Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Nice garden GF. Skunny and lady D your fluxs look great. Here is a Pic of what I have going on partly inspired by comedy central's trich.

thanks budder :high-five: that chick has got to be related to our friend the :hippy: looking good lb!!
Looking Good Trix...
I did this to my babies and they're looking great! :cheer:

Day 29 of flower hope they will become monsters! :morenutes:

If i'm violating any rules about pictures please notify me :)


My LK clone has so many branches I will have to really look at it to determine what to remove and what to leave. I may go off and just do like a four arm. Is that what LA calls a waffle? I ask you because I think he is busy till the weekend and I don't have to know this now anyway.
I think I'll give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained :) I'll be taking the clone off a bottom branch

cut it w/ xtra length, then make final cut submerged in water, i've heard "open air" cuts can allow a deadly bubble/embolism in the stem.

my 2 cents, also, some plants/cuttings with staggered nodes, will stay staggered for life. :peace:
Thanks Trichomes :thumb: I've never done the water method, I usually use clonex gel & a plug so I'll stick to that to get some roots. I'll do one this weekend when I re-pot my 3 young girls. :)
I've just switched to root riot plugs so for my 1st clone I want to try one out. I will be doing more clones in the near future so I might try the water technique. Did you just use tap water Peyton?
Well i guess you can take clones many ways and sometimes luck has something to say, i cut a clone and put it directly in a glass of water and then into some root powder and back into a pot with soil then let it recover, i sprayed it two times a week in the beginning but now it just need time to grow big!

This was my first time taking a clone and succeed to make it root, just not sure what to do with it now :party:

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