Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

That's gonna be a lot of work getting all them tops level in flower. Can't wait to see her turn into a monster for you. Make sure and keep them horizontal branches trimmed, that bottom growth loves to come back and hide under leaves. I had growth that I cut off keep coming back.
I have most of the canopy level. Just been doing a lot of squeezing on the taller ones to let the newer bud sites catch up. If I'm correct I suppose to just leave the branches be for now & just let them shoot up before the first heavy defol.
Thanxx Professor Flux...
Thanxx Monster...
I have most of the canopy level. Just been doing a lot of squeezing on the taller ones to let the newer bud sites catch up. If I'm correct I suppose to just leave the branches be for now & just let them shoot up before the first heavy defol.


Where are you squeezing. I'm to the point that I have to really consider crushing some nodes/internodes on the first 2-3 sets to slow them down.

Pics to follow....
Quick update and suggestions on crush/pinching points.

Gotta slow down the first 2-3 sets of arms. The first time I crushed L/R 1 and 2 at the first internode closest to the mains. That did seem to slow them down and L/R 3 and 4 did catch up. But they all (1-4) just took off again. Now we have to really consider going crazy on her to give 5-14 time to develop.

Anndddddd.......Res change out tomorrow and was just thinking that I should top her now and give those arms a chance to develop....input???

That should put us in the weekend just before the 15th. One final trim and training and then we are going vertical.

Pics of before, after and head count....




So comments and suggestions please....
Renegade my friend :)
This is all simple, yep top away and that automatically aids in side limbs growing out. I pinch where you have labeled up. Just at the base of the growing tip node. So your not smashing the node itself up, just part crushing it so part cutting it off. I also at this point give all the other limbs more end foliage. I get quite aggressive with the longer limbs taking most foliage off. Also keep the longer strapped down whilst letting the ends of flux up slightly.
All these simple things combine to gice you total control. Bare in mind though!!!! People seem to think you want a perfect ring of buds, you don't!!! Some staggering of limb ends is desired, as it gives better room for colas site development! :)

The other point to be careful with is the crushing! As your going at base of growing tip , you run the risk of beheading or over damaging the node. Doing it at this point is very effective. Just be careful its better to have to repeat the process rather than bugger your girl up! :)

Hope that helps buddy! :)
Renegade my friend :)

This is all simple, yep top away and that automatically aids in side limbs growing out. I pinch where you have labeled up. Just at the base of the growing tip node. So your not smashing the node itself up, just part crushing it so part cutting it off. I also at this point give all the other limbs more end foliage. I get quite aggressive with the longer limbs taking most foliage off. Also keep the longer strapped down whilst letting the ends of flux up slightly.

Bare in mind though!!!! People seem to think you want a perfect ring of buds, you don't!!! Some staggering of limb ends is desired, as it gives better room for colas site development!:)....Hope that helps buddy! :)

Hell to the YEA!!!

As if you know me....LOL. More upset that your spot on with that last comment...LOL. And I was thinking stagger would be better for that exact reason but my OCD was killing me....wanting that all to perfect ring.

Res change out is complete and re-training is done. Since L/R 13 & 14 are developed I will top just after those sets. Will wait a day or two before doing so to give her time to recoup. Should work out to be around the next training session.

But I will pinch the longer limbs tonight....

Pics of her without her bonds...




And after re-training...




Thanks again Professor....

We are on our way to another milestone....Topping!!!
I think if it goes like the regular grows around here she should be ready around the first week of October or close to then.... I was checking her buds last night and found a dark brown place in one of the buds and then as I was pulling at it a friggin' worm stuck it's head out at me so needless to say I murdered it....:blushsmile:.... I checked the rest of her like a crazed person and found nothing else so hopefully that is all and then I moved her as far away from the walls of the house and anything else I saw that looked like it would make it easier for them to just drop on her. At least now they will have to take the trouble of crawling up the pot to get to her. I will be so happy when I don't have any other girls outside. I really don't like bugs and crawly things..:thedoubletake:......:circle-of-love:
It's the moths and butterflies which lay eggs on the plant. They don't climb up silly girl! You are so cute in all your OCDness.

If you have any Bt around, you can use that even when it is flowering. It degrades in a few days, and it non toxic to everyone other than the worms.
I gave her a good dose of SNS209 so hopefully if there is anything there I missed that will get rid of them. I did find an egg that was on her and got that off and believe it or not I actually checked every leaf on her... at least I think I did unless I missed one by accident.... The worm was in a part of the girl that was crossed over and there was a lot of foliage and when I pulled the stuff apart you could clearly see the mess it had made. Hence the reason I started looking and then when I pulled apart the buddage you could clearly see the brown mess they make and I went bud by bud and leaf by leaf and didn't see anything else that remotely looked like it was being eaten or pooped on so I am really hoping it is an isolated incident and I only found 1 of what looked like an egg. I had to use the loupe to see it but I'm pretty sure that is what it was. I pinched off that leaf and hopefully it is the only one. I have some neem oil but don't think I'm supposed to use it on buds and I don't even know what Bt is but if I find anything else on her I will find out what Bt is.....:circle-of-love:
Bt is a biological control for all caterpillars. It kills good ones, too, so I only use it on plants butterflies do not go to. That said, it comes in both liquid and powder. Dipel is the powder and Biocide is a brand of liquid. I use the liquid and I did so on flowering plants about what, three weeks ago?

It's almost over...I really can't wait to just get that plant chopped down and be done with the outdoors for a while. I'll put up the greenhouse when it is time and the little one I bought for the pot growing is also going to have netting and stealth BUG OUT protection devices! Haven't figured out what, yet, but I will. Lots of devices.

High LA!
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