Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Hey MedFarmer, many thanks for the kind words ;) Its just what 420 is about :). If we all share openly and support one another we all benefit! I'm just glad you have found fluxing a good process. Hopefully like my other styles of training it just all leads to a better understanding of our wondrous plant through the time and attention spent!
I still have other plans to try and for my big record attempt (when I get round to it lol) The double fluxed waffle design of mine will indeed get a proper full tryout! I believe the DFW style will give me the biggest fluxed plant ever and yield magnificently! :)
Here is a very rough first attempt way back! I had to kill it off due to safety concerns! :(

Safety concerns for you or the plant? Me thinks you were thinking about Triffids :laughtwo:.

How big was your pot on that DFW?
lol it was workmen visits to my place that were the concerns! The pot for that DFW was just a 20ltr one. I plan on 70ltr or thereabouts for my big girl, but an Oxy cloth pot job!

Do you have any particular strain in mind for it? What in your opinion is best for Fluxing, an indica or sativa?
PlanetJ, she still be a flux J, just not as we know it! :) I'm sorry about the plants structure my friend! I'm with MedFarmer, GLR shouldn't effect your plants structure in relation to the training style?? To me it seems the genetic makeup of your strain is just not best suited.
I dont claim to have all the answers yet with fluxing and strain suitability is clearly a key to factor in.
I did use kinking and bending of my limbs to promote better structure etc. Yet your girl just seems to have a willowy build to her, so me thinks your doing a grand job with less then a perfect fluxing candidate :)
Also remeber when going vert etc your colas sites will catch the wind from your fan and this will aid in the limb structure!

Thanks for these kind words m8 .. but to be honest .. she has been neglected too much .. I waited a few days between readjusting limbs, and all on a 'we see where we'll get' kinda way. Then, I am using the under and aboves as well .. this does not help either, as it twists the main limb when I pull them sideways, resulting in tension in the main limb and a sort of curly growth. I also was way too fast in removing fanleafs, going by what you said not far back here, about waiting with removing them till the tip has enough leaf to power it's own growth.

All credit goes to the strain, for still resulting in a somewhat decent FLUX ;) I still have high hopes for her :)
Thats an odd one lol as I haven't really tried it with a pure indica or a pure Sativa. A good hybrid seems to tick most boxes as its rids you of the strongest traits of pure strains. I have an old favorite that Skunny is now growing one of Blue Venom by G13 Labs. Its a cup winning Blueberry crossed with a cup winning WW. gave me mad yield and high end product!
Here she was for me, my first POTM and why I stuck around here as people aided me with her :) The pics were with 5 weeks to go!
Thats an odd one lol as I haven't really tried it with a pure indica or a pure Sativa. A good hybrid seems to tick most boxes as its rids you of the strongest traits of pure strains. I have an old favorite that Skunny is now growing one of Blue Venom by G13 Labs. Its a cup winning Blueberry crossed with a cup winning WW. gave me mad yield and high end product!
Here she was for me, my first POTM and why I stuck around here as people aided me with her :) The pics were with 5 weeks to go!

There's a recommendation right there.
Ehrm .. you took too much off if these pictures show progression from untopped to topped. The idea was to spread the vertically aligned leafs in the top picture, and pinch any growth in between them out.
Slow your roll girly, you can't talk trash about me to my friends like that. :thedoubletake:
At first I was like .. why the purple ???? .. but now I get it :) Nice, such a team :)

Also, never take my advice without confirmation by a more experienced grower .. I'm still a rooky, so hell yeah I understand :D

Last, I usually just throw my opinion out there as well .. responses to it make me learn again :)
Yep a perfect topping from what I can see in pic 2, its just that leaf stem that's gone is all! The only issue is will the new growth still come out? I would say it probably will it will just be slightly behind the other in structure and size due to the lack of leaf to power it.
We would sort this out simply by leveling them out via defol of the stronger side until the other catches up!
Even if the worst happens and you have to go down a node to top their, you wont end up with a confused tangle like your dads I promise. It really wont make a single bit of difference :) :)
Maybe useful for next micro-topping event: get a clean tweezer (and a magnifying glass) .. that way you can be sure not to 'widen' the leaves to the point they snap, since the tweezer needs less room to get to the leafset between them.
...people try their best to mess up like that :p

Just so you know .. my ego is already dying at the sight of your plant at this stage, compared to mine ;)
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