Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Well it's about time to go do what I've been dreading!! Time to go look up at my girls I hope they look better or at least not gotten worse... I'm about to give them 2 gallons of water each just plain ass water and probably the same thing tomorrow depends on the runoff if it's a lot I might go ahead and introduce new nutrients tomorrow. I guess these will be special pics today is the start of 6 weeks of flower. Plus day 42 of 67!! Because I harvested Krissi right at 67 days. And honestly she could have been took about 4 days earlier than that because I don't like the lot of Amber.
So I'm betting and judging about her I got about 3 weeks of flower time left. So by the time I do introduce new nutrients I could beginning to think about it initiating drought. But I want to give them this 2 gallons of plain ass water and go from there.. we'll see what difference the light has done for him as well since he's been sitting at 80% instead of 100.
Worst case scenario and we do happen to have a really big flush I should be able to handle that because my other roommate will be doing a third shift job so I won't have to worry about that and the other one never comes out of his f****** room but hell he don't give a s*** anyways he's a hillbilly redneck like me don't f*** with nobody used to smoke bud but quit otherwise so take away his VA check... Therefore I said if I got a flush I'll pack one at a time to the bathtub and have them on the shower head sit there and hold it on them for about 5 minutes straight Non-Stop I say that would be a good flush for one plant that's worst case scenario...
Got to get the balls up about to pack me a big ass bowl and then go up there I'm sure my girls ain't going to let me down.... But I have prepared for a real s***** worst case scenario.... I need to quit cursing on this website and quit cussing all together because I'm trying to be a better person try to get people good advice and not want to see what I write and talk like. So therefore I'm trying to be a good boy. Appreciate everyone's kindness and advice when I post pictures tonight I asked please to be honest oh yeah I'm thinking about some trichome pics as well I do have my wireless microscope.. and remember I hope everyone's opinion with no arguments or nothing everybody's opinion is different just because they do it one way it might not be wrong in their eyes as vice versa so remember that when ywe post things on here. Because honestly and truly I love to hear about everybody's voice and what works for them and what does not work for them... Catch you in a bit
I also have been thinking that I've had too high humidit some days it was in like 62 63%. But like I said I hope things look a lot better time to quit p**** footing around and head on up..
marcus just do it as it is what it is. :dreamy:🍋
Hi I guess everything's okay they took down 4 gallons of water between the both.










Good morning I hope all is going well. Something that I haven't done in a while here's some morning pics.. plant on the left looks okay but the one on the right looking a little shabby I think. More of it's stigmus is turned than on the other plant. Kind of like it went through something that it did not like could be over for it could not be over for it but being this close and drought coming up I say we'll be okay. You tell the difference in the buds from the plant on the right then the one on the left










Every plant is different...I say it all the time. So the soil # you gave is for the one on the right? What do you have for a dehumidifer again?
Every plant is different...I say it all the time. So the soil # you gave is for the one on the right? What do you have for a dehumidifer again?
To be honest with you that reading that you see with the pH meter was to plant on the left. The one that shows less stigmas turned. I will get pH readings on both today but every time I take them they both say the same. Except last time I took them both registered 6.6. the dehumidifier is a piece of crap I'm going to have to get another one. At the time it was all I can afford and this is the only time I really had to worry about humidity and all the rest of my journal I've always had very low humidity which is why I never invested in a dehumidifier in the first place just a humidifier.

Open my exhaust all the way I am now full blast on that maybe I can get rid of some of that humidity last couple days hasn't been that bad on it though I don't think it was only register 52% which I believe is a good number an okay number I should say I prefer a little less humidity which in turn gives me more trichome production. I'm also going to try to get better shots of trichomes this phone is crap that's why most of my pictures are blurry. I cannot wait till my phone comes
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