Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

makes sense, you have done a great job beefing them out!
oh and that really made me lol really really lol

ok update time!

just thought i would take a few shots of the areas concerning me in regards to my flux.
im now allowing the middle to grow out in a hope that i have time it right for them to catch up in size to there sister limbs.
i dont have the perfect flux like some of you and our sensei and im having a real trouble keeping all my tops the same level....I DONT KNOW HOW SOME OF YOU DO IT HAHAHA!!!

so yeah here are my pictures of the middle and one of my tops which im not sure if i should strip or not.




what do i do with this? they are very small and compact and im not sure whether or not to leave them or let them grow out and see what happens, im only planning to veg for another 3 weeks max and i plan to stop strapping down the limbs in a week to allow 2 weeks of vertical growth!




this is me for now. just added some liquid silicon which im hoping will add some bulk to my weak limbs!
Hey LA, thanks for the advice. Having trouble posting from work because my mobile internet has a content lock that stops me from coming on here without a proxy!

Ok so I should let it grow out now and get some vert for next few weeks.
Next time I'm gonna have to do better next time and pay more attention so. I can have more of a perfect yours!
You have done an amazing job of keeping them all level!!!

Will post some more photo of my flux when I get home.. Gotta say I'm very happy to hear I can start allowing very growth as it takes a lot of pressure away from strapping down all the limbs!!!
Do I still need to keep up on my defoliation?

It's all a learning curve, my arms are not the strongest and they are far from level...probably about 5-10cm between some of the tops...but I have learnt a lot and I cannot wait to get my flux 2.0 underway!!!

Have had 7 weeks veg so far, gonna do another 3 weeks then 9 week flower...3 months and counting!!!

Oh and thanks for all the help and advice LA!!!!
Gonna go take some pics of the AK fluxer and get them posted up. She has conquered her mite problem but it has been raining so much here she is a little over watered and that has made it hard to get nutes in her but I think she is doing OK. I will get them up here in just a minute Light for your inspection.....:circle-of-love:
Now in her defense remember I was in la-la land for several weeks and kinda screwed up everything I touched so I tried not to touch her to much and it shows. I think she is still going to produce well but she is not as pretty as I had hoped due to my lack of attention at critical times but here she is......:circle-of-love:
Thanks Light and Canna.... The only reason it got cleared Light is due to all the rain it has gotten and the leaves were really yellow. I actually do know I should have left them but I have this thing about ugly leaves as you may know and I have been so freaked about the mites I wanted to make sure they had nowhere to hide. I took the loupe outside yesterday and there is nothing moving on her and the only spider I saw was a daddy long leg so I left that one alone as I think they are good spiders????? I actually wish I could just bring her in the house and finish her in the tent or something but after the last outside girl came in and I then had mites in the house I don't think I will do that again. Any who hopefully she will give up some nice produce and if I try this again it will be in the house all the way........:circle-of-love:
Now in her defense remember I was in la-la land for several weeks and kinda screwed up everything I touched so I tried not to touch her to much and it shows. I think she is still going to produce well but she is not as pretty as I had hoped due to my lack of attention at critical times but here she is......:circle-of-love:


Good day to you all....

So I was looking at Dennise's poor little (big) beautiful example of a we kid because we care) and had to zoom in to see the lower growth that your talking about.

No or very little defol once she goes vertical. Except for the horizontal part of the arm? Keep that part bare?

I ask only to verify....

I hope my flux is half as good as yours Dennise. I will be happy.

Poof and he's
Thanks Light and Canna.... The only reason it got cleared Light is due to all the rain it has gotten and the leaves were really yellow. I actually do know I should have left them but I have this thing about ugly leaves as you may know and I have been so freaked about the mites I wanted to make sure they had nowhere to hide. I took the loupe outside yesterday and there is nothing moving on her and the only spider I saw was a daddy long leg so I left that one alone as I think they are good spiders????? I actually wish I could just bring her in the house and finish her in the tent or something but after the last outside girl came in and I then had mites in the house I don't think I will do that again. Any who hopefully she will give up some nice produce and if I try this again it will be in the house all the way........:circle-of-love:

Ur plant is amazing...without taking into consideration whatyour dealing with....its an amazing plant if you actually start to consider things!!!
Yeah, what a hunk of junk. Man, when will you finally learn how to grow a damn pot plant woman!?

I am so ashamed for you.



GF your sarcasm is amazing,so often in here I will be reading a post thinking...this person is mean (I don't normally check who is the poster until after) until I quickly realise that this person is GF...and then I proceed to wet myself with laughter until I finish reading the post.

Thanks for the laughs!
be you you....its great!

ok so im not sure what day of veg im on, im not keeping track, im in week 7 though :)

LA has advice me to allow for some vert now seeing as i only plan on veggin another 3 weeks thats what im gonna do!
so i have stopped training out and im just gonna allow them to grow upwards. i will try and even out the heights as much as i can but i dont think its gonna be the perfect flux that i wanted.
im cool with that, i dont suggest fluxing from clone for noobs, seems to be a bit easier to get a nice symmetrical shape if you start from seed....but that could just be me.

anyway here are the photos








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