Better safe at this stage than light stressed. Save the higher lux for later when the buds really start to build.
You damn right brother and that's when they're going to get full blast at 12 to 14 in rather they like it or not!! Because he'll be getting close to drought Time by then. I was thinking maybe doing two droughts this go around but then I figured now I'm already going to stress them out enough as it is when I supercropped them third week in flower.
I'm telling you right now you all have to try this and see for yourself if you haven't done it already I have shown you all proven results on branches that has been super cropped in third week of flower and branches that wasn't super cropped the ones that wasn't super cropped was still good and chunky but nothing like you'll get when you super crap I'm here to tell you I know you all remember Big Bertha when she dried and this time I will document it with pictures her Branch was over an ounce and a half and it's dry and cured.
There will be great documentation of my harvesting this time and the dry and also what it's going to be weighing up before I put it in jars to cure it!
For this go around I will leave at least one branch on each plant not super cropped so you can see results!
So get your popcorn ready I'm already seeing Bud formation on these plants! Lmao it's so good to be green..
Because I'm here to tell you ain't nothing like it life is more Grand when you wake up and smoke a damn joint because then you got to deal with everybody and I'm here to tell you that's a lot to deal with these days!
We can go on and on and on it don't matter but I know now I got to transplant my paczuckies they're going to end up getting Root down in those little damn things they're in.
These plants are 3 ft wide now they're 2 ft wide cuz I pulled them in.
I also cut another damn Branch off that snuck out on me I swear to God that damn thing was only 2 in yesterday and it was at least 6 in now but it's hiding in the light and I know it's not going to mount the much I don't care I'll yank her on out..
And why not they're my plants they seem to love me taking shit off them that's making all them yummy tops grow even bigger and lesser I don't need that shit down there it's hidden from the light and it ain't going to sneak up on me I've been plucking that shit except this one I don't know how in the hell I let that one slip by that's why I'm saying man these fuckers are growing so quick especially the stretch..
I'm talking motor mouth cuz I'm high as hell there's nothing to do but ring the bell.
I don't know I'll probably transplant my pizookies tomorrow I got a little bit of miracle grow that I hold them off until I get a bag of soil I got some funny shit I'm going to do with these plus I'm going to do the bag trick so I can tell which one's male and female one of is branches will have a black bag over the top of it cuz I know it's going to stretch a bit it's going to be funny looking but at least I'll be able to tell which one's male and female.
Documentation time on that as well but honestly I'd say they're probably all going to come out female for me I just have a nack like that.. you remember the last piezookies she was female so was the other one but I had to give it away I pop two of them.
I need to go holler at that day been a while since I seen him I want to find out if he had nanners on his but hell he probably don't even know what that is. Lmao he just wants something to smoke.
They seem to love one gallon of water each right now very little runoff I mean very little but they seem to want it about every 4 days.. sometimes three but usually four. And I have no clue why it's just how they are especially when they're small they don't like that much water. And when they're small they also like that light way from them.... I guess the closest I ever had the light to the sour G would be I believe it was 14 in with Krissi and that light wasn't dimmable it was either 50% or 100% $220 w there at the end I kept her with 220 Watt and she got fat as hell Kate would try Combs like sugar frosting.... Ha