Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

OMG!!! I so thought I had this until I just read all that dialog.... I must have misunderstood as I thought you told me to bend 2 arms in to the flux .... meaning 1 on each side.... idiot I am Oh yea..... How about look at what I have done Light and let me know what else I need to do at this point. I totally don't understand the end of the flux point thing and individual tethers... Oh Geeezzzzz... Ever since Graytail told me some days your the windshield and some days your the bug..... I have felt so bug like......:circle-of-love:







Your still doing great. Just bend the other two. LA suggests the 3rd branches from the center of each arm bent inward like you have except you want to do the other side as well. You did the 2nd branches so a slight modification to this stage is fine....IMO.

Or you could just do the ones you have.

Which ever you decide to do just make sure they end up in an empty spot that you want to fill as she grows vertical.

And I apologize because I may have confused things when I asked the question about topping.

Your still doing great. Just bend the other two. LA suggests the 3rd branches from the center of each arm bent inward like you have except you want to do the other side as well. You did the 2nd branches so a slight modification to this stage is fine....IMO.

Or you could just do the ones you have.

Which ever you decide to do just make sure they end up in an empty spot that you want to fill as she grows vertical.

And I apologize because I may have confused things when I asked the question about topping.
That's exactly what I did. Thank you so much......:circle-of-love:
Dennise :) the way you have done it is fine, its just up to you really how many you use to fill in the center and which limbs. I had to cross over those internals against the others lol. You just do what your happy with. Make your flux your own! :) or of course follow my pics by all means :)
Cheers Renegade
I just bent 2 more in..... I will attach the pics to this post..... thanks Light.....:circle-of-love:
Thanks for having me. I read through those three last night and already had the 4th journal bookmarked and following. I try to keep a limit of 5 to follow as I'm not too smart.
Long time no see Shaft. This Broke Azz Reg. I just shortened my username to my initials. How has life been treating you?
hey guys, have not started my new journal as yet so thought i would post pics of my 3 clones here.
one has aleady begin her flux journey while the other two are just getting ready to start!

clone number 1 (either hgk or blz, i dont actually know but i do have it marked on the otherside of the pot)


im i doing it right so far? little confused as to what leafs to cut and which to leave.

clone number 2


just want those little arms to get a little bigger before pulling, i should have planted her lower! i will correct that when i repot.

clone number 3


she was a little uneven when i got her but a little advice from light addict and she is on her way (providing i did what he said correctly lol)
Hidden looking bloody great budy! :)
Everything is spot on ! Except maybe one little thing :) on your bigger girl one end is layed out horizontal the one one the right lol. You want your end points facing up to the light. This is important to get good short nodal spacing, as you want to open ends up daily to keep things stacked! :)

Other than that great job! :)

I npknew I should have been paying even more attention to this thread.
On two questions

1) by open up you mean just using my index and thumb to open the nodes up?

2) the bigger girl, I just need to adjust the cable on the right arm so the top is not horizontal

Is this correct?

What would we so without you a LA?
Hey Light Addict, how's she looking bro? I re-potted her yesterday & she had her 1st defoliate today. Not defoliating until now was a bad move as the ends were in a right old tangle so there's a lesson learnt. I think it should be easier to keep her under control now. :)

Skunny :) :) :) she's looking all kinds of fine!!!
I noticed you used some over and under node points which is ok, just not the best for even flow. But a good and simple choice to generate enough limbs if at first your girl is alittle big on nodal spacing!
So great job indeed and thanks for posting on here, please keep doing so, it only aids in this thread becoming the best all out source of info on this style! :)
Thanks LA, I'll try & get the under/overs sorted, she's had a day unrestrained and went a bit wild :thedoubletake: I think there's a couple of branches near the centre that won't come to much, should I persevere with them or do you think I should cut them off? With the node spacing I think I messed up by not defoliating, I kept spreading the tips but it hasn't worked.

I'll keep posting here as your experience is invaluable & it's a great place to see other peoples flux's

OK Light I have been pondering this all day and think I've got this...:idea:... All I need to do now is move the arms around to fill in the center and on the main flux I need to pinch off the tips of both ends so instead of having one main point at each end it will split and be 2.... More or less 1 on each side and at each end......then once it has filled in let her go vertical and make sure the canopy stays even.... then just let her bloom..... If this is correct I think I can stop aggravating ya so. If I have missed something...:thedoubletake:.. well I'll be here for a bit....:circle-of-love:
Skunny !!! Don't cut anything off lol. Those lesser arms will be just fine as wd. An use them for filling in the center later. Or you can use selective defol on other limbs to even them all out. Also raising them to be the highest points will advance them some! :)

Dennise yep you got it my friend. Although once going vert we have more things to do to keep you girl producing massive solid Colas. :) :)
What would we do without you mate!
Am I correct in my thinking here? If I lower the heads & raise slower limbs, the slower limbs will grow more & become dominant. Is this how I can balance the lengths to fill my pot evenly? :Namaste::adore:

Here's my flux today after last nights butchery :)

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