Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Ill be posting up all answers to questions posed recently, tomoz! Still bit busy here but ill go back and try to answer everything in detail then! :)

Any advice on what to do with this little lady would be much appreciated mate

Ill be posting up all answers to questions posed recently, tomoz! Still bit busy here but ill go back and try to answer everything in detail then! :)

Thanks mate, I will leave off doing anything to my girls until tomorrow. Cannot wait to start my flux!
Its harvest time for me tomorrow!
Any advice on what to do with this little lady would be much appreciated mate


Nice job man looks nice so far, you could remove some of the leafs that block the light to reach! I did that and wow they look so much better after!
Ok sorry for being absent lately! Also if my post is a little jumbled, Im still doing everything by phone only so it gets hard keeping track of so many posts etc.
Anyway BAR she looks damn good! If your going to manipulate any arms into middle now is the time. Do this only after a food watering and use your thumb nail to create an inner crease, this aids in stopping snaps!

Skunny, looking really nice! :) you want to defol, taking anything green along the limbs off just leaving green tips/ foliage at end only! :)

Fast buddy simply take some of the foliage off the limbs. Once a leaf set has worked its way up away from the growing tip of limb by an inch or more I remove. This just gives your branches a green tip only and aids in driving growth where you want. If one limb is bigger than others I defol It slightly more than the rest to even everything out.

Hidden Id flux clone number one :) how many were you looking to flux??? No1 looks good and established at that slightly offset node, should make a nice flux for sure! :)

Tadlawid :) thanks for the labeling! Just directly above the 3rd node writing! :) then once sure your getting the two desired points of growth you then strip all lower branch points off. :)

Robertsensi, certainly looks like you ha e the training bug! It does tend to get addictive :)

Craw Im loving your spiral flux :) should be real fun to watch! :)
Hidden Id flux clone number one :) how many were you looking to flux??? No1 looks good and established at that slightly offset node, should make a nice flux for sure! :)

I want to flux all three...but only if the master says go! Do you think I could flux all three?
If so what should I do in order to make them flux able
I'm gonna go ahead and tie down number 1 tomorrow!

On behalf of everybody here.....THANK YOU LA!!!!
Im drunk lol and medicated, first time in ages! :) all 3 are possible, we just need to get a little in-depth at beginning ill PM you tomoz! :)

Best way to spend a Saturday! I have only just finished my harvest! I had to take a 4 hoiur break for a friends birthday but other than that I been at it the whole day and night.
I look forward to speaking with ya tomorrow mate,
Thanks a lot light Addict, flux is officially started, first smooth bondage in the afternoon.


FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 118

Thanxx Professor. I'm just going to go with the main arms this time.


She's almost there. These are the last arms trying to reach the rim of the pot.


And the over and under the rim technique is looking good. The base of the plant is going to be wider than the pot. That's more bud sites.

Tadlawid :) you want to be taking the fan leace off that sit directly under your soon to be flux arms!!! This gives an easier flux point to bend the flux horizontal.

BAR :) she's gonna be a monster of bud! Just give her some really good vert and your golden!

Dennise :) Stunning as always my friend. Now would be the time to start thinking of bending two limbs into center. One each side, say from the third node along from the central flux point. Then in a little while you will do the same again but towards ends of flux.
Just water firstly then use your thumh and finger to kink where needed! :)
Also it won't be long before your at the point to top each end and start the fun race of the laterals :) :)
Picky Boo, I see you. It's your silhouette holding the camera Fifi. Where's my crayons? It's coloring book time.
Dennise :) Stunning as always my friend. Now would be the time to start thinking of bending two limbs into center. One each side, say from the third node along from the central flux point. Then in a little while you will do the same again but towards ends of flux.
Just water firstly then use your thumh and finger to kink where needed! :)
Also it won't be long before your at the point to top each end and start the fun race of the laterals :) :)
I think I understand Sir...:hmmmm:.....:circle-of-love:
Picky Boo, I see you. It's your silhouette holding the camera Fifi. Where's my crayons? It's coloring book time.
You would not have believed what position I had to get in to get the one without the shadow in it then I just gave up.... I took my crayons and came in the house.....:).....:circle-of-love:
Light Addict Also it won't be long before your at the point to top each end and start the fun race of the laterals :) :)[/QUOTE said:
Topping the ends?? LA is this something new your trying?? Topping before going verticle or just before flipping the lights??

Sorry must have missed this point in all my readings. Just need to confirm....
LA I know I said I would post pics this weekend but I got to thinking and did some fluxing so here are some pics of the clones that where potted 12 days ago.
Renegade :) you have to top each end of flux arms when they get a little over pot edge or when you have the length you want! If you dont you end up with two massively dominant ends/colas. Topping the ends of flux creates an even split that means you can then have that perfect canopy and also run my feeding loop! You want all the sites totally even Iin structure so you pic which colas to raise for the loop idea. (Honestly I did post the topping at the time :) )

Dennise Ill post some bending pics for the center filling tomoz :)

Latin :) looking great. With the double fluxes you still just want the side sat nodes not the under over. They get really busy anyway! :)
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