Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Skunny :) :) ok the crushing of nodes on secondary offshoots, is indeed just to stunt them, not for more bud. Think of each colas site as an xmas tree from the side. As your going vert the first lot of secondary shoots try to stretch and become independent canopy bound bud sites. This with some of good structure is fine. Yet you will have to many if you let all go freely.
So I pick week structured shoots and stunt them. This means they stay short and close to the core branch of the colas. This then lends to better colas structure for big ass clubs of bud! :) :)
Jai Ho Srila Sriman Paramahamsa Acharya Swami Surya Dasa Guru Ji Maharaja of WFI (world flux international) I added acharya to your title because it means one who teaches by example
Hope you are doing your normal brilliance explaining how and why to do what:cheer::cheer: many REPs to you my green Guru:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
High Trix...

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 152

Good day Professor Flux. I'm just about tired of waiting around. I may start another flux & if & when I do, if I suffer any be-headings at the start I'll discontinue & let it grow normal. The right bottom corner side refuses to reach the pot rim.

:thanks: Professor
OK don't wait :) go vert but just before bend a couple in from the heavy side (left of pic). Say one each side of that flux arm. Then just one from the lesser half side (on right of pic), pick which side of flux arm suits best. Then span out the other limbs into the gaps giving more space per colas site round the outside! :)
Good vert is now your goal! :)

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 153

Ok Professor Flux. What I did was open up and spread out most of the full sides that have the over and under technique going on. I used some criss-crossing on them to get them around as much of the circumference of the rim as possible if that makes since.
I kept them low so the inner bud sites can fill back in & this time I won't strip them. I also did a few more toppings; I remember that the even canopy is a vital part of the flux.
I'm in a panic of joy now that I'm heading into the "vert" stage. :goof:

Here's a quick pictorial of the work.










Hopefully by the time those inner bud sites pop up these last few flux arms will have reached the rim. If not then I'll just top them and go with that. Feels like a concrete plan. What do you think Professor? Adapt & conquer.
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