Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Yea I'd go with that but not 4 as they're a bit behind :)

Cool, cool....

And now the when???

Is it too early to do now??? If now should I wait till they turn up again or hit them now while they are turned down???

Got it....crush them now and let the others turn up. Gonna do it later tonight and post some pics...

Just L/R 1 & 2....

Gonna include L3 as well....

Been a while since i last posted anything here but wanted you guys to see how far my clone has gotten!


I'm going to defoil after the recovered the recent bends <3

What will happen if i keep my plant under the current sun? will it go into bloom auto soon cause then i need some other option.. :helpsmilie:
I was reading about this man who is a cannabis master who flashes a light for a split second, a strobe basically, about one hour before lights back on. He runs his veg lights for only 9-10 hours and when he stops with strobe, his plants start to flower.

I don't know if that works or not. He was giving a seminar on growing cannabis. I think I posted a link either on the Virtual Couch journal or maybe on my own OT journal...don't recall. If you want the link I can find it.
I was reading about this man who is a cannabis master who flashes a light for a split second, a strobe basically, about one hour before lights back on. He runs his veg lights for only 9-10 hours and when he stops with strobe, his plants start to flower.

I don't know if that works or not. He was giving a seminar on growing cannabis. I think I posted a link either on the Virtual Couch journal or maybe on my own OT journal...don't recall. If you want the link I can find it.

I'd like to read that. Probably won't try it til it's proven, but I love a good read.
31 Aug 14, Sunday, Day 44, Week 7, Day 2
Res Temp=79

So I tried something different today...

Still fighting low RM. It normally sits around 40-50%.

Sooo.....At lights out I turned all the fans off. Exhaust automatically goes off when the lights do but I also turned off the intact fans and the circulating fan.

I wanted to see what would happen when I turned the mister up high during the 6 hour lights out. Well the RM hit 99%...LOL. Air was 79. There was moisture over everything.

So, is there a causal effect? Is there any benefit to higher RM during lights out?

Tomorrow I will repeat except turn on only 1 of the 2 intake fans and see what I get.

I turned the fans back on when the lights came back on and within 30 mins the moisture was gone and the RM settled back down to 53 with the air at 82.

L/R 1 & 2 were pinched at the mains and pulled below all other growth in an attempt to stunt their growth. Not sure if it was successful or not. They are really trying to turn that corner over the wires.

Pic of her just one day after trimming and training.

If anything, dark, humid, no air movement are three deadly sins! If my closet is only around 49% RM, I do nothing until the morning. Plants transpire at night. Stomata are open, but not taking in much so the air is better off being dry when your tent or room is dark.
If anything, dark, humid, no air movement are three deadly sins! If my closet is only around 49% RM, I do nothing until the morning. Plants transpire at night. Stomata are open, but not taking in much so the air is better off being dry when your tent or room is dark.

Very valuable input GF....thank you.
You can just watch it here:


A few minutes in he says that the day of the year in which 12/12 happens is around June 21, and the wrong time to flower plants because it's the beginning of summer .

Confusing summer solstice lighting with autumnal equinox is not a big deal if you are talking about celebrating seasons, but it's a HUGE mistake if one is trying to argue that 12/12 light is an unnatural signal to begin flowering since it happens in early summer.

Solar Lighting reduced to 12/12 happens at the beginning of Autumn, which is the roughly the right time to flower.

If this were a casual, first time airing of this theory, I can see that mistake might happening.
Presumably he has explained this theory before, a theory which is irrefutably wrong and can be dis-proved in second.
How can he still be clinging to a patently wrong theory?

I stopped the video playback.
I can't afford to fill my brain with mistakes, my brain might believe them.
Haha Rado, good spot :) I locked onto that straight away too. He talks a load of old waffle, he also recommends you slap them around a bit. I think he smoked a few fat ones before the presentation :) I googled his theory & found a couple who tried it & neither rated it as an improvement so it's not something I'll be trying.
I just said I heard an idea, not that I held to it or even considered it. He is correct on many things, but truth be told, most videos I watch with the pro-canna people are flaky. I found his idea interesting.

And it is not 12/12 everywhere in June. I have shorter days, believe it or not, than up north. I am going to have to time when I put plants outside because regardless what day I put them out there, they will immediately start to flower because of day length. Even in summer.

I've heard all kinds of very odd growing techniques since starting to cultivate pot. This guy is definitely not one of the most ridiculous I've heard. We did use some of these lighting techniques for the Poinsettias we grew. And I'm talking about tens of thousands of plants in 6" pots.
We did use a flash technique and cannabis has a similar flower structure whereby you want the bracts to develop and no real flower to speak of. Same thing with Poinsettia.

Do you think I should ask the mods to take the video down? I didn't finish the whole thing, but thought you'd like to see his lecture, not because he was right, but for the idea.
If anything, dark, humid, no air movement are three deadly sins! If my closet is only around 49% RM, I do nothing until the morning. Plants transpire at night. Stomata are open, but not taking in much so the air is better off being dry when your tent or room is dark.

Good morning all....

So I'll be taking a step back from my decision. Just need to get my RM up and nothing seems to be working.

This is not a stress call to say the least just want to get it ironed out.

RM hangs around 43-45. And because of the Spider my temps hang around 84-90, normally around 86.

Plant doesn't seem to suffer at all mainly because of the light. I can't even get the earlier growth to slow down...LOL. I pinch the internodes at the main's and pulled them down below all other growth and they didn't skip a beat. Fighting to turn up...

This is the 3rd day after the last trimming and training....

Renegade, I have a bath towel which is old and threadbare. I wet that and hang it on one of the closet poles. I don't face the fan directly on the wet towel. It keeps the RH in the closet around 50-60% and by the time night comes around, the towel is dry and RM goes down to 49%. Some days I have to wet the towel in the morning, again in the afternoon.

Maybe that is something you can try?
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