for the clones.

The branches I remove from the clones for the flux can be used as clones in my 2x4 tent. I realize this will leave me with 4 clones and not all of them will fit in a 4x2 tent. I figure since the Chocolate Thai is a smaller plant I can fit 3 of them in the 2x4 tent and I can squeeze one of them into the 4x4. The one I squeeze into the 4x4 will be behind in growth compared to the rest of the plants, but I figure that wouldn't be a big deal. I figure the Scrog net being low in the 2x4 tent won't be too hard to manage because the tent has one big door along the 4ft side so maintenance shouldn't be too hard.

What do you guys think?
There’s a simple cloning pictorial in my thread.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Strain/s: Chocolate Thai
Genetic Makeup: Hybrid Sativa
Pot/Bucket Size: 4-inch Jiffy Pods
Tent Size: Walk-Thru Closet
How Many Plants: 2
Environment: Indoor
Stage: Seedling
Medium: Soil-Ocean Farm Happy Frog Blend, straight out of the bag, no amendments
Lights: 2; 120w Flood Lights
Nutrients: None
Room/Tent Temperature: 73°
Relative Humidity: 67%
Leaf Temp: 71
Room VPD: 0.91 kPa
Leaf VPD: 0.73 kPa
Pests: None

The plant I broke the taproot on (the seedling on the left) growth is stunted but looks healthy (I think!). When I planted the one on the right I had to bury a good bit of the stem due to the plant stretching for light. I was using a cheap fluorescent light while it was in the humidity dome. I have 2 200w Vivosun Aerolight Wing SE lights I plan on using as soon as I get the E25 controller (should be here on Thursday). Without the controller, the light will be on 100% intensity. The light also has a built-in fan that would run at full speed without the controller. I figured stretching for light would be better than burning them with the light. I had to bury so much of the stem on the plant on the right that the Rapid Rooter is almost touching the bottom of the Jiffy Pod. My next transplant will be into 3-gallon fabric pots with Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend. I thought about putting it into the 3-gallon container now but Coast of Maine doesn't recommend using their Stonington blend on seedling because it is hot and will stunt growth. That being said, when does vegetation officially start?
Chocolate Thai Seedlings.jpg

I have 2 flood lights pointed at them now so hopefully that will be enough light to prevent anymore stretching. I also have Vivosun's Aerowave E6 fan blowing as speed 1.

Chocolate Thai Seedling 1.jpg
Can you spray a seedling with Neem Oil? I live in an old, drafty house down a long dirt driveway. No matter how much I clean there is always dust somewhere and I DO NOT want to deal with spider mites again. I want to use Neem Oil for its anti-fungal properties too. My outside plants have septoria. I figured Neem Oil would help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
Can you spray a seedling with Neem Oil? I live in an old, drafty house down a long dirt driveway. No matter how much I clean there is always dust somewhere and I DO NOT want to deal with spider mites again. I want to use Neem Oil for its anti-fungal properties too. My outside plants have septoria. I figured Neem Oil would help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
:Namaste: Be careful with that fan too close to babies.
A little air movement now and then is fine.
I’d wait before I sprayed the little one.
But a mild solution of Neem oil won’t hurt them.
Not too much and not too often. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That is good to know. I was thinking the tops would be good for symmetry for the flux, but if that is not a good idea then I won't do that.
It's not a bad idea, it's just more difficult. I would at least attempt it, along with the lower branches you plan on removing. Maybe you end up with an extra clone or two.
Just a word of warning about those pots. They have to be pretty wet to break down well in the soil.
I think @con had some trouble with them.
It's not a bad idea, it's just more difficult. I would at least attempt it, along with the lower branches you plan on removing. Maybe you end up with an extra clone or two.
Just a word of warning about those pots. They have to be pretty wet to break down well in the soil.
I think @con had some trouble with them.
Yeah the peat pots suck coco coir pots work much better
:Namaste: Be careful with that fan too close to babies.
A little air movement now and then is fine.
I’d wait before I sprayed the little one.
But a mild solution of Neem oil won’t hurt them.
Not too much and not too often. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I know it can be hard to tell by a picture, but the fan is only 6 inches in diameter. It has 6 speeds and it is on the lowest speed.

When I use Neem Oil for foliage I use the 70% mix. I burned my outside plants several times with neem oil. I would always spray at dusk and rinse in the morning and no matter how fine of a mist I sprayed or how well I would rinse the next morning my plants would burn. Not until I found the 70% neem oil did I stop burning my plants.

I don't want spider mites again. Getting rid of those was a nightmare. The closet it is in is a walk-thru closet that connects my bedroom to my bathroom. I was hoping to do a deep cleaning (dust, swipe, mop, wash the curtains and wipe the walls). of my bedroom, closet, and bathroom before putting the plants in there but my toe is slowing me down and I am behind on my plans.
I know it can be hard to tell by a picture, but the fan is only 6 inches in diameter. It has 6 speeds and it is on the lowest speed.

When I use Neem Oil for foliage I use the 70% mix. I burned my outside plants several times with neem oil. I would always spray at dusk and rinse in the morning and no matter how fine of a mist I sprayed or how well I would rinse the next morning my plants would burn. Not until I found the 70% neem oil did I stop burning my plants.

I don't want spider mites again. Getting rid of those was a nightmare. The closet it is in is a walk-thru closet that connects my bedroom to my bathroom. I was hoping to do a deep cleaning (dust, swipe, mop, wash the curtains and wipe the walls). of my bedroom, closet, and bathroom before putting the plants in there but my toe is slowing me down and I am behind on my plans.
Try and get some rest. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's not a bad idea, it's just more difficult. I would at least attempt it, along with the lower branches you plan on removing. Maybe you end up with an extra clone or two.
Just a word of warning about those pots. They have to be pretty wet to break down well in the soil.
I think @con had some trouble with them.
Just a word of warning about those pots. They have to be pretty wet to break down well in the soil.
I keep referring to them as Jiffy Pods but they are Ferry-Moss Cells. I am not sure if there is a difference between them or not. Last time I took the plants out of the cells before putting them into planters. I didn't realize I was supposed to leave them in there until I was putting the Rapid Rooters in this time.
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