Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Hows this....

3 day growth...

I can't remember the name of it Light.... but it is the one King just did the review of.... Hold on I will look it up.... Ok it's called Extreme Q ... and I love this thing. I know I look pretty ridiculous sitting around sucking on a balloon but I'm a happy looking ridiculous person...:yahoo:
Oh an P.S. I still haven't chopped the flux baby. I got my back bone back and decided she had gone thru so much to get this perfect and to chop her when it is this close to the right time was just unacceptable to me so am going to try and hold on a couple more weeks to harvest.....:circle-of-love:
I agree Light.... I checked her trichs this morning and she is completely cloudy but I can only find 1 or 2 ambers and I think if I can stand to let her go until the first of Oct she will be awesome... So going to just cross my fingers and hope bacon doesn't decide to mess with me. She is on my back porch and he would literally have to come onto my property to see her and I have no trespassing signs everywhere and I have security all over my property so if he decided to try and stealth like get up there he would trigger things he really doesn't want to trigger and would be met in the yard before he could ever get close enough to see what it is. I had my nephew go way up the hill and look down from the only place that she is visible from and he says it just looks like a bonzi tree that I manicure so I am going to hold my breath and go for it.... so send me lots of stay free karma and hopefully we will get her through to the right end.....:circle-of-love:
quick little update from my flux guys, going fluxing crazy out here!!!

ok picture time!!!





HGK00 (notice the damage, think its a combo of a couple of defs)




ok so thats my update, i love how many tops i can see!!!! soon as i sort out this problem with the colour i will be all good!!!
Looking awesome my friend! :) if your happy with vert get on defol hard! Open everything up to the light :)

Cheers light.

I would like some more vert, I only flipped on Saturday so I was thinking maybe I do a defol now, get stunted growth for a week but then they will go right back into the stretch for a week or so?

I really wanna get light to all them buds sites that are covered but I also feel like my yield will be a fair bit better with some more vert...what do you think sensei?
Leave them be then as long as you can open all them top up loads. Also look for low down secondary growth that ain't viable and weak. Use crushing of top node on one your able to tame. Now your treating each limb as a separate plant, whilst actually managing the whole :) its fun and hectic lol.
Just think kids drawing of an xmas tree for each site :)

I keep forgetting that I now have 100 plants instead of 3 because each arm is a separate plant!

OK I will keep tucking and allowing for very.
"Also look for low down secondary growth that ain't viable and weak. Use crushing of top node on one your able to tame. " sorry my mate came round with some strong meds and this has gone totally over my head....should I crush the nodes of the weak secondary limbs??
I must admit I have a fair few weak lower down limbs that are just gonna produce popcorn buds!

Thanks sensei!
Good morning all....

Uhm, so yea....LOL. We're going to have to defol weekly to keep the fans at bay. So defol this weekend starting tomorrow after res change out.

Beginning in the middle and working our way out we'll cut out the biggest fans first to see how much we clear. Then moving on to the outer edges.

Want some clarification on defol'ing the fans and not the shoots that are coming out of the base of the fans....

This is what she looks like this morning....





Oh, and I cut loose her bonds for a couple days till after the defol.

I'll pull her back down after that is done once I can see in there.

Need some clarification on defol'ing the fans and not the shoots that are coming out of the base of the fans....
Renegade personally I'd spread her more first, move tethers along some to ends of limbs and get a slightly bigger base. This would help with limiting the defol needed and give better area per colas later on! :) To defol go where needed but lightly at mo. The new shoots from these points you leave on, just crush them gently just below the top growing tip. This stunts them for now whilst the vert builds. You want this so your not getting weak spindly growth reaching for the canopy!
If you miss some or spot an area free then let any good structured offshoots go for it :) I ended up with 4 extra canopy colas from a few secondary shoots I left be and got good bud development. You just don't want it all over busy, so we manage the secondaries at this point! :)
I think I havewuaite a few secondary shoots, I will chop most once I'm done with very but I did a really poor job controlling the secondary shoots and suddenly they were just as tall as the main shoot with some decent thickness to the stem!

Sensei, what would you say is the best way to support arms if the colas start to weigh them down? I'm thinking this may happen with me to a few colas
Renegade personally I'd spread her more first, move tethers along some to ends of limbs and get a slightly bigger base. This would help with limiting the defol needed and give better area per colas later on! :) To defol go where needed but lightly at mo. The new shoots from these points you leave on, just crush them gently just below the top growing tip. This stunts them for now whilst the vert builds. You want this so your not getting weak spindly growth reaching for the canopy!
If you miss some or spot an area free then let any good structured offshoots go for it :) I ended up with 4 extra canopy colas from a few secondary shoots I left be and got good bud development. You just don't want it all over busy, so we manage the secondaries at this point! :)

Dear Professor,

Maybe you didn't understand the severity of the situation and the homework you have just assigned me....LOL. The canopy is just too dense.

But being a good soldier and student I marched on and am glad to say mission accomplished without any limbs lost during the relocating of the tethers.

I still haven't pulled the heads down yet but as suggested I was able to relocate the tethers to a higher point on the arms. And even while doing so I could see the benefit of it. At the very least I was able to see more space opening up.

You do understand Sir that you are creating a monster to the 10th degree...LOL.

Not me I gave up that madness years ago....of course I'm talking about my Flux Gurl....LOL.

I will pull the heads down on Sunday, giving her a few days to adjust to the gentle touches of today and res change out tomorrow.

Maybe it's me but I can see the growth in her from just this morning....





See everyone on Sunday after well pull the heads back down.
Just wanted to post up a few pics of the AKxWW flux baby before she is chopped in the morning.... She is showing about 30% amber and I found another wormy thing in one of her buds so it is finally time to bring her in and give her a nice bath and let her cure..... the wormy things are easy to find cause they make the spot real nasty real quick but I got it off and she will be chopped and the buds washed....:circle-of-love:
I like this setup, but I don't understand what the grated insert around the stem is. I really want one.

Only if you want to make yourself crazy Jamba....LOL.

It's simply tie wrap squares. I use them to hold the arms and heads down.

You may want to stick with LA's suggested wires to keep your heads down though...assuming your going with a Flux.
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