Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

be you you....its great!

ok so im not sure what day of veg im on, im not keeping track, im in week 7 though :)

LA has advice me to allow for some vert now seeing as i only plan on veggin another 3 weeks thats what im gonna do!
so i have stopped training out and im just gonna allow them to grow upwards. i will try and even out the heights as much as i can but i dont think its gonna be the perfect flux that i wanted.
im cool with that, i dont suggest fluxing from clone for noobs, seems to be a bit easier to get a nice symmetrical shape if you start from seed....but that could just be me.

anyway here are the photos









The alternating arms of a mature clone are certainly a challenge. I can't write picture the result.
Despite your challenges, I hope you will be happy with your yield.
Good day to you all....

So I was looking at Dennise's poor little (big) beautiful example of a we kid because we care) and had to zoom in to see the lower growth that your talking about.

No or very little defol once she goes vertical. Except for the horizontal part of the arm? Keep that part bare?

I ask only to verify....

I hope my flux is half as good as yours Dennise. I will be happy.

Poof and he's

Say light addict. I've watched this thread for 150 pages or so and I still get surprised.

Have you written "The Nine Noble Concepts of Fluxing" ???

I'd like to see your ideas in checklist form; a pre-flight checklist of training concepts to keep in mind.
HIgh LA, my little buddy starts flowering, how do you feel it ?, seems to be finally a litlle model !!





Sun And Rum
Just a quick update....

Untouched or molested. I was just surprised to see her tonight. We all saw the pics from yesterday morning.

She just loves this thing called a "Spider"

Hands down...

This is what she looks like tonight.




As instructed by the Professor I'm not going to touch her till tomorrow. But I think we can all agree she will need it.

See your treasure again here! :circle-of-love:

Just a quick update....

Untouched or molested. I was just surprised to see her tonight. We all saw the pics from yesterday morning.

She just loves this thing called a "Spider"

Hands down...

This is what she looks like tonight.




As instructed by the Professor I'm not going to touch her till tomorrow. But I think we can all agree she will need it.

That looks like a cannabis operating table Dr. Renegade.


Until now BAR I never even thought about it. Does look medical doesn't it. All I need is some syrings in there.

But then we do call it MMJ right. And it is meds for wifey. So I guess it fits.

Watch for next
Canna, I've posted before about this, but sells a product called Gnat Away or something like that. It is the exact strain of Bt H-14 which works on the gnat larvae in the soil. It is a permanent cure and that bottle lasts a very, very long time if you ever do need to retreat. I highly recommend having that in your arsenal. I don't know about the SNS products, so can't comment, but I've used Bt H-14 for a very long time. A lot of times that website has buy 25 get 25 dollars free. They may have that right now. Everything they sell it organic.
The nice thing about the product I mention is that it is a drench, so will remain in high enough levels in the soil to be residual for several waterings. By then all larvae have perished. It gets rid of the problem, not just treat it.

So, glad you know about it now.
You buddy looks strong!!! Tad:goodjob:

The edge of large leaves looks a little yellow, is that OK? :Namaste:

Hi Twilight, thanks a lot !! the little yellow turns quickly green when it grows, maybe the nutrients !! i'll try other brand next grow

And will follow renegade COB LED test, thanks for the sponsoring you does, a good way for me to see how others products and techno works !!!
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