Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Growlow, Im thanking the Universe some one else gets it. I thought that maybe they were like that because, like when I grew up and maybe you too,(I dont know how old you are)The rule was "DONT TRUST ANYBODY OVER 30" LOL. I am sorry that you had to work for a PUNK ASSHOLE I dont if I would have be able to hang as long as it sounds like you did. Hell I would have decked him the first day and started lookin for another job. LOL Thanks for the input Im glad Im not alone in this world.Thanks again TOAST

Nah it was more fun having them use the same intimidation techniques on me as they did 18-22 year olds. I'm in my mid 30's. So the owner would do this thing where he would come into your personal space to make you move out of it so he could feel like he had some balls. He tried it with me once. I looked him straight in the eye (he was literally inches from my face and practically rubbing shoulders) and said "If you get any closer I will have to consider that an attempt of sexual harassment, each to their own! but the last guy who tried that didn't like the feeling of my fist against his face". I'm 6'5 220. The owner was 5'10 170. He walked away with his tail between his legs and acted all buddy buddy with me from then on out. It was the way he treated the staff I hired and patients I built relationships with that ended up being the catalyst for me leaving. Glad we could relate mate :)
That's kinda sad how quick buck and big egos smear this initial idea of legal pot in shit, at least from what I can understand from your talk guys!
Hey Conradino 23, Hows every thing.How are Those babies doing,and that outragious 7 ft LAC show me some pics. I swear dude your LAC looks nothing Like mine :
Have a bunch of good ones. TOAST
Tomorrow I'll take some pics, when I go to the jungle, I promise :) Does LA Con stretch much in flowering from your experience, lem? If it grows over 10 feet it might blow the cover :) But here are some Aurora Ultra's pics. Very strong smell for early veg and that's why a candidate for my bonsai grow next to SLH.



Hope everything is fine on your farm :lot-o-toke:
First off, Thanks for the pics Conrad , the babies look real happy. My LAC has never gone over 5 feet high,but I've have'nt grown one in the jungle, LOL, so you'll have to wait and see. OK YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS ONE. In my 61 years on this planet I have done some Extream damage to my body. Just to name a few - One time I cut the little finger on my right hand OFF and the two next to it to the bone:
I put a SKILL SAW in my LEG :
I got a Staff Infection from Bat Guano that caused the Tendon in my ring finger to retract, so I cant open my hand all the way:
I crashed one of my Harley's and shadered my right foot, requiring 156 stiches and 5 Pins:
and a lot of stuff I dont remember.Now Tuesday when I got up,I awoke to a saveer pain shooting down my right Butt Cheek to the out side of my quad mussle, into my Knee and then down my calf to my ankel. Now I dont know if any of you have ever had a leg cramp, like in your calf or your foot, but I'm talking that kind of pain that just wont go away.Sence Tuesday I have taken Codin, Soma's,Vicodin,Tylonal, pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Nothing stoped this pain all they did was let me sleep. The second I'd wake its right back to screeming my head off . I mean this shit gets old after a couple days, Believe me. What has happend is I ruptsured a disc and its swelled up and is stoping the blood flow to my ciattic nerve. Now I dont have very much Meds left so I have only been useing it topicly on the Tumor. I haven't been taking it orally trying to make it last. Well about an hour and a half ago I scraped every little bit out of every container Ive ever had,and put it in my mouth and let it dissolve. I AM PAIN FREE MOTHERFUCKERS its absolutely fenominal I cant believe I didnt do this Wednesday.Im such a DICK some times.I mean why would'nt it work. This CBD shit is amazing it fixes every thing. And I so far LOL am Living Proof. I hope none of you ever have to experence this Ciattic bullshit but if it happends , dont fuck around go for the Cannabis. TOAST
My God, Lem, you've had a life! How great that the cannabis kills the pain. But I can believe it. Mrs Teddy has 4 collapsed discs due to her back taking a pounding when she was a track cyclist in her youth. Takes prescription pain killers (Tramadol) all the time. Nasty, addictive things. Now we've just had our first taste of the future harvest, she said it made her pain free and she got a full night's sleep with no sleeping pills.

Look after that lived-in body of yours. :)
GREAT news on the pain free Lem:woohoo: My sciatic nerve often plays up. Triggered from a messed up disc from Rugby I gained in my late teens. When I was 4 I cracked my skull open which damaged my nervous system. For the most part I feel a very dulled version of pain, pleasure, heat and cold compared to most people, from what the Dr's have told me through my life. Though I get flashes of replay where my brain relives the trauma from the injury. Like a certain part of my brain is stuck on a very delayed replay. When it replays, I collapse. No if's or and but's about it. 6'5 220 lbs of collapse. Not much anyone can do when it happens but get the F outta the way. Thankfully when I orally take my oil on a regular basis these are very very uncommon and typically triggered by heat or large levels of stress. So I feel ya mate :)
My God, Lem, you've had a life! How great that the cannabis kills the pain. But I can believe it. Mrs Teddy has 4 collapsed discs due to her back taking a pounding when she was a track cyclist in her youth. Takes prescription pain killers (Tramadol) all the time. Nasty, addictive things. Now we've just had our first taste of the future harvest, she said it made her pain free and she got a full night's sleep with no sleeping pills.

Look after that lived-in body of yours. :)

4 COLLAPSED DISCS!!! Bugger that!! She must be one trooper of a Teddy Mr Teddy :)
Lem, you're a tough dude :thumb: I suffer from severe back aches in cervical curve for example. I did it to myself basically by training ai-ki-do and then MMA. When the pressure drops down, the pain just numbs me... but when I smoke some good stuff with a good level of CBD, I'm virtually pain free :) So, I feel for you, man!

Here are some L.A. Confidential's stills from a clip I did today with my broken camera. She's around 8'85'' now, unfortunately she caught powdery mildew. I removed all the infected leaves, but I need to spray her with some shit. Other plants are doing just fine, so it's a humidity problem. I do not have good conditions for pure indicas unfortunately, and this is another example.




Take care, lem!
Sorry to see the damage of you~ Lem :(

First off, Thanks for the pics Conrad , the babies look real happy. My LAC has never gone over 5 feet high,but I've have'nt grown one in the jungle, LOL, so you'll have to wait and see. OK YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS ONE. In my 61 years on this planet I have done some Extream damage to my body. Just to name a few - One time I cut the little finger on my right hand OFF and the two next to it to the bone:
I put a SKILL SAW in my LEG :
I got a Staff Infection from Bat Guano that caused the Tendon in my ring finger to retract, so I cant open my hand all the way:
I crashed one of my Harley's and shadered my right foot, requiring 156 stiches and 5 Pins:
and a lot of stuff I dont remember.Now Tuesday when I got up,I awoke to a saveer pain shooting down my right Butt Cheek to the out side of my quad mussle, into my Knee and then down my calf to my ankel. Now I dont know if any of you have ever had a leg cramp, like in your calf or your foot, but I'm talking that kind of pain that just wont go away.Sence Tuesday I have taken Codin, Soma's,Vicodin,Tylonal, pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Nothing stoped this pain all they did was let me sleep. The second I'd wake its right back to screeming my head off . I mean this shit gets old after a couple days, Believe me. What has happend is I ruptsured a disc and its swelled up and is stoping the blood flow to my ciattic nerve. Now I dont have very much Meds left so I have only been useing it topicly on the Tumor. I haven't been taking it orally trying to make it last. Well about an hour and a half ago I scraped every little bit out of every container Ive ever had,and put it in my mouth and let it dissolve. I AM PAIN FREE MOTHERFUCKERS its absolutely fenominal I cant believe I didnt do this Wednesday.Im such a DICK some times.I mean why would'nt it work. This CBD shit is amazing it fixes every thing. And I so far LOL am Living Proof. I hope none of you ever have to experence this Ciattic bullshit but if it happends , dont fuck around go for the Cannabis. TOAST
Well, they won't be so beautiful if they all catch PM. I did a weird thing though as I wanted to disinfect the stem and I didn't have anything on me, so I put my saliva on the fuckin' thing :tokin: Would it work? :passitleft:
4 COLLAPSED DISCS!!! Bugger that!! She must be one trooper of a Teddy Mr Teddy :)

She is, Growlow, she is. For example, she's stayed married to me for 14 years. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Nice one Lem! Lol kinda surprised you hadnt done an oral treatment with the topical, damn it's the shit isnt it. Tree of life man. Hey one move I do helps when sciatica flares cross legged sitting best you can and lean out to the knees/ floor. Keeps my ass and hip muscles from getting tighter. Anyhow. Kicking ass. Btw the photo of your mom next to the wheelbarrow of herb is my screensaver as of late.
Conrad that LAC is Magnifisent, Congratulations.And I guess Spit is better than nothing.Thanks for the Pics. Mr Teddy thanks for the laugh,"shes tough enough to stay with you 14 years" that put a smile on my face bro.Thank you.High yogi thanks for the cross your leg thing. I had to read it a couple times but I figured it out and Im doing it right now,and I can see how it will be effective,so THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I thank every one for the well wishes, and information You all send my way. I THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. TOAST
Be good!!! Lem, that is very exactly with Spit is better than nothing:love:

Conrad that LAC is Magnifisent, Congratulations.And I guess Spit is better than nothing.Thanks for the Pics. Mr Teddy thanks for the laugh,"shes tough enough to stay with you 14 years" that put a smile on my face bro.Thank you.High yogi thanks for the cross your leg thing. I had to read it a couple times but I figured it out and Im doing it right now,and I can see how it will be effective,so THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I thank every one for the well wishes, and information You all send my way. I THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. TOAST
I'm gonna spray it with milk solution I decided cause I don't want it to spread. In the meantime it rains again :bitingnails:
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