Let It Grow With Barney's Farm

Deadly when the 2 collide I would imagine! Like where are my glasses, go on looking for glasses and forget what you’re looking for so you decide to get a snack. In doing so you find your glasses in the fridge and don’t remember that you were even looking for them!

Deadly when the 2 collide I would imagine! Like where are my glasses, go on looking for glasses and forget what you’re looking for so you decide to get a snack. In doing so you find your glasses in the fridge and don’t remember that you were even looking for them!

That's hilarious

Clones in the cloner 5000


Clones in an old school humidity dome in plugs.

Gonna give the clones one more chance. If they fail it's time to dunk the Moby Dick seeds.

I flipped the blue sunset sherbert into flower yesterday. The purple punch will join her in a few days. She's in the process of being lollipopped. I figured I would do it In stages so I don't stress her out. Remember she's the problem child. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Just finished cleaning the Laboratory and now it's time for a dip in the pool.
Have you tried hydroponic cloning without the dome? I never domed in my aeroponic Cloninator (in my sig) and it worked really well. I don't dome even with cuttings in perlite and an inch of water.
I have tried it both ways in the bubble cloner.
Have you tried hydroponic cloning without the dome? I never domed in my aeroponic Cloninator (in my sig) and it worked really well. I don't dome even with cuttings in perlite and an inch of water.
I have tried it both ways with the aeroponic cloner. My first go was with out the dome. Maybe I should have let them go longer or changed out the water. The water got really slimy so I decided to give up on them. The second attempt was with a dome as seen in the last picture. The clones are on day 8 and no signs of roots.

I was successful with clones on my last grow. The strain was LSD. I used the rooters plugs in a humidity dome and had more clones than I could use. which is a good thing. I ended up giving a few away to a friend of a friend who also grows in my area.

Maybe I have too much bubble action. I have two big air stones on the bottom of the cloner. The bottom of the clones are constantly wet. As no surprise the clonex washed away rather quickly.

I'm lost......every article I have read said these things work great including you Shed.
The water got really slimy so I decided to give up on them.
I found using H2O2 in the water helped with the algae that wanted to grow in there. Hydro folks use expensive stuff like Z7 or Hydroguard but I didn't want to drop that kinda cash on cloning!
Maybe I have too much bubble action. I have two big air stones on the bottom of the cloner. The bottom of the clones are constantly wet. As no surprise the clonex washed away rather quickly.
How high is the water level? I think an inch below the bottom of the stems is ideal, so that the only thing that wets the stems is the popping of the bubbles. My aero system had the timer set for 15 minutes off, 1 minute on to let them dry out a bit in between
I'm lost......every article I have read said these things work great including you Shed.
What temperature is the water? I couldn't get mine to work until the outside temps got under 70. My cloner was in one of those plastic Suncast sheds and it was too warm in there all summer.
I found using H2O2 in the water helped with the algae that wanted to grow in there. Hydro folks use expensive stuff like Z7 or Hydroguard but I didn't want to drop that kinda cash on cloning!

How high is the water level? I think an inch below the bottom of the stems is idea, so that the only thing that wets the stems is the popping of the bubbles. My aero system had the timer set for 15 minutes off, 1 minute on.

What temperature is the water? I couldn't get mine to work until the outside temps got under 70. My cloner was in one of those plastic Suncast sheds and it was too warm in there all summer.
Good call on the hydrogen peroxide.

water level is probably 2 inches below the bottom of the clones.

Water temp is probably the problem......Id have to check but the ambient room temp is around 78 degrees F. The central air in that room sucks.
I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you. :( I mostly just said I added H2O2 rather than giving an amount, though there was this:
I'm adding about 4 ounces of 3% H2O2 to 64 ounces of tap water, twice a week.
Which didn't seem to be enough or often enough given how quickly it breaks down.

And to support the temperature theory, NorCali :rip: posted this in my thread the summer I built the cloner:
You going to find when the temp hits that sweet spot,, come fall and spring, you going to say WTF this is simple. Now this is just myself,, I use tap water only.
So get the temp down and the green stuff might not be a problem (unless there's a light leak to the water).
Good evening all, hope everyone had a great weekend. Here's a little update on the girls and the clones
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Here is the blue sunset sherbert. She's been on the 12/12 regiment for 7 days


Here's is a closeup of her. Hopefully she is not gonna stretch too much more. I am running out of headroom in the tent.


Here is her sister the purple punch. She is starting to show some sort of deficiency. Perhaps calcium? She is still in the veg tent. I want to get her straightened out and lollipopped a bit more before shipping her off to the flower tent.

Here are the clones...... Some of the blue sunset sherbert clones are showing some roots in the cloner 5000. And I'm hoping to see some roots emerging from the rooters plugs any day now.


That's all for now kids. Enjoy the last of the weekend.
Man, you got this down! Just finished blues for Allah, I'm stoned, goodnight good man. ☮️🕉️🙏
Good evening all, hope everyone had a great weekend. Here's a little update on the girls and the clones
20240818_180957 (1).jpg

Here is the blue sunset sherbert. She's been on the 12/12 regiment for 7 days


Here's is a closeup of her. Hopefully she is not gonna stretch too much more. I am running out of headroom in the tent.


Here is her sister the purple punch. She is starting to show some sort of deficiency. Perhaps calcium? She is still in the veg tent. I want to get her straightened out and lollipopped a bit more before shipping her off to the flower tent.

Here are the clones...... Some of the blue sunset sherbert clones are showing some roots in the cloner 5000. And I'm hoping to see some roots emerging from the rooters plugs any day now.


That's all for now kids. Enjoy the last of the weekend.
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