Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Well I'm sorry Renegade I'm here for any further Qs, Skunny thanks for stepping in!
Dennise, Skunny and Renegade all is looking lush! Dennise I'm so glad your girl is back to being the stunner she was earlier on. With all the work you've put in you deserve it! :)
Skunny I hope your stresses are in the rear view mirror.
Renegade looking simply awesome! :)
GF I like any and all info on different ideas for lighting etc. Look at the time frame manipulation I do normally. (This run I haven't as not at mine) I do two weeks during prime budding at 21.36 mins lights on and 12 hrs dark. I'm always wanting any thoughts as Ill always happily test any idea or theory. Or if needed just evolve/adapt from it :)
No worries LA, you know I like to help where I can :)
Do you know if the 21.36 lighting routine has a name? I've been telling my mate Doozy about it coz he's using the lantern method for his veg cycle
Renegade, I have a bath towel which is old and threadbare. I wet that and hang it on one of the closet poles. I don't face the fan directly on the wet towel. It keeps the RH in the closet around 50-60% and by the time night comes around, the towel is dry and RM goes down to 49%. Some days I have to wet the towel in the morning, again in the afternoon.

Maybe that is something you can try?

GF, going with what you said not to do...LOL.

So just before lights out I kept the intake fans on and turned the mister on low this time. The circulating fan is now plug into the timer with LED and exhaust which means it goes out when they do. The intake fans gave me the circulation you suggested I needed.

It worked like a charm and RM was at 55. No condensation at all in the cabinet and no mist on the plant itself.

Once the lights, exhaust and circulating fan came on at 1800 the RM dropped back down to 48.

Still a success in my book.

Taking it a step further I put the wet hand towel on the left side of cabinet (same side as the intake fans and mister) to see what the readings show during the night.

All in all yours and Skunny's suggestions and comments are working.

Thanks again....

I could show you guys pics of my gurl but at this point it would just be showing off.

I'll save that for tomorrow night when I trim and train...LOL.

Everyone have a peaceful rest of the evening...time to ramp up for the work week.
I'm glad the towel worked out for you. I wet mine in the morning and again in the afternoon (if I remember). Next time you are in Wally's, buy a nice thick bath towel for about ten dollars. Every week, wash the towel. You don't want mold building up behind or on the towel. I noticed one evening I smelled my towel and it had a musty odor, so now I wash it twice a week in hot water and a bit of bleach.

I am probably being overly safe, but safe than sorry and all...
The impending work week looms large.

I have an exciting work week ahead, but the non-work part of the week is sweet.
Thank you labor movement for shorter work days and work weeks.

Oh how I wish this work was over for my husband. You just have no idea. There are no more "exciting work" days for him. It's boring and arduous, at best...for him. And I wait all day for his arrival home. We need to figure something else out!

Rado, was it you who used fruit wash spray on your buds to wash them off? I forgot who used that stuff. I just checked my plants and they have aphids, so I'm harvesting tomorrow. I think they have done what they will do. I have amber resin so I'm cutting it down tomorrow. I bought the fruit spray stuff because I know I had caterpillars and wanted to make certain I get all the droppings off cleanly.

Have you or anybody used this method in addition to the three bucket wash?
I'm glad the towel worked out for you. I wet mine in the morning and again in the afternoon (if I remember). Next time you are in Wally's, buy a nice thick bath towel for about ten dollars. Every week, wash the towel. You don't want mold building up behind or on the towel. I noticed one evening I smelled my towel and it had a musty odor, so now I wash it twice a week in hot water and a bit of bleach.

I am probably being overly safe, but safe than sorry and all...

Wet in the morning and afternoon (evening for me cause it's lights out between 1200-1800) and wash towel weekly....

Check, check and double check....
Oh how I wish this work was over for my husband. You just have no idea. There are no more "exciting work" days for him. It's boring and arduous, at best...for him. And I wait all day for his arrival home. We need to figure something else out!

Rado, was it you who used fruit wash spray on your buds to wash them off? I forgot who used that stuff. I just checked my plants and they have aphids, so I'm harvesting tomorrow. I think they have done what they will do. I have amber resin so I'm cutting it down tomorrow. I bought the fruit spray stuff because I know I had caterpillars and wanted to make certain I get all the droppings off cleanly.

Have you or anybody used this method in addition to the three bucket wash?

I have used a three bucket wash.

There is a premium four bucket version:
Hydrogen Peroxide(H2O2) and water solution in bucket 1.
Citrus, Baking Soda and water in bucket 2.
Warm tap water bucket 3.
Cool tap water bucket 4.

I would be careful of fruit wash, the goal is NOT to wash off trichomes.
Yes, and I did notice it removes wax from fruits, so maybe not so much on pot.

How much peroxide should I use in a 5 gallon bucket? Do you think it would be advantageous to pull apart the buds to be certain I get any and all debris out, including any (gasp, Fifi, don't look!) a dead caterpillar.

When you wash, do you trim the fans off first, then wash, or wash with it all in tact? What would you recommend in my circumstance?
Bud Washing
Sorry I didn't see this last night.

Doc Bud is about 15 posts in. He recommends 3 parts water to 1 part 3% H2O2.
If you happen to have 70% H2O2, that would be around 1 pint per 5 gallon bucket.

I do a first trim, removing all the non sugary and dried leaves. Anything you would use for butter or bubble hash can be left on for washing, so this first trim is basically taking out the trash. Then I wash.

Hope this helps. I'm still a noobie :)

Yes, and I did notice it removes wax from fruits, so maybe not so much on pot.

How much peroxide should I use in a 5 gallon bucket? Do you think it would be advantageous to pull apart the buds to be certain I get any and all debris out, including any (gasp, Fifi, don't look!) a dead caterpillar.

When you wash, do you trim the fans off first, then wash, or wash with it all in tact? What would you recommend in my circumstance?
Bud Washing
Sorry I didn't see this last night.

Doc Bud is about 15 posts in. He recommends 3 parts water to 1 part 3% H2O2.
If you happen to have 70% H2O2, that would be around 1 pint per 5 gallon bucket.

I do a first trim, removing all the non sugary and dried leaves. Anything you would use for butter or bubble hash can be left on for washing, so this first trim is basically taking out the trash. Then I wash.

Hope this helps. I'm still a noobie :)

Yes, very helpful. When I get home from physical therapy I plan to harvest all three plants outside, ready or not. I have enough medication to last till my closet girls get finished. I'm certain those will produce me some fantastic weed.

I wanted to have enough to give away to a few people and for that purpose, I believe I have enough. Last night before bed I smoked some of the WW x BB I harvested last month and I actually smoked too much. I had to lay there and relax down for a bit. Then it was great.

I am noticing nobody is around. Where is everyone?
hey guys, been a few days but i have a day off today so thought i would spend some time doing a little update on my babies.
its lights off at the mo but here are some photos from yesterday.

so there is a lot of foliage going on even though i have done a defol, i have not noticed a stunt in growth which is good.
still planning on atleast another 10 days of veg so im hoping to get a few more inches in vert!!!

picture time!!!









there is still so much foliage going on its stopping a lot of my central bud sites from getting the light. if i had done a better job getting the arms to the end of the pot so there was more space in the middle...but hey you cant win em all so i will do better next time.
what are people finding are the best ways to tie down limbs?

also when can i do another defol? am i now gonna have to wait until after the stretch during flower?

so yeah this is my update for now, have a nice day guys

edit: totally forgot to use white balance to chance colours of photos....its this strong ass weed i got from the local gangsta lol
Evening friends!

Since last bit of help I adjusted my wires to get a more level canopy, here's how she's looking atm:


any thoughts on how she's shaping up, should I switch into flower soon or get a bit more height first?


She's looking great. Let her get at least 8" of stretch before flipping. You'll be glad you do.

Well done my friend....
What's crackin....LOL.

Ok, so we've done a bit of trimming and training. Took longer than usual and when you see the pics you'll know why.

The growth is explosive right now and I curse all of you and hope you have the same problem I'm having....LOL.

Hard to control the growth and being a small stature plant it's becoming very difficult to get in there and trim.

So here are the numbers...


Mister combined with the wet towel seems to be doing the trick. It's at least keeping the RM above 50. Still not as high as we would like but at the moment it's the best we can do. Maybe next weekend we'll go with 2 towels in the cabinet.

As far as growth....

Before the hair cut....




This is an up skirt shot showing the growth in the tips. Yep that's shoots 11 & 12 showing their stripes...




And finally the after....




I went a little more heavy with the defol because of her growth potential. I'm sure she will bounce back....

And now a head count....


My last two lights didn't give me this growth speed....and yes the word of the day is "Growth"...LOL.

Not the last time I will say's the light.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 189

She's gone bonkers since letting her go vert. I'm really ready to ship her to the Bloom Tent but it's over stuffed already. The first pic below was 20 days ago when we first let her go vertical.

Aug 14


This Morning



any thoughts on how she's shaping up, should I switch into flower soon or get a bit more height first?
Your girl's shaping up just fine Fast...
That's gonna be a lot of work getting all them tops level in flower. Can't wait to see her turn into a monster for you. Make sure and keep them horizontal branches trimmed, that bottom growth loves to come back and hide under leaves. I had growth that I cut off keep coming back.
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