Let It Grow With Barney's Farm


Cloner 5000 is loaded up....fingers crossed. Gonna mix up some soil with bokashi and frass and transplant their mother's into 5 gallon cloth pots. I will Let them adjust and flip them to 12/12. What a great way to spend the afternoon while playing hookie from work. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Here's the Blue sunset sherbert


Here's the purple punch.... God she smells amazing. I can't wait to flip these two into flower.

Started lollipoping them but didn't go too crazy as I don't want to stress them out. 5 gallon soft pots should be here tomorrow and my soil is perculating with bokashi, insect frass, geoflora veg nutes, and a little super thrive for good measure.

Plan is to finish lollipopping them, up pot them into 5 gallon soft pots and the flip them when all signs of stress is cleared up. Stay stony my friends.
Thanks SmokinRasta....just noticed a few fungus gnats buzzing around so I just ordered some mosquito dunks and sticky pads.
For me the neem oil helped best. Had the same prob before/ early flowering...
I fed them with the mixture and because they didn't had any buds yet, I even sprayed it on the leafs.
Had a worse infestation with a lot of holes in the leafs... - but it helped perfect!
I bought yellow sticker a few days later, and till now there are no/ just 1 or 2 on it!
Good luck on your fight!:ganjamon:

Finally got the ladies up potted. The purple punch got put into a 7 gallon fabric pot and I put the blue sunset sherbert got put into a 5 gallon fabric pot. I didn't have enough potting mix to put them both in 7 gallon pots.

Fungus gnats suck! This is my first pest problem in 5 grows. I gave the girls a dose of mosquito dunks and put some sticky pads out. So far they have not gotten worse. Fingers crossed.

The clones have not rooted as of day 9. If I don't get any roots I will take some more clones before I flip them into flower.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

The up potting seems to have gone well. The clones on the other hand not so good.....Had a stoner moment. I unplugged the bubbler to vacum up the mess from the uppotting and forget to plug the bubbler back in.

So I'll give it one more go with some clones before I flip the girls. I'm gonna also try a few clones in organic plugs/ humidity dome as well as the cloner 5000. I had success with the plugs on my last cloning go around so why not. Hope everyone had a great day.
"Stoner moment."😂

The up potting seems to have gone well. The clones on the other hand not so good.....Had a stoner moment. I unplugged the bubbler to vacum up the mess from the uppotting and forget to plug the bubbler back in.

So I'll give it one more go with some clones before I flip the girls. I'm gonna also try a few clones in organic plugs/ humidity dome as well as the cloner 5000. I had success with the plugs on my last cloning go around so why not. Hope everyone had a great day.
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