Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Nice one GF :)
To be honest its not normally considered with a flux apart from 3 times. Once to make the flux shape, then once more on each end of main flux arms. You have to do the ends to stop them both becoming massively over dominant! ! This is done when your happy with the length of your flux! :)
The whole idea is about flow with a traditional flux! :)
So normally its not a sought after structure change. Yet if BAR has a couple big already dominant ends then topping would not be a bad thing at all! :)
Radogast my friend, ill try to answer :)
firstly the end defol works in stalling vertical growth, this stacks nodes up some. It doesn't massively bulk up the structure!
The crushing of nodes also stalls vert above the crush point and again stacks nodes up a little. (Its not really for this anyway) its an extreme way to just halt a limb to even out tops. This one does bulk up the limb as it repairs the tissue damage to itself!!
I do actually bruse up all my limbs to promote fattening of limb structure!
Now as for going past the pot rim this just puts pressure on the limbs and may add a touch to thickening up but not much :)

It would all be depending on frequency etc also :) I just follow my gutt and now know how much one will effect vs other and just kind of feel the plant out :)
What method am i using on my plants? :D Hope you guys can tell from pictures and is there anything i should do?




Hope you don't mind i posted pictures here buddy :D
Oh, there's still MOTM darling!

After seeing Fifi's AK flux, who wants to update with photos? Geesh you can grow a plant girl! Well, here's mine. The LK with the two flux arms is really split down the middle. I think it will be okay. I have it as close to the soil as possible and several nodes actually touch the soil. I was thinking of putting a blob of soil on the split to encourage roots, but do you think it is too woody at this point? Anybody?


One arm flux in a spiral:



I don't know if you saw this huge 4' diameter metal ring I found in a Walmart dumpster. It is 1 1/2" in diameter. The next time I grow in the ground, it will be one plant and fluxed. Giant style:



I'll post my ground plants on my own journal. I don't know how successful these fluxed plants will be, but I do think I'm getting the hang of the method. I can't do it right, but I am understanding more and more as I go.

Your plants look amazing Light. That GG is going to rock.
Looking pretty damn fluxtional to me GF :)
Id just go heavy on the binding of the center, then just check every week or so for adjusting. Your split actually supports the flow pattern I guessed went on. This means that my feeding loop is of sound reasoning! :)
Now all you have to do is keep opening ends up and also strip all the baby growth off along those limbs as it forms. Your doing damn fine here you know! She's getting a big girl already, you can go a fair bit past pot with the ends and still train. Yet once at limit you need to top each end. Then Id get some cane or something to support big vertical growth and grow like 22/24 moster Colas at a couple of foot each! :)

Loving the big training ring, monster tethering devices for the win!! :)
I should be okay on any height. I have planted a huge banana plant in the way of any view and now have vines almost covering the back fence. If I keep the veg short as possible and the colas get three feet, that's fine. Funny you mentioned staking because I just bought a bunch of bamboo stakes. Here, I'll post these here of my ground grow. I used the stakes to open up the plants...










See my little clone? I stuck it in a pot with some Echinacea. Let's hope. I also have a few started inside.
Hey SWvoodoo :) Nice to have you stopping in my friend!!!!! Fluxing really has gone nuts! Your also correct lol lots of part flux things going on. Im still a big promoter of the traditional flux!!! Yet seeing the style evolving to suit others needs as they put their own twist on it, is bloody great fun and interesting for new info.
This thread seems to evolve as we go :) now being more of a training hang out :) :)

Lester, very nice indeed my friend!
Just a wee bit of an update. I was trying to hold off watering as it is supposed to rain good tonight but they both looked really thirsty and I saw a bug on her so she got 100ml purified water with 2 ml of SNS209 all natural systemic pest control and 1/2 gallon of purified water with 1.5 tsp of Big Bloom.......:circle-of-love:
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