Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Well they say its all ways Darkest Before The Dawn. Well Dawn better get here quick,and she better be damn GOOD LOOKIN. So like I said I scraped every container I had that had any Meds in it at all and let it disolve in my mouth and was Pain Free until it wore off.So now the pain is back and unbairable and Im out of Meds. So I suffer all day yesterday( this siattic nerve shits realy hurts and it just wont stop )so about 8:30 pm I took two Soma's and went to lay down. In about 15 mins.or so I started to get the Spin's and it felt like I was going to through up.So I take off for the bathroom as fast as I can go.About the time I get to the bathroom door I Pass Out.Now Im 6 foot 3 and 225lb.I did a Header into the TUB and when I wake up im in the ER at Henery Mayo. Compressed two disc's in my neck and split my right eyebrow wide open. One Hell of a lot of fun. So this is how I get to take care of all these plants for the next week or so ,that is if nothing else happends.:
Oh the plant im standing next to grew another 6 in sence the last pics. TOAST P.S. SHIT HAPPENDS
Dam toast hearing this just sucks. must be that time of year. I fell this morning trying to be a young kid and it didn't work. Nothing like you did though. If you were closer there would be some meds on the door step in the morning. I hate hearing things like that. I'm out of meds.

Your grow is amazing. I've been following along since you start this journal and I love it. Plants look healthy and are growing like crazy. Be safe and I hope your pain isn't to unbearable. :Namaste:
so sorry this happened to you. sending good thoughts your way and i hope you heal quick. I know that sciatic is awful. I finally had surgery for mine and it helped 95% (though that wasn't fun either) One trick with nerve pain - Motrin (Ibuprofen) nerves respond better to that than acetaminophen, aspirin, or any prescription pain pill they give you. Until your harvest comes in try it, what do you have to lose besides cracking your head open again right!:peace:
I'm really sorry it happened to you, lem! Maybe just take it easy for a while. Hmmm, I been just listening to these tokin' on some Grape Ape :)


Sending some healing vibrations :hippy:
Here is a comparison of before and now Tumor shots.: This is June 19th :
And this is today.:
I dont know if you can tell by the pictures but its shrunk alot considering I haven't gone full force at it, from lack of enough Meds. There comming soon and form the looks of thing,theres going to be enough to knock this sucker out of the ball park. Fineally. GOOD WISHES TO ALL. TOAST P.S. Im feeling pretty good today even though I dont have full use of my Left arm back yet. But Im sure it will come back around.
Just because ive spent the summer doing tree removals with a cartilage torn off my rib doesnt mean ya gotta one up me, slow down over there lol. Your Mom must be so iron like inside cause your history of bumps n scars is similar and my Mom is sanguine if the ER calls at this point lol. Who found you anyways? Well, your running out of space for medical accoutrements Lem. A cast, maybe a cane and an eye patch and bingo you've collected them all. I once knocked myself out cold in the Alaskan wilderness trying to jump across a cabin I hadnt framed a roof on just to see if I could (March in Ak.... you start to get antsy ) cleared about fourteen feet, the gravity took over and I full front body slammed into the south wall off 12 inch thick Sitka Spruce logs a la Wile E. Coyote style. Naptime. Ah youth, eh? Heal up. Pm sent in a while.
Lem, I hope your meds are coming soon!!! Couldn't you get them from a friend or a neighbour temporarily? I'd send them straight away to ya if it was after harvest, which is still few weeks away unfortunately. Fuck, it's my dream to start international bud exchange anyway in the nearest legal future :)
Theres really nothing to report on the crop, Just watering and feeding pretty boring stuff. So I thought you might like a couple of old pictures - #1 420 MOM - there are very few times I go any where but when I do I got my 420 Mom watching my back.
Just a little sump thin to look at. TOAST

Conradino - The Big Planter - #1 - is the Super Frosty Aurora Ultra. The new planter - #2 - There are five plants - from left to right - Pure Kush, Sour Diesel, Pure Kush, Humbolt,and Pure Kush. And if you are refering to the Little green container where Ive staked down the branches thats Grape Ape and yes I was copying you. LOL You my friend are going to be very happy in a couple more days. Watch it now watch it. High Yogi - Hi Yogi - Yeah that Pineapple shit is realy something different,Its a real mind blower to know there another plant out there that can over power the smell of Skunk #1. I sweat when theres any kind of wind you can smell that Pineapple shit two blocks away. I too am into the teachings of the great Sai Baba and Nag Champa incence,the smell of meditation,awsum stuff. Thanks for checkin in guys. TOAST

Aloha Lem. :Namaste:

Here's to hoping your flowers are coming right along! :Namaste:

I took the Up Date pictures, and then pushed the wrong button and erased them.So they will be coming tomorrow. I dont know why it happends, but every once in a while you go to water your plants and you find this :
I dont know whats going on . Its almost like they get confused about wheather there in the Veg or Flower cycle and just say Fuck It and die. TOAST
OH, too bad!!!:oops:

I took the Up Date pictures, and then pushed the wrong button and erased them.So they will be coming tomorrow. I dont know why it happends, but every once in a while you go to water your plants and you find this :
I dont know whats going on . Its almost like they get confused about wheather there in the Veg or Flower cycle and just say Fuck It and die. TOAST
Here's a Hill Up Date. :
This is Aurora Ultra.:
This is the Jack Herer. All these plants are High Breads,and its cool to see the drifferent ways and times they Bud across the spectrum.This plant is way to the Sativa side and hasn't even started to Bud as shown in the second picture :
and its suposta be 90/10. Now this one is some where in the middle, Like 60/40 Sativa Im just guessing.:
Now this one is all the way on the other end of the spectrum mostly Indica and it started Budding 2nd week of July.:
I dont know if you guy see it, but she reminds me a whole lot of that very frist O.G. KUSH plant I had. Heres close up
These two are Grape Ape :
These two are Sour Diesle. They started Budding Last week.:
The Pure Kush still only has the two Calyxes at the base of the Bud site.No apparent Budding yet.:
Here you can see the Sour Diesle progress.:
Theres The Pure Kush.:
you can clearly see how the Pure Kush hasn't started at all. And this is Super Frosty.:
All right I got shit to do so I'll post the rest Later . TOAST
2014 Up Date part 2.-We will start with the Cage. :
This is the top Water Fall Pond.:
These are 34 of the 40 clones I took last. All rooted and ready to go.:
The Water Fall.:
And now for Planter #1. :
You see how this is a little Fimmed Branch. There is over 100 of these.:
I found these two plants right next to each other,all tore up.I thought it was a worm,but after closer inspection it was a Grass Hopper.Pretty much wiped them out.:
Heres what I had to cut off.:
Now for Planter # 2.:
and none are showing the first signs of Flowering. Well thats it for this time my friends. Live Each Day To The Fullest. TOAST
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