Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Renegade :) you have to top each end of flux arms when they get a little over pot edge or when you have the length you want! If you dont you end up with two massively dominant ends/colas. Topping the ends of flux creates an even split that means you can then have that perfect canopy and also run my feeding loop!
The feeding loop; that's what I need a refresher on. I remember you & Oz had some type of system for feeding. I already can see I'll need some type of en-genius method for this.
LA I know I said I would post pics this weekend but I got to thinking and did some fluxing so here are some pics of the clones that where potted 12 days ago.

Great work,! Those clones have a real jump start on flower production.
OK so today Im gonna try to explain my feeding loop idea for fluxes! :)

Firstly this isn't science, Im not claiming this to be an exact fact! This idea simply follows my logic with plants and the way we know things to work with them!
So firstly you need a near perfect flux for this to be possible.
As said many times, this style is all about the flow of energy, hence me adapting this way of growing from the simpler ML tech!

So above are some pics showing the single layer of the structure. Now remember we only left the side on nodes along the flux arms, not the under/over ones! This lends to the optimal flow dynamics or the style. Anyway later on when going vert you raise one point at each end of the flux arms. This as we all know means the plant recognizes that they are the highest points and they become the dominant Colas.
Now as with the normal single colas plants these dominant sites call for the most energy and become the biggest buds. My feeding loop plays on this to the extreme.
So with all limbs running off one level and the two dominant buds being at the very end of each flux arm. They call for the most resources, yet as the design shows, all the other limbs feed off the flux before the energy reaches to the dominant ends.
So with the ends calling for this energy, yet not receiving it , they hopefully call for more. If your able to graduate your feeding to match this curve thena feeding loop is surely created. With the plant calling for more and more as she grows and all controlled by us!

This also means the total level canopy is a must before manipulating the end points higher! As below :)

Now some pics of the bending and filling in of the flux center!

Then a couple showing the topped ends for the even colas building and the later end fold backs! :)
I see what you where telling in you last post about bending back and filling in the center. It's gonna be hard with the clones as you see they where not uniformed, but time will tell. Thanks for the tutorial LA.
Renegade :) you have to top each end of flux arms when they get a little over pot edge or when you have the length you want! If you dont you end up with two massively dominant ends/colas. Topping the ends of flux creates an even split that means you can then have that perfect canopy and also run my feeding loop! You want all the sites totally even Iin structure so you pic which colas to raise for the loop idea. (Honestly I did post the topping at the time :) )


Aaahhhh..... "I Blab to reinforce".....LOL.

I do recall seeing something regarding the arms.

Just to confirm....the arms NOT the side shoots? Top her at the rim and train the last set of side shoots along the rim in opposite directions? Dually noted....
OK so today Im gonna try to explain my feeding loop idea for fluxes! :)

Firstly this isn't science, Im not claiming this to be an exact fact! This idea simply follows my logic with plants and the way we know things to work with them!

LMAO.... I was just thinking that first statement this morning... Thru osmosis...I conveyed it to you....LOL.

And even with a buzz I completely understand the refresher course. Correcting my notes....
What's up my brother.....

If your hanging out I'd like to ask a few flux questions. Mostly in response to your latest post.

Assuming you want all other tops below your flux arm tops, once you top her at the rim and begin training these shoot out you still have to keep all other heads below these till they get more height? And I noticed of the two shoots from topping, you pulled one below the height of the other to maintain that one top higher than all others.....except for her twin on the other side.

I also notice that you didn't try and get the side arms all the way to the rim. You basically let the main flux arms determine when it's time to go vertical?? Is that correct??

If an even canopy is what we are shooting for with the other tops then the last tie down points for these become important. You want to have some adjustment area so you can pull them down individually thus keeping them even.

Ok, so I blew my quota....LOL.

I did say I was buzzed right....LOL.
Yep you got it my friend! The two end points you choose as your driving dominant pair both have to sit just slightly higher than the rest, by like a half inch or so. This is why as you say the final tether points need to be adjustable.
This is also the reason I didn't just bang in loads of cross pot lines making a firm grid almost like a scrog. I use only a few cross pot lines once her shape is set. I use individual ties looped round each limb at the elbow point where they start to go vertical, eading to pot rim. This means each and every limb is independently adjustable for the even canopy.
And yes I let the length determine the time to let her go vert. Remember these girls get big and plump, so they open out as they bulk up. You also do this manually as she gets bigger for better air flow and light penetration! :)
This is why as you say the final tether points need to be adjustable.This is also the reason I didn't just bang in loads of cross pot lines making a firm grid almost like a scrog. I use only a few cross pot lines once her shape is set. I use individual ties looped round each limb at the elbow point where they start to go vertical, eading to pot rim. This means each and every limb is independently adjustable for the even canopy.:)

And that answers the question to my 1" net scrog. I was going to use it to hold the arms down during training. It would be very hard to control those tops with the net in place.

Thanks, that was very important.
lol, I just popped over to tad's journal and found your post with the grid, sorry I hadnt spotted it earlier! As I said on there and to say Iit again here. I don't get round to everyone's journals that often as we have so many fluxing or about to flux etc and I only have a phone to post from. So any queries etc of any sort to do with fluxing or training are most encouraged, as it makes my life a lot easier! :) :)
lol, I just popped over to tad's journal and found your post with the grid, sorry I hadnt spotted it earlier! As I said on there and to say Iit again here. I don't get round to everyone's journals that often as we have so many fluxing or about to flux etc and I only have a phone to post from. So any queries etc of any sort to do with fluxing or training are most encouraged, as it makes my life a lot easier! :) :)

Oh I understand that for sure. Had to drop a few sub's because I can't keep up.

Yea....the net was just a thought but might still use it later to see what the challenges would be. Just not right now. After I get a couple of Flux's in.

Besides, I did figure out my tie down issues so I'll just use the combination of both....the tie squares and the wire.

You have a good day my friend....I'm just chillin on my end.

Obtw.... Thanks for all the well wishes regarding the job. I am (will be next week) gainfully employed again.

We're headed for Charleston for a 90 day project and then the Raleigh area for permanent work.
OMG!!! I so thought I had this until I just read all that dialog.... I must have misunderstood as I thought you told me to bend 2 arms in to the flux .... meaning 1 on each side.... idiot I am Oh yea..... How about look at what I have done Light and let me know what else I need to do at this point. I totally don't understand the end of the flux point thing and individual tethers... Oh Geeezzzzz... Ever since Graytail told me some days your the windshield and some days your the bug..... I have felt so bug like......:circle-of-love:
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