Let’s Get Nuts: 1100w LED With UV & IR, 5x5x6fr, CO2, Build-Up


Amazon trellises, perfect 4x4, a stretch in my 5x5. 1st layer is I believe 4” and top layer 6 “ squares. Not expecting much and already building a 1/2 inch pvc with 100lb test fishing line. If you haven’t noticed Im a GrowSoctor acolyte. New version for individual reservoirs.

20$ myke ffrom Amazon. Thing is you only need a little to start your own supply, like worms or bacteria. Once again I’ll report my findings good or bad in a blow by blow tek here on 420.
I love my, can't spell it though. :rofl:
I combine it with Bokashi and Frass & Dazzle ( insect frass ).
Fungi and microbes galore.
Excellent combination.
I mix it in my coco and spray on a little kelp water.
Huge tubs , I let them sit for 2 - 4 weeks.
By the time I pot a lady the coco is alive.
A little molasses tea every couple weeks.
In air pots it's rocket fuel honestly.
It's as close to dwc as you can get with the stability and ease of grow medium.
Zon has Bokashi, frass I'm not sure in BC.

Stay safe

15amp heavy gauge. Think I mentioned this piece somewhere else but putting it on official list. I figured with 1100w lights I would need to spend a little more to avoid running cables so hot you can’t pickm up. So far so good.

5 inch air stones, one for every plant and three backups. Very heavyweight construction for hydro. We’ll see how they flow very soon, still soaking.
I love my, can't spell it though. :rofl:
I combine it with Bokashi and Frass & Dazzle ( insect frass ).
Fungi and microbes galore.
Excellent combination.
I mix it in my coco and spray on a little kelp water.
Huge tubs , I let them sit for 2 - 4 weeks.
By the time I pot a lady the coco is alive.
A little molasses tea every couple weeks.
In air pots it's rocket fuel honestly.
It's as close to dwc as you can get with the stability and ease of grow medium.
Zon has Bokashi, frass I'm not sure in BC.

Stay safe
Oh man I haven’t laughed aloud for a while. What’s Dazzle btw? Just learned what frass is tonight, weird how that works. Have you ever pumped air into your pots or know someone who does and results?

15amp heavy gauge. Think I mentioned this piece somewhere else but putting it on official list. I figured with 1100w lights I would need to spend a little more to avoid running cables so hot you can’t pickm up. So far so good.
#12 or #14 ?

Oh man I haven’t laughed aloud for a while. What’s Dazzle btw? Just learned what frass is tonight, weird how that works. Have you ever pumped air into your pots or know someone who does and results?
It's a proprietary blend made by an old Dutch dude close to my old place.
Frass & Dazzel was his brand name.
He got bought up by an LP fantastic stuff. I have a bag stashed somewhere.
It's in my Gorilla Glue clone thread if you want to see what's in it.

I always ran a bubbler in my 100L feed tank.
Never directly in thought.
Often thought about it thought, different methods and ideas just never did.
Was so busy with 50 ladies on the go all the time my experiments ended up on hold.

Stay safe

Having a little customization fun with my prop gear.

Ya gotta take these batteries out if you’re not gonna use right away bc they are rated for only 6 months. Seems people use them a lot for curing. I might, I might not. Will have some use for them in my mushroom greenhouse. Make sure you specify Fahrenheit or Celsius because they don’t switch between.

One mans trash… found this in a neighbour’s recycling. Works fine, nothing suspicious on the meter.
#12 or #14 ?

It's a proprietary blend made by an old Dutch dude close to my old place.
Frass & Dazzel was his brand name.
He got bought up by an LP fantastic stuff. I have a bag stashed somewhere.
It's in my Gorilla Glue clone thread if you want to see what's in it.

I always ran a bubbler in my 100L feed tank.
Never directly in thought.
Often thought about it thought, different methods and ideas just never did.
Was so busy with 50 ladies on the go all the time my experiments ended up on hold.

Stay safe
14 gauge. Also had an electrician in to look things over and advise on setup. Peace of mind, such as can be had, is priceless.

Sold to me by local industrial safety biz. I ran whale watching boats for 6 years out of Victoria and did all the winter maintenance so I had a relationship with them. Crest they’re called. Forgot to specify the protective collar. Need to build a mount for “Little Boy” here too.

4 inch net pots. In my head canon the veg rez have 4 rooted clones per, then they get high graded and 1/2 will go on to flower, the other 4 given away to local growers. Some of my buys are still incoming including a transfer pump and c02 reg (buddy’s was kaputz). Also some ph up/down. Dunno why I got ph up, I can’t imagine using it. It might count as wastage.

In other fluids news, I was playing with my ph and ec pens and tested the tap water ec and got a zero. So I calibrated, again zero. Tested other liquids, no surprises. Turns out my tap water has imperceptible solids and a ph of 7. I’ll take it! We’ve spent a lot on water as municipality last decade and appears it’s paying off.
My Amazon-ordered timers are still outstanding, I bought two short duration ones and 4 standard types that are a mix of mechanical and electronic. Covered my bases. One short duration is for diy aerocloner and likely the other goes in my mushroom tent, not quite there yet with its design. If anyone out there is using hacked sonoff (a-b&@/;$) smart plugins for short duration I’d love to hear from you. One day I’d like to have all elements run by the same Raspberry Pi. Gotta use up this new gear now but in the meantime I’ll be teaching myself how to build a fully auto AI run rig. Look, I’m a dude, we’re just like that man, no trauma man, uh, no drama, anybody want a White Russian? Milks in the fridge. Make me one, uh, thanks man.

Here’s my plasticky beaker set. Amazon 15$. Gotta keep those measurements steady, especially for the strong stuff. I still need a scale but no budget left and I still need good seeds. BTW, any suggestions? Considering my 5ft5inch grow zone, DWC… I’m hoping to get 3 varieties minimum, and something’s to take clones from.
My Amazon-ordered timers are still outstanding, I bought two short duration ones and 4 standard types that are a mix of mechanical and electronic. Covered my bases. One short duration is for diy aerocloner and likely the other goes in my mushroom tent, not quite there yet with its design. If anyone out there is using hacked sonoff (a-b&@/;$) smart plugins for short duration I’d love to hear from you. One day I’d like to have all elements run by the same Raspberry Pi. Gotta use up this new gear now but in the meantime I’ll be teaching myself how to build a fully auto AI run rig. Look, I’m a dude, we’re just like that man, no trauma man, uh, no drama, anybody want a White Russian? Milks in the fridge. Make me one, uh, thanks man.

Here’s my plasticky beaker set. Amazon 15$. Gotta keep those measurements steady, especially for the strong stuff. I still need a scale but no budget left and I still need good seeds. BTW, any suggestions? Considering my 5ft5inch grow zone, DWC… I’m hoping to get 3 varieties minimum, and something’s to take clones from.
Beans :laugh: all this gear and we still haven't any beans.
Weedseeds Express and Herbies Seeds I've used and both are sponsors.
Be a week though.
Both have very reputable genetics.
Closer to home there are a couple Canadian choices none of which I'd recommend sorry.
Anything interesting available out there as far as genetics go?

Stay safe
Im pushing through here so I can finish this part of the project and know I did what I said I would and then move forward. Almost there folks, stay with me. I’ll def be asking for feedback when I start dry running the set up tomorrow.

The blue pump on left can lift 7 feet, the one on right… not. I bought 4 of those black ones and just one of the power pump. I’ll be running ‘ponics outside this year bust most will be wicking - though some interesting aquaponics trials will be happening. There’s a couple more laying around the house so we’ll see how the cookies crumble.
Beans :laugh: all this gear and we still haven't any beans.
Weedseeds Express and Herbies Seeds I've used and both are sponsors.
Be a week though.
Both have very reputable genetics.
Closer to home there are a couple Canadian choices none of which I'd recommend sorry.
Anything interesting available out there as far as genetics go?

Stay safe
Yes, thank you Bill I’m aware. Lol. I didn’t want to have them sitting around and I wasn’t confident that my health wouldn’t chuck a spanner in it all. At least the gear doesn’t have a shelf life. But, I’ve been improving for 6 weeks steady which is a break through for me these days. I put it down to the weed and I haven’t even burned one yet. I will definitely let you know what the scene is here when I get my updated lay of the land. However I’m something of a Euro snob and being a Dutchman and a Canadian I’m going to order from the old country to start proceedings off. I miss NL a lot and right now I can’t fly with what I got. The last 3 times I flew there or back I was so sick and hypoxic that I can’t remember the next 3 days after arrival but am reliably told it wasn’t pretty.
Yes, thank you Bill I’m aware. Lol. I didn’t want to have them sitting around and I wasn’t confident that my health wouldn’t chuck a spanner in it all. At least the gear doesn’t have a shelf life. But, I’ve been improving for 6 weeks steady which is a break through for me these days. I put it down to the weed and I haven’t even burned one yet. I will definitely let you know what the scene is here when I get my updated lay of the land. However I’m something of a Euro snob and being a Dutchman and a Canadian I’m going to order from the old country to start proceedings off. I miss NL a lot and right now I can’t fly with what I got. The last 3 times I flew there or back I was so sick and hypoxic that I can’t remember the next 3 days after arrival but am reliably told it wasn’t pretty.
That's where I got my original genetics.
When I started that was the only reliable genetics I could find.
Wish I hadn't lost those genetics.
Old-school Gorilla Glue, Black Jack, Blue Berry, Gelato and Jher all NL from years ago.
Oldies but goodies.

Stay safe

Humidity! Fog more like. This is a fogger for vivarium-type pets that need a rainforest biome. It chucks pretty good, gets a 5x5 without light into the 90s from the 40s in 30 mins. 4 litres, lasts 24hr-ish so not the last word in humidity but it works great with the Inkbird. Wow, that’s all of it, for the moment but we’re just about all there so I’ll be moving on to setup, making some par maps with an iPhone and comparing to the real thing, making bacteria, running the system empty and setting up extraction, filtration. BTW I think lots of you would like this new brand tent, LumoX, they’re Canadian and making good design choices and prices are good. They have other grower gear too. As for humidity, I’ll probably order another of these foggers for 50$, then build another over the next year.

Man, that’s ugly. In this pic you can see all the ink birds in a setup position almost guaranteed to cause a fire. Fear not. It is a short term test scenario with lights at 20%. Im trying to get a feel for the Inkbird, where some issues might crop up but so far very impressive. If you have hopes that the wifi versions will sport some amazing new functionalities and cutting edge graphics I’ve got bad news. However if you were hoping for simple, screw-up proof setup, monitoring and alert/alarm functionalities from your phone anywhere in the world then you will be quite pleased. I had a friend of mine in Europe download the app and I had setup him as a “family member” in the smart-home-like setup Inkbird provides and this formerly dear friend was able to override my settings at will and in seconds enter settings that would burn down my grow room with ease, set alarms to go off every 30 seconds and cause general mayhem. All of which you should interpret as very positive for the Inkbird units and very negative regarding my choice of friends.

Man, that’s ugly. In this pic you can see all the ink birds in a setup position almost guaranteed to cause a fire. Fear not. It is a short term test scenario with lights at 20%. Im trying to get a feel for the Inkbird, where some issues might crop up but so far very impressive. If you have hopes that the wifi versions will sport some amazing new functionalities and cutting edge graphics I’ve got bad news. However if you were hoping for simple, screw-up proof setup, monitoring and alert/alarm functionalities from your phone anywhere in the world then you will be quite pleased. I had a friend of mine in Europe download the app and I had setup him as a “family member” in the smart-home-like setup Inkbird provides and this formerly dear friend was able to override my settings at will and in seconds enter settings that would burn down my grow room with ease, set alarms to go off every 30 seconds and cause general mayhem. All of which you should interpret as very positive for the Inkbird units and very negative regarding my choice of friends.

Lol hope you clean that up soon. Cant all those wire go outside the tent and just have the probes inside?
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