Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Your joking right???! All this time I could have bee using lemon juice from my local co op??? Instead of that 4 quid a bottle crap that I have to use 3ml just to lower pH by 0.3?!?!?

I feel like a right donut now
Your joking right???! All this time I could have bee using lemon juice from my local co op??? Instead of that 4 quid a bottle crap that I have to use 3ml just to lower pH by 0.3?!?!?

I feel like a right donut now

Now you have a little idea how I feel when I see a bottle of potassium at 1% with nothing else in it being sold as some great bud developer for 40 dollars a bottle. It's not only ridiculous, it is a blatant rip off. I know people are willing to think their buds are somehow better or bigger or gooier, but it is not the 40 dollar potassium. It's the water, soil, and light. Plants do not need the level of fussing we give to them and they certainly do not need high end, top shelf (in the US that means most expensive and supposed best).

PeeJay, if you are reading this, how much Azomite do you buy at a time and what do you pay for it. I want to order it online if I can. The garden center which sells it is 40 miles away and I get 13 MPG in my truck! It's cheaper to use my cramazonprime. Many different prices on cramazon. Do you have a preference?

Sorry, Light for the indirect question to peege.
My HGK Flux starting to flower
Asking if an acidic product wont raise ph, is quite stupid in hindsight ;)

I'm one of the people who doesn't know if acid or base raises or lowers pH. I just know where my pH should be and when to add up or down to mix. I never did learn the science behind it. I should probably know all that though, seems like basic info
I'm one of the people who doesn't know if acid or base raises or lowers pH. I just know where my pH should be and when to add up or down to mix. I never did learn the science behind it. I should probably know all that though, seems like basic info

The lower the Ph, the more acidic it is. The higher the Ph, the more alcaline or basic it is. Why I think it was a stupid question, is because I'm asking it on a computer with a google search option in the upper right corner ;) It takes anybody all of 10 seconds to not have to ask someone else to do their homework for them .. like I did ;)

PH up & down confused the hell out of me at first & it still seems stupid that whoever devised the PH scale wanted the lover figures to be more acidic. It's the reverse of what is logical, well it is to me anyway :)

It is probably completely logical, if you understand the science behind it .. I do not .. to me it is illogical as well .. hence why my original question was: Wont a more acidic product raise the Ph ? Which I then checked using the aforementioned google .. and removed the question :p
ok update time!

im back from dam and ready to chuck myself at my girls properly this time around because if your gonna do it properly. so i need to stop abusing them by not abusing them and make sure my girls are the best they can be!

so i know i have weak limbs and im doing everything i can to thicken them up, bending, supercropping, pinching and wind. i can really see the effects of not having a fan pointed at them from day one like i did with my first run.
gonna add some silicon to the next feed and hope that helps too!

ok...picture time




the tallest limbs have had there tops crushed inbetween my fingertips to halt growth and hopefully allow the other smaller limbs to catch up, im trying to fill up all the gaps using repositioned arms and im now allowing the middle to get some node sites as im 7 weeks into veg and only actually planned for an 8 week veg....though im now thinking im gonna do about 10-12 weeks to allow for some good vert before flowering.

thats all for now guys :circle-of-love::Namaste:
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