Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Hi LA, hope you're well. I was wondering when stripping under/over nodes do you use clippers/scissors or just pinch and pull?

I don't known about LA, but I just pinch mine off between my fingers. On the fan leaves with petioles, I trim with a clipper to make a clean cut at the stem.
Good morning LA. just wanted to update you on my 2 WW fluxs. Just harvested them and the buds are the heaviest and tight. So not bad for a short flux. Again thank you for sharing your knowledge for with out it a lot of us would have to go with trial and error.
Here's the AK flux after a few more pinches here and there...:circle-of-love:

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 105

We took another trip to the beauty parlor last night so she has a fresh new do.


Also the over & under the rim technique seems to be doing wonders. It's keeping all the new growth beyond the pot rim at or below where the canopy will start once she goes vertical and at the same time gaining more bud sites; a win win situation. She'll start off wider than the pot.

It looks good Tony. The Professor should be along anytime now to let you know what to do next. You're right on target.
LA, I read one of your post and it looked as though you were letting someone deal you some grief over your growing styles. You know their opinions are only important if you make them important. Otherwise, detractors of your growing styles have no status at all if you don't give them any notice. I find the FLUX style very interesting and I have confidence this is going to work well for me. Hang in there bro. You have nothing to explain. We that like what you are doing and teaching are very happy with the state of things as you continue to show and teach.
Firstly BAR, my friend Reg! :) bloody awesomeness indeed she is gonna be a behemoth! !!! Your looking, with good vert before flipping a very heavy girl. Once left to become a bush for a while in stretch period, they race along in vert phase! :) also for secondary shoots you must defol the top open set of leaves regularly. This stacks nodes along secondary off shoots from the main colas and stunts their growth. This gives huge tight bats of bud :)

Fast buddy :) looking great! Ill repeat to a fashion what I said on ya thread :) All looks good! Just if you want a quicker flux then leave more foliage on ends of flux arms. Defol is a tool for driving growth in veg directly and at what level you want to a directed target. I leave side on fans for a while at ends, even leave the bottom node fan on end for a bit.
People always forget or miss the bits at the beginning of my flux journal explaining I was stalling my girl in veg as had no room in flower space! :) So leaving a touch more on flux ends is all good, also letting ends clime a touch vertical before next training seems to speed things up a thouch. They seem to like vertical :)

Last but not least Greenstuff! :) Many thanks for your kind words! Its just a bugger doing things in UK, so cant go all out like Id love. :) Hey ill plod along lol. Nope, seriously thanks its nice to feel Im still adding something to 420!

Much love people, may you all flux fantabulously
Auto my friend, long time no hear buddy. Thanks for stopping in, I hope all is good and green in your world?

Now this is a load of pics showing the opening up of flux arm ends which promotes tighter node spacing along the flux arms. This Iin turn gives you more limbs and in end more buds! :)

Now a couple to show how I bruise up the limbs to get them to fatten up. I haven't been doing it so far on this girl as being lazy untill they hit the system.
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