Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Partner, the SNS 203 worked great ridden me of the Thrips infestation I had but was some what lackadaisical handling the fungus gnats. I get much better results using Broke Azz Gnat Spray:

One quart h2o (I use tap), One cap of Hydrogen Peroxide, & a small drop of liquid Dish detergent > put in a spray bottle > Shake well > Spray the leafs & medium generously once a day for 3 days > Gnats & Larva gone.
So I topped my baby 2 days ago, and this is show she's looking at the moment,



I personally don't see a different really yet, but maybe I need a microscope, this is the best zoom I could get with my Camera at the moment

Heres a picture from my phone (apparently my phone takes better pictures than my camera which has a £1200 lens on it)


(by the way, do I need to worry about those little spots on 1 of the leafs?)

many thanks!
The alternating arms of a mature clone are certainly a challenge. I can't write picture the result.
Despite your challenges, I hope you will be happy with your yield.

I will be happy and either way I'm gonna attempt to flux again only this time from seed!

Say light addict. I've watched this thread for 150 pages or so and I still get surprised.

Have you written "The Nine Noble Concepts of Fluxing" ???

I'd like to see your ideas in checklist form; a pre-flight checklist of training concepts to keep in mind.

I would also like to see this...maybe written in the book of Mormon!
Ah well, I already did it, I'll tell you how it works out! haha.

All my plants do the same thing. Light green growth that quickly turns dark as it grows out

Mine do the same thing!

Bit random but can somebody tell me what product to use in my water rez to stop it from smelling like pond?
I have seen it mentioned around here but have totally forgot!
Canna, I've posted before about this, but sells a product called Gnat Away or something like that. It is the exact strain of Bt H-14 which works on the gnat larvae in the soil. It is a permanent cure and that bottle lasts a very, very long time if you ever do need to retreat. I highly recommend having that in your arsenal. I don't know about the SNS products, so can't comment, but I've used Bt H-14 for a very long time. A lot of times that website has buy 25 get 25 dollars free. They may have that right now. Everything they sell it organic.

Placing order now :)

It's called "knock-out gnats granules" at 1/2 tsp/gallon makes 96 gallons.
$25 + $25 of bulbs (or somethin else) when you give them your email.
Flexa :) by looking at them you have left it a little late to flux as your at about the 7th node. So we will adapt your training if your up for it. I used to run autos for ages before turning to photo strains. I was able to regularly hit good numbers and always hit over 5oz with some simple training after topping once at the level you have!
Its basically the same principle behind my Tutt style vertical LST. The plant stays vert as it is, you just start tucking the fan leaves behind the growing limbs. Then using some plastic coated garden wire you can train all limbs our horizontal. You also span them out some, so they're not overshadowing the limb a couple nodes down that sits at same angle.
Training all limbs horizontal gives all the nodes along said limbs the route to go for the canopy. You do let the ends of limbs go vert before flower fully hits, this gives some nice inner buds, then the end of limbs that have gone vert create bigger size colas! :)
I always stripped the first immature node at bottom and sometimes the second as well if structure is weak.
Holla at me on here anytime and post pics and Ill always aid if I can :)
IMO, leave it be. Don't remove anything unless it obscures anything. Just keep the arms clean & open the ends up of your two heads. the right head can be trained down a bit too, it's getting high (I wish I was :))
You're too kind :volcano-smiley: :) One thing you need to remember is the highest part is the most dominant so that's where most of the energy will go. By lowering it yo can stop it from out growing the other side.
Bloody spot on my friend! Perfectly done! :)

Blushing...LOL. Had to say it...LOL.

Thanks LA.

I started with the fans on the side shoots so I could see underneath. When those were gone it got easier and easier.

Hope everyone has a great rest of your week.

See (well you know what I mean) you all on Saturday...
Oh, forgot....

Got my beans today....

I'm all set for January....

I ordered....

Blue Dream
Purple #1
Ultimate Purple
Berry Bomb

And they gave me....

Green Love Potion
UltraViolet Automatic??? An Auto???

All are Fem's.

I will pop...
Blue Dream
Purple #1
Berry Bomb

All at the same time and in the same res.
Looking forward to seeing your new journal!!! HAHA:bravo:

Oh, forgot....

Got my beans today....

I'm all set for January....

I ordered....

Blue Dream
Purple #1
Ultimate Purple
Berry Bomb

And they gave me....

Green Love Potion
UltraViolet Automatic??? An Auto???

All are Fem's.

I will pop...
Blue Dream
Purple #1
Berry Bomb

All at the same time and in the same res.
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