Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

LA, my guru friend. I have finally unlocked the secret to uploading pics for my messages. When you get a chance take a look see. These are alll FLUX style but a little disorganized. I will be thankful for any comments or suggestions. I posted this on the wrong site. I posted on your original guide to FLUXING. Here it is again. These are a little disorganized but I'm learning. Thanks for your help. Keep it green.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
Remember Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Benjamin Franklin

Remember Hemp is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Greenstuff :) Happy to have you here with pics at last buddy! :)
OK so great job so far, the one looks really good for sure the others :) you have some wildly dominant parts that if you have enough veg period left you can try to tame!
Id use extreme defol on just the dominant points that are going nuts. Also if possible for you to kink em after a watering then bend them back down some this would be great!
If you have some shorter limbs use them to be bent into middle to fill out the area. This also gives more room for you outer colas.
Then if you want to get extreme, you could crush nodes on dominant limbs. Pick a node and crush hard between finger and thumb. Growth halts above the node till it repairs itself! :) :)
I was wondering how to slow down the growth of the tops if that happened.
I will post some pics later of my girls, going to transplant into 10l pots today for space. Will be finishing off in 20l pots.

Everybody's fluxes are looking so damn impressive
Watching and learning, one question, do you prune the ends to keep them managed ? :circle-of-love:
I have only used GH, and AN nute lines.
Started with GH pushed them passed recommended levels. got crazy results. Then started adding AN's big bud and pirana, all hell broke loose. lose in size delayed times, and the one that hurts us all the most Yield.
I called both companies, and got the same answer-The different formulas could work together but I would have to do the r&d on the recipe.
Way to much risk in my honest opinion so I ran both lines on there own AN takes the cake just the base lines or with the any of the boosters.
All this rambling ends with The tried and true methods tend to be the best place to return when things go AWOL.

Who are you running with now? I have a couple AN additives but my hesi base nutes are going to run out around halfway through bloom so I am wondering about other suppliers.... Although the line that interest me the most is the G.E.T line of nutes that LA runs now!
ok here are my girls, thought its time to stop calling them clone 1,2 and 3 now!

ok so here is the top shot


ok i just realised i cant actually remember which plant is which and i im not getting up again so we are going with HGK, HGK00, BLZ










OK sensei and fellow am i looking?

think im going to have to slow down the growth of the main tops on the two arms
Looking good buddy :)
Firstly to slow down the main flux arms you can do loads if wanted. Firstly I'd be opening up the young leaf sets on ends as often as possible to stack nodes up along the flux arms giving more limbs! Then Id go with crushing of the end most mature node. Squeeze between finger and thumb to damage it internally. It will then stall growth beyond the damage whilst it repairs itself! For everything else you look fine, just get rid of any new shoots sprouting where they shouldn't!
Thanks LA for your response and advice. I have started getting some of the dominate limbs to be lower than the limbs that still need to catch up. Some of them are so thick it will take a few days to train them down to where they need to be (lower). I did crush some of the branches to retard upward growth like you suggest. I have a question. Here is my setup:
grow room 10" x 10.5" (105 square ft.)
8 foot ceilings (840 Cubic feet)
2 1/2 gallon pots (do I need to go bigger?)
540 watt led light
carbon filter, 12inch dia.
using Techniflora nutes
medium 80% Canadian Sphagnum Peat-20% perlite
I use a 3500 cfm blower to power my filter. I exhaust to the outside world. No problem with that.
I just built a CO2 generator which brings me to my question. With the blower that I have on the filter I can exchange the air in the room 4 times per minute. Since I exchange so much air how much CO2 do I need in order to make a difference? From what I see most dispense the CO2 through a fan directed towards the plants. I am not sure that I can produce enough CO2 to be of any use. Any comments you have will be gratefully accepted and acted upon.
Also, how many sq. ft. will your Budmaster cover? Will you flower with this Budmaster? From the pics it looks as though your world is good and green. I now have a grow tent that I bought used. It has no frame so I must do something about that. I want to use it as a flowering room. I may light it with a 400 or 1000 watt MH although I hate to have to fight the heat but I have AC so I can. Kicking up the power bill could bring problems here. I will have to decide later. Thanks for your help. Keep it green.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 125

Nothing much to talk about, still waiting for those last flux arms to reach the pot rim. I'll most likely will take her to the Beauty Parlor this evening.

OK buddy thats a big space :) The problem is with that air exchange you gonna cancel most of that CO2 like you say. If your really set on CO2 then Id timer your exhaust and CO2 to play against each other. For example some runs my exhaust runs for ten mins every 45 mins. This would give an effective period for CO2 bathing! :)
Pots is simple, within reason the bigger the better. I think 5 gal is a min for final homes!

As for my light, yep ill be flowering with her too. Not sure on the total spread but ill find out and get back to ya! :)
Looking good buddy :)
Firstly to slow down the main flux arms you can do loads if wanted. Firstly I'd be opening up the young leaf sets on ends as often as possible to stack nodes up along the flux arms giving more limbs! Then Id go with crushing of the end most mature node. Squeeze between finger and thumb to damage it internally. It will then stall growth beyond the damage whilst it repairs itself! For everything else you look fine, just get rid of any new shoots sprouting where they shouldn't!

Thanks sensei, still helping my plumber pal out so will do that when home tomorrow... Should have been asleep hours ago, gotta be up in 4 hours!:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke:

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 126

Ok Professor. I stripped everything inside the flux except on the arms that haven't reached the pot rim yet. I didn't touch those so that they might grow faster as the rest are trying to recover. I also fimmed all the over & under heads again.




Dennise your looking damn fine my girl! :) Just dont use to many limbs to fill out the center as some secondary growth from bottoms of main arms/ Colas will undoubtedly reach canopy level to make more heads. You seem to have a blank point with no heads in the top left of the bottom two pics! :) So simply adjust :)
Then sit back have a doob and feel proud to have the srart of a behemoth of a girl! Bravo yet again! :)
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