Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

can you tell me about the Black Strap Molasses? The procedures for Black Strap and Maple syrup are probably the same. Have you posted anything on the Black Strap and if so can you tell me where to find it. I have tried to read your completed journals and the ones in progress. You write more than I have time to read. Keep it green.
can you tell me about the Black Strap Molasses? The procedures for Black Strap and Maple syrup are probably the same. Have you posted anything on the Black Strap and if so can you tell me where to find it. I have tried to read your completed journals and the ones in progress. You write more than I have time to read. Keep it green.

Hi, I came across a guy in a journal somewhere who used golden syrup & swore by it. I just can't remember where it was sorry. Here's what it is, it may have similar properties as maple syrup. Golden syrup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blackstrap is easiest to get at health food shops. Its been through a certain process that removes sulphates or something. Its got trace elements and minerals as well as sugars. Its ok occasionally, just not all the time. It can be used all the way through till harvest.
Its widely used in the making of organic Teas etc. This is because its very good for micro biology within the medium, if using a suitable medium. :)
Here's the fluxing so far. The new tops were finally grown enough to bend them. Hope I did that right. The G13 is still unknown on sex:


Looking good cannafan, you can strip your fan leaves at this stage then you're all set for fluxmania:) A tip from the master that is LA would be to spread the new growth open regularly to allow light in & keep node spacing tight. This will give you a great fluxilicious structure :)
Nice one Canna, Skunny is indeed correct lol. Although to do this on an effective level you have to let your two growing tips point up. So basically you always leave enough length to your flux arm ends so they can turn upwards to the light. This is when you open up the young hearts of the foliage. Then wait a while and then readjust the tethers and repeat the process. :) :)
So your giving the ends a chance to catch the full light for the opening up of the young foliage. This will as said by Skunny give you tighter node spacing along flux arms which in turn gives more viable limbs to your flux. Meaning more big buds! :)
ok it has been awhile since my last update so i hope im still doing this right!!!

damage report first

one broken top on the left main arm of my blz....oops
i might have also,kinda,maybe split her right down the middle at one point too....
well after the arm broke i allowed her to grow by herself a little so she was not under too much stress.....but i left her to long. i was pulling her apart to strap her down and my guns of steel snapped the poor girl down the middle of her main stem!
she was not in two pieces so i tied her together and she seems to be doing alright!

ok picture time!!!












and this is me so far. i know i could have done a better job with more time and more care but im pretty pleased with my progress so far :)
Does anyone have a pic of a plant thats been trained this way right before harvest??? Just curious to see end result and 269 pages is too much for my lazy ass HA! looks very interesting!!

Click on LA's quick guide to fluxing in his signature & it's only a few pages in. The one he shows was grown under a 400w HPS with zero environment control.
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