Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 211 / Day 20 Outdoors

OK Professor Flux, I've got the canopy pretty much leveled. She's outside on the Fire Escape now and should be showing pre-flowers soon. As you see the "over & under the rim" training has bud sites all over the outer rim. It worked!
Now what I need to know is what do do next...


:thanks: Professor Flux
After watching her all weekend and the earlier part of this week I've decided to flip a week early.

Her mains are at 8" and the canopy is at 5". I figure I should gain an inch overall by Sunday which is the official flip. Side shoots are....well shooting out all over the place. I can see in my mind the colas stacking up as a result of this.

Hell some of the side shoots are almost as tall as the canopy as it is now. And I remember LA saying he got a couple extra colas from something like this.

I just can't afford for her to stretch any more then she is now knowing she will give me an additional 3-5 maybe even 6-8 inches during bloom.

That will put her at about 10-12" from the light. Not good....or is it...LOL.

Potential cola sizes will range between 6-8" maybe the mains will hit 10"....stacked and fat....yummy!!!

Soooo, how hard do I hit her???

Professor your input please....

This is her tonight....







How hard do it hit her???
OK firstly drop the ends down some now, set her even for this last bit of veg. Then go hard :) go hard on the secondary shoots with defol! You don't want them all stretching for the canopy. Hit upper levels of all sites hardest, getting light to a base line blanket of the lowest level foliage! :)

This is where it's cloudy for me... The defol... Fans only??? Tallest side shoots???

1. First heavy defol at top...
2. Defol secondary shoots or cut them out altogether???
3. Pull canopy heads down and even
4. Let her recoup a week before flipping or can I flip right after defol???

Thanks in advance LA....
And round two....

Per LA's instructions hit her hard and give her a couple days recoup before flipping.

So pretty much done with defol...

Going to pull the canopy heads even tonight...

Let her rest till Sunday before flipping...

Res change on Saturday...

Sounds like I said all that before...LOL.

This mornings defol...




Looking good Renegade...
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