Lovie's Blueberry And Chocolate Thai Organic Grow Journal

Hi Carmen, I was looking for you months ago but I couldn't remember your full tag name. I haven't made living organic soil in, well, more years than my memory is good for. Didn't you have a thread or am I just remembering a conversation on how you make your soil mix? We would all appreciate if you could share your ratios and process with the class.
Hey Sativa, glad to have found you :)
Nearly everything I have learnt about living organic soil comes from Gee64's thread which you will find here. He is a most helpful person with an amazing ability to make complex biochemical processes accessible to the ordinary grower:
The Gee Spot - You Finally Found It
The Gee Spot is home to a group of dedicated organic growers, sharing information about how soil works and how to improve it all. Gee himself uses the Rev's tried and tested soil mix, and others either use Rev's or variations thereof.
I myself buy a premixed cannabis soil which I amend after use for the next round.
Gee has given his ratios a couple of times. I just tried to do search but the keywords were too broad. He'll help though!
Thanks Carmen! It was after Amelia left, someone asked about reamending soil. I tagged Bill and he tagged you.

We use to make 1/2 ton batches in the green house but that was years ago and not confident in my scale down. When we closed the greenhouse and I could no longer just dip into the tumbler, I got back into hydro synthetics.
Thanks Carmen! It was after Amelia left, someone asked about reamending soil. I tagged Bill and he tagged you.

We use to make 1/2 ton batches in the green house but that was years ago and not confident in my scale down. When we closed the greenhouse and I could no longer just dip into the tumbler, I got back into hydro synthetics.
Sounds impressive. I reckon a bit like a bicycle, get back on and ride baby! :)
I am sorry I have been MIA. I have been super busy. I am going to sit down either tonight or tomorrow and post pics and give full details, but a brief update for now. Neither one of my Blueberry's taproots want to come out and play. The Chocolate Thais are doing good. One of them had a hard time making its way out of the Rapid Shooter and needed help. I didn't think it was going to make it but it did, and is doing good now!
A couple days had passed and one of my Chocolate Thais had not made an appearance from the Rapid Shooter. When I placed the taproot in the shooter I had pinched a corner off, broke it up and covered the hole. I gently removed enough of the rapid rooter until I could see the taproot, which looked like it decided to do a U-turn and grow upside down.
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I decided to split it open to see what happened and found this.
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I attempted to straighten out the taproot and place it into a new Rapid Rooter. I ended up breaking of about 2/3-3/4 of the tap root. The taproot was very dry and hard. I guess I didn't give it enough water. The helmet also came off during this process. I ended up laying it back in the original rooter and banding the 2 halves together with a hair-tie, filling a medicine cup with water and putting into the cup.

The following day I opened it back up to see if the root had softened where I could straighten it out and place into a new rooter. It had not. I put the rooter back together and back into the medicine cup with water.

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The following day

I raised it up so the leaves weren't laying on the rooter and put it together and back into medicine cup with water. I intentionally placed the plant with the tips of the leaves facing away from the light in hopes that would encourage the plant to stand up straight to the light.

And it worked. Look at it standing tall today! Tomorrow I am putting them into Jiffy Pods. I am aware the other one is stretching for light. I am using a cheap fluorescent light until I get the controller for my other grow light. I plan on berrying some of the stem.
I have decided to stick with organic. I am ordering BioBizz's Organic, liquid starter kit to have on hand in case I need to quickly address any deficiencies. Even though this product is organic it is designed to feed like you would synthetic nutes. I don't plan on using it in this manner though. One of the benefits of growing organic is that you don't have to mix nutes all the time. I still have a lot to learn but I figure if I switch to synthetics now, I am starting from the beginning of the learning process too.

I don't have time to amend the soil for this round so I am going to use the Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend I already have on hand. I will not be able to reuse any of the soil from my first grow since the plants I have outside have septoria and my indoor soil is hydrophobic. When I switch these guys to flower I will have to purchase soil and amend it then to be prepared for round 3.

@Carmen Ray thank you for the link to the Gee Spot. I will be using this for a reference!
I have decided to stick with organic. I am ordering BioBizz's Organic, liquid starter kit to have on hand in case I need to quickly address any deficiencies. Even though this product is organic it is designed to feed like you would synthetic nutes. I don't plan on using it in this manner though. One of the benefits of growing organic is that you don't have to mix nutes all the time. I still have a lot to learn but I figure if I switch to synthetics now, I am starting from the beginning of the learning process too.

I don't have time to amend the soil for this round so I am going to use the Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend I already have on hand. I will not be able to reuse any of the soil from my first grow since the plants I have outside have septoria and my indoor soil is hydrophobic. When I switch these guys to flower I will have to purchase soil and amend it then to be prepared for round 3.

@Carmen Ray thank you for the link to the Gee Spot. I will be using this for a reference!
You're welcome indeed, Lovie. Well done for saving the plant baby!
My mind never stops contemplating. With that being said, I need some advice. I currently have a 4x4 tent with 4 plants. Each plant is a different strain and therefore, will be ready for harvest at different times. Because of this I just ordered a 2x4 tent and thermostat-hygrometer for drying at harvest time.

My blueberry seeds still haven't shown any signs of wanting to sprout yet. Last night I decided to start 2 more seeds using the paper towel method; so now I have the 2 blueberry seeds I started using the paper towel method a week ago and 2 Do-Si-Do seeds I started last night. My thoughts at the time were when the 2 seeds I started last night were ready to be put into Rapid Rooters I would put the blueberry seeds into Rapid Rooters too, even if the taproot hadn't come out yet. I figured if the Blueberry seeds decided to sprout all I would need to have the 2x4 tent functional for growing would be an exhaust fan and filter since I have extra lights.

I just had another thought on what I should do. I want to take the 2 Chocolate Thai's that have already sprouted and put them in the 2x4 tent. When they are big enough take 4 clones from them (2 from each plant) for the 4x4 tent. Since the taproot hasn't shown on the Do-Si-Dos and Blueberry seeds can I remove them from the wet paper towels and return them to fridge until I want to use them or will this ruin the seeds?
My mind never stops contemplating. With that being said, I need some advice. I currently have a 4x4 tent with 4 plants. Each plant is a different strain and therefore, will be ready for harvest at different times. Because of this I just ordered a 2x4 tent and thermostat-hygrometer for drying at harvest time.

My blueberry seeds still haven't shown any signs of wanting to sprout yet. Last night I decided to start 2 more seeds using the paper towel method; so now I have the 2 blueberry seeds I started using the paper towel method a week ago and 2 Do-Si-Do seeds I started last night. My thoughts at the time were when the 2 seeds I started last night were ready to be put into Rapid Rooters I would put the blueberry seeds into Rapid Rooters too, even if the taproot hadn't come out yet. I figured if the Blueberry seeds decided to sprout all I would need to have the 2x4 tent functional for growing would be an exhaust fan and filter since I have extra lights.

I just had another thought on what I should do. I want to take the 2 Chocolate Thai's that have already sprouted and put them in the 2x4 tent. When they are big enough take 4 clones from them (2 from each plant) for the 4x4 tent. Since the taproot hasn't shown on the Do-Si-Dos and Blueberry seeds can I remove them from the wet paper towels and return them to fridge until I want to use them or will this ruin the seeds?
I wouldn't remove them, I'm pretty sure that would ruin them.
My mind never stops contemplating. With that being said, I need some advice. I currently have a 4x4 tent with 4 plants. Each plant is a different strain and therefore, will be ready for harvest at different times. Because of this I just ordered a 2x4 tent and thermostat-hygrometer for drying at harvest time.

My blueberry seeds still haven't shown any signs of wanting to sprout yet. Last night I decided to start 2 more seeds using the paper towel method; so now I have the 2 blueberry seeds I started using the paper towel method a week ago and 2 Do-Si-Do seeds I started last night. My thoughts at the time were when the 2 seeds I started last night were ready to be put into Rapid Rooters I would put the blueberry seeds into Rapid Rooters too, even if the taproot hadn't come out yet. I figured if the Blueberry seeds decided to sprout all I would need to have the 2x4 tent functional for growing would be an exhaust fan and filter since I have extra lights.

I just had another thought on what I should do. I want to take the 2 Chocolate Thai's that have already sprouted and put them in the 2x4 tent. When they are big enough take 4 clones from them (2 from each plant) for the 4x4 tent. Since the taproot hasn't shown on the Do-Si-Dos and Blueberry seeds can I remove them from the wet paper towels and return them to fridge until I want to use them or will this ruin the seeds?
Have the two seeds cracked open at all?
If not, you could try putting them in some water mixed with hydrogen peroxide and see if they crack after a day or so.
Never to late ;)
The more the better!
How am I? Busy and neglecting my other duties because of something to do with the plants as normal! How are you?
Good thanks :passitleft:
Sunshine and happy plants.
The to do list just never ends.
Do your best and don’t wear yourself out.
There’s always tomorrow. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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