Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Light I don't think I even want to respond to your silly statement. You are and always will be the flux master and I only hope I can sit in the same arena as you with my girls. This all seems to come so easily to you and I work at it pretty much 24/7... I think you actually have a real life that you have to tend to and still you do the most incredible work....:circle-of-love:
Many thanks all, Dennise lol if people only knew! :) My light of lights is the most challenging, shortsighted, stubborn and highly strung lady you could be lucky enough to be with !! That's why GF's brooklyn stereotypical thing seems to fit with my girl, this as well as YOUR animal loving, fierce self! :) :)

I should add this is meant to both you Lady D & Brooklyn, (BAR's nicknames that have always stuck wiith me!) She loves you pair to bits and just has an edge you would hhopefully enjoy! :)
Sorry twelve years + and happy as hell :)
No xmas or Bday presents. Just a weird abstract life ttogether! ! :)
Hey Light, we don't do christmas or birthday either! If I want something, we buy it. If he wants it, we buy it. Fortunately, we really don't want for that much. We're very happy. No kids. Just a 12 year old parrot.

I wish Your Light would get her butt in here and start posting with us broads. I personally love the nickname, brooklyn. It suits me perfectly.
Did you ever hear of Andrew Dice Clay over in the U.K.? He has a podcast here in the States, which is effin hilarious. If your Light likes edgy, she'll love that. He's so filthy, but I went to high school with him and he's a living doll.

Anyway, hi LA's Light! We'll be here when you're ready.
Hey Light...:passitleft: Can you tel me what of all this mess I can cut off please... I tried to number them like Garden does for ya. It ain't purdy but here it is.....:circle-of-love:
Hi guys, loving the new pics coming in! :)

I've been wondering if there is any 'rule of thumb' as to when to remove leaves and in fact what leaves to remove. I've seen Dennise's awesome flux that have some very big leaves in and I'm wondering if these aid growth or whether they should be removed, and if so when. I'm at this stage at the moment:

And I'm wondering whether I should remove the leaves growing perpendicularly from my new two mains or whether they will aid the growth of the vertical shoots. Also should I defoliate my current side shoots or should I wait till the four new nodes have a little more growth.

Any suggestions would be warmly welcomed! I hope I used the correct terms for the plants 'anatomy' I'm new to all this but hopefully you got the gist of my question, please ask if you would like clarification/further pics.

Have a great evening chaps!
If you dont mind being brutal, take them all :) :)
She looks a stunner, just leave some green on the growing tips and you will always be ok! :) if your heat is high leave her a little more foliage. As a rule I take off any leaves along the branches once they are over half an inch from branch end. :)
:thanks:...Light.. :passitleft: Hi Light's Light.....:circle-of-love:
I'm covering my eyes holding my nose.
He he! She could also leave her be for a few more days! :) Im just a bit nuts lol.
Shoulda coulda woulda.....:thedoubletake:...:circle-of-love:
No, you know Fifi, the defoliation Queen! hahaa, we're talkin about ya Fifi!
I knew my ears were burning...:blushsmile:...:circle-of-love:
Hi guys, loving the new pics coming in! :)

I've been wondering if there is any 'rule of thumb' as to when to remove leaves and in fact what leaves to remove. I've seen Dennise's awesome flux that have some very big leaves in and I'm wondering if these aid growth or whether they should be removed, and if so when. I'm at this stage at the moment:

And I'm wondering whether I should remove the leaves growing perpendicularly from my new two mains or whether they will aid the growth of the vertical shoots. Also should I defoliate my current side shoots or should I wait till the four new nodes have a little more growth.

Any suggestions would be warmly welcomed! I hope I used the correct terms for the plants 'anatomy' I'm new to all this but hopefully you got the gist of my question, please ask if you would like clarification/further pics.

Have a great evening chaps!
I swear I would tell ya if I knew but I do know the flux master will pass back through and let ya know for sure but it looks to me like your doing a fine job....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:
Hey Light...:passitleft: Can you tel me what of all this mess I can cut off please... I tried to number them like Garden does for ya. It ain't purdy but here it is.....:circle-of-love:

My god she's doing a fine job. Well done Dennise...

Can't wait to start my own Flux...soon enough...LOL.
I would like to announce I am the inventor of the number leaves thing.

I crack myself up! Bwahahaha. It really must make it so much easier for Light.


ha ha ha ha ha ha, you're right but, really, the way you told it, the right expression is "LMAO" am i right ?
ha ha ha ha ha ha, you're right but, really, the way you told it, the right expression is "LMAO" am i right ?

Hey, I'm old school. I actually type the whole bwahahaha out and anything else I want to say. But for you, LMFAO. Got cheeky there!
Hey, I'm old school. I actually type the whole bwahahaha out and anything else I want to say. But for you, LMFAO. Got cheeky there!

Hum from my forties i can just say that if by old school you mean you've been younger more time than me ok !! i accept the "got cheeky there" i've just translated.

And thanks for the help regarding youngerz language.
Hum from my forties i can just say that if by old school you mean you've been younger more time than me ok !! i accept the "got cheeky there" i've just translated.

And thanks for the help regarding youngerz language.

I am not sure I understand what you just said! I was young for the same amount of years as everyone else, I suppose. I'm almost 60 years old, so by old school I mean from back in the day when I was growing up.
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