Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

now i have worked out during this grow that i could have let my girls get a lot taller during my last grow! i had them about 1.2m from the light at the end when i could have had them grow up to 60CM HIGHER!!!! so i shall be going one more week of veg before flip and im hoping by day 21 of flower im gonna have perfectly sized girls!

ok so here is the update that i was ment to post the other night, my friend came round and one joint led to another and....well now its sunday hehe

ok so here is the update!

these photos are from 2 days ago, i may post another update later if i have the time.
i have been doing selective defol every other day for a week and it has seemed to help slow down the bigger arms while allowing the slower growing tops that have been covered my leaf to grow towards the light.







i had put the fan on 2 instead of 1 by mistake and there is some wind burn on a few of the tops which im hoping will sort its self out, i have the fan off for now as it has done the job of thicking up my tops.

little problem in regards to my grow style...
my middle container seems to haved bowed a bit in the middle and is not draining the water through the drain hole as well as the other two so is therefor creating a llitle puddle in the middle and the roots are trying to find that are attemping to break throught my airpot to get to the water!!!
i placed some rolled up paper under the container on the opposite side inorder to aid with drainage and im hoping that will work!

im very happy with my flux fused with capn style so far though and i cannot wait to compare this yield to my previous scrog grow.
i didnt do my flux as well as i could have and i wont be able to properly tell for a few weeks but i think i had more tops on my scrog grow....but i think these onese are gonna be much bigger!
Hey la i hope to maybe have a grow in the new year. I no its a good way off yet but weve got a house move coming up to a bigger house in a few weeks then theres getting the place decorated etc etc so im shooting for january 1st the first day of flux no2 :)

Where are you squeezing. I'm to the point that I have to really consider crushing some nodes/internodes on the first 2-3 sets to slow them down.
I pinch the branches that are the tallest at the point where the start going vert (close to the base of the flux arms)

I think if it goes like the regular grows around here she should be ready around the first week of October or close to then.
I just put FLUXY MOMMA outside a couple of days ago but it's only until I have space in the Bloom Tent to bring her back in.



Thanks la i have missed the place.
Looking around the journals im like the new kid at school i dont no anyone lol lots of new faces and once newbies that are now sucessfull growers thats very nice to see
What's the deal Alex? You know us! Stop playing... :passitleft:
Bt is a biological control for all caterpillars. It kills good ones, too, so I only use it on plants butterflies do not go to. That said, it comes in both liquid and powder. Dipel is the powder and Biocide is a brand of liquid. I use the liquid and I did so on flowering plants about what, three weeks ago?

It's almost over...I really can't wait to just get that plant chopped down and be done with the outdoors for a while. I'll put up the greenhouse when it is time and the little one I bought for the pot growing is also going to have netting and stealth BUG OUT protection devices! Haven't figured out what, yet, but I will. Lots of devices.

High LA!

Well as odd as this is to me I actually have the dipel dust so can you tell me how to use it on her :confused:.. I think she has at least 4 more weeks and I don't worry about butterflies being around her cause she sits on my back porch. I originally got the stuff for the Garden girl and I put it all around the bottom of the container and around the ground where it sat to keep them away but I will admit I never thought about them flying over and dropping eggs... daha... So anywho how do I use the stuff on the AK flux...:confused:. I'm going to send ya a pm too....:circle-of-love:
the worms have to eat the Dipel to die. They ingest it and can no longer eat and die. They get pretty sick. I wouldn't use dust on trichomes because it may stick there. You can mix the Dipel with water. I believe maybe on the can it may give directions, not sure. I use Biocide in a liquid which I buy at the Depot or Blowes. If you didn't see any, don't fret about it. Everything will come clean in the bud wash. Just keep checking that plant and poking them off.
the worms have to eat the Dipel to die. They ingest it and can no longer eat and die. They get pretty sick. I wouldn't use dust on trichomes because it may stick there. You can mix the Dipel with water. I believe maybe on the can it may give directions, not sure. I use Biocide in a liquid which I buy at the Depot or Blowes. If you didn't see any, don't fret about it. Everything will come clean in the bud wash. Just keep checking that plant and poking them off.

Washing buds is amazing! Such a smooth smoke!
Yep you got the plan spot on my friend! :) :)
When starting to manipulate the limbs make sure your going gently at first. I use my thumb nail on inside of kink to create a crease/indent. This aids in not breaking things. Understand that your putting the joins of limbs under really big stress so watch for the join becoming over stressed so it doesn't try ripping itself free. As long as you feel the inner tissue gice way your normally ok to make the big adjustments! :)

My Man....

Ok, so tonight is a big night.

First we will trim. I'll let her rest while I figure out exactly which arms we will be pulling in.

In the morning I will attempt the L/R 5 & 6 or 7 & 8. Tomorrow night if all goes well I will pull in L1 and R2. Give her another evening to adjust and Sunday morning I will pull back RF1 and LF1 or 2. That will leave me Sunday evening to pull the heads in place to the squares.

This image is a week old but it does show the correct head count....


This image is 3 days old and shows where the flux arms were topped....


And this image is just a few mins ago...



I will post pics at each stage and wait a bit for any input.

Wish me luck...
And here she is after some trimming....



So sticking to the plan, I'll release her from most of her bonds and let her be till morning. I'm going to leave the wires at the flux heads and most of them in the middle that run parallel to the flux arms.

Still thinking on L/R 5 & 6 or 7 & 8 to start....

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