Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Rodogast : Right now there are Three Humming Birds, some TiT mouse"s they get the bugs out of the Bug Zapper every morning.and in the spring we get migrating Orioles for two weeks, ( there realy pretty ). If I wanted I could have a large variety of indigenous birds, by just putting out some wild bird food. But what ultimately happends is the Local Covies of Quail ( witch are 30 to 50 strong ) come down to feed on the Wild Bird Seed and some thing would spook them, ( like opening the sliding glass door ) They would fly off in a flurry up and over the big cage and end up landing on my Plants and breaking branches, so I had to stop putting the wild bird food out. But there are Sparrows,Red Tailed Hawks, Fench, Blue Jays, Robbins, and all kinds of birds here. Out of all the wild life here I think my favorite is The guy down the road Ricks Twenty Year Old Daughters BBF thats just got her first Runway Modeling Gig. Shes a Six One Black Girl that puts Tyra Banks to shame. As a matter of fact Her and Caylie are in there Micro Keenies by the pool right now. But what I realy like is the SNAKES. I get every thing - Gophers, 2 different Kings, the Black and White and the Calif.King,and three different Rattlers, and all so some pretty cool Skinks lizards and large Allegator Lizards Oh and the occational HORNEY TOAD. Real funny not me, I know what your thinkin. Im sure I missed a few hundred species we have here. Theres one I was trying to remember , its my favorite and its called a Gross Beak I think ,there about the size of a Sparrow but Black and White and Cute as all get out. Talk at ya later. TOAST
and ( Dumb-D-Dumb-Dumb )TRIMMED THE HEDGE :
Top View :
NOW WATCH WHAT HAPPENDS. I swear Lester that planter was out of control. It had to be done. So please dont Hate me. LOL TOAST

Had to bump this again, LOL. Was thinking about the hedge earlier. I Love it. Give us an update soon her Brother Lem. Loved your recent writings about the animals and the Micro-Keenies :rofl:

Be Well my friend! :surf: :ciao:
Thanks for the answer on the birds.
I know that you spend time with your plants and you and your mom both pay attention to nature.
I'm glad you can enjoy the larger snakes, we only have little garter snakes.

Grosbeak is a very personable, cute bird. I saw my first one this June.
He stuck around for only 10 days or so.
Must have had something important to do somewhere else:)
SPEAK OF THE DEVIL----------- :
So about 9:30 am I took a strola up the Hill, the Jack Herer were straight up and down, so went back down the Hill to turn on the water ( When will I ever learn ) I was singing coming down.( Old Bob Dylan protest song ) Any way went back up the Hill and filled up the resavores on the two JHs and through a count of 20 on the other ones on that side.Untangled the hose from the Trip Wires ( see one stupid little motherfucker and I got to do all this extra Bullshit un fucking beleavable ) Sorry So I go to do the same to the other side and while Im filling the Kush plant cloest to the fence look what comes Slithering out, a just finished a seccessfull night of Hunting and now crashed out in the shade napping , a Baby Pacific Black Diamond Back Rattle Snake. In this next picture start at the head being #1 count back the Blotches witch will one day be Diamonds, with #18 and #19 fussed togeather, look at Blotch #26 and see how theres a dramatic drop in the snakes skin thats the mouses head and for two bloches back that bulge is its body. At least he got a good last meal. :
Just so you know Rattle Snakes can not be relocated and I m not putting it back in my yard, so unless I find someone that wants it for a pet, eventually it will have to be distroyed. Boy I lead an Exciting Life dont I it really trips me out sometimes.You know I went to the Fla. Keys on vacation in 1974 and didn't come back until 1991 and let me tell you I have stories that I wont tell you because you wouldn't believe them.Hell 6 years back there were these Santa Ana wind feed wild fires here and I single handedly saved 20 homes, front page of the paper and shit, the neighbors got together and through me a party and gave me a $500.00 Home Depot gift card way cool . But shit like thats happend to me my whole life. Have A Good One TOAST
So I have all these Back Up Discs from over the years . As time permits I've been going through them to see what on them. Well I just found some Really good Bud Pics from before I broke my Cannon. So enjoy. The first Three pics are Ultra O.G. ( M.K. Ultra X O.G. Kush ) :
The next two are Trainwreck :
This one is Ultra O.G. :
This is M.K. Ultra :
That last Bud was realy Beautiful. The next three are O.G. Kush, ( the real deal ) :
and the rest are Ultra O.G. :
Im going to go through more of these Back Up Discs and see what I can find . Thanks For Lookin. Hope every ones having a wonderful week end . TOAST
MORE OLD PICS----The first pic is from 2000 and the rest are from 2004 Outdoor Grow. The plant with the yellow leaves is O.G. Kush and the one to the right that Dark Green is M.K. Ultra those are the original clones I got from my friend. :
I used those two plants to make this Ultra O.G. in 2004. :
Pretty Fuckin Sweet Hah. TOAST------- " Im realy proud of those plants."
Radogast, What I did is when Every one went Purple Crazy, I got Aurora Indica and crossed it into the Ultra O.G. so you could control the color with tempature. So Aurora Ultra my presant strain is 1/4 M.K. Ultra, 1/4 O.G. Kush and 1/2 Aurora Indica. So yes I saved the Genetics. I think. And Ive got some original seeds that I made in 2001 of the Ultra O.G. There going on 15 years old but theyve been Vacuum sealed the whole time so they should still be viable, Ive seen a half dozen out of 30 that were keep in a perscription bottle in a dresser drawer for 30 years, sprout. So I figure, out of a couple hundred seeds that I have, there should be some good ones. Say Isnt it a trip how we were talking about snakes and in what, less than 12 hours and Slither Slither Slither to funny. LATE TOAST
Radogast, What I did is when Every one went Purple Crazy, I got Aurora Indica and crossed it into the Ultra O.G. so you could control the color with tempature. So Aurora Ultra my presant strain is 1/4 M.K. Ultra, 1/4 O.G. Kush and 1/2 Aurora Indica. So yes I saved the Genetics. I think. And Ive got some original seeds that I made in 2001 of the Ultra O.G. There going on 15 years old but theyve been Vacuum sealed the whole time so they should still be viable, Ive seen a half dozen out of 30 that were keep in a perscription bottle in a dresser drawer for 30 years, sprout. So I figure, out of a couple hundred seeds that I have, there should be some good ones. Say Isnt it a trip how we were talking about snakes and in what, less than 12 hours and Slither Slither Slither to funny. LATE TOAST

That's the way it works.
You talk about snakes, and manifest a snake.

Prompting the old question:
Did the snake come because you thought of snakes,
or did you think of snakes because a snake was coming?
Howdy Lem.

Hope all is doing well, we had some flash flood warnings and whatnot. I bet you got some pretty good rain coming down the hill. Was thinking about that in the beginning of the journal when you first prepped the soil. Mud slide right there would do some damage. Oh I'm sure you have many stories you haven't told us ;)

Well, hopefully your plants enjoyed the free water from mother nature. Interested to know if you caught any of this weather we've been having.

Lester, I didnt get shit for rain. It was cloudy and sprinkled on and off but that was it. Its accually a sad commentary on the drought. You know it sprinkled so lightly that I couldnt hear it sitting quietly in my garage,and when I did go out the first time and saw the ground all wet,My first reaction, ( this is the sad part ) was to think " Shit that stupid Hose broke again and is flooding the back yard or the cylinode stuck on the Rain Bird and it never shut off. Its suprizing my first thought wasnt Rain. STRANGE As far as Mud Slides go Ive got a pretty good system of Cement Rain GUTTERS on the Hills , that channel the water to basins so that doesn't happen, Scratch That , Hasn't happend yet. Mother Nature will get ya if you dont watch out.Cause its not nice to fool Mother Nature.LOL Hey man some time in the future I need to get your E- Mail address if thats cool.Have a goody. TOAST
Oh Wow I'm surprised you did not catch some rain. Well I'll be damned. Good to hear about the gutters. They were talking about a possible El Nino event this year, and if it doesnt come this year than probably next year. I can imagine if enough rain came down on that hill there would be some issues, let's hope that doesn't happen though. Reminds me of that one monsoon that wiped your crop that one year. Sounds like your prepared though :)

Lem, I sent you a PM so be sure to check your inbox.

Have a good Day TOAST :bigtoke:
Hello every one, I shot the Journal Update at 7:30 pm this evening and the pictures came out way to dark, and you realy couldnt see very well, so I trashed them. I will shot it again tomorrow when its sunny. But for now here's some realy Old Pics I didn't know I had from 2000-2001 Indoor Closet Grow. This first one is O.G.Kush. Remember how I told that the Quail would spook and fly over the cage and land on the plants. Well this plant was one of there casualties. This is only half of the plant. The quial broke the other half off the main stalk right where I topped it the first time.:
These next few are M.K.Ultra :
This is O.G.Kush :
I dont remember what this was :
But it sure was frosty.More M.K.Ultra :
O.G.Kush :
And last but not least Supposta be Mawi Wawi it was given to me as a adolesent and I wasn't able to make clones so I just had the one plant but Like the Cat Piss this was Good Shit :
So get your Pop Corn ready Lester the Update will be here tomorrow. I know your waitin for it. And it wont disapoint. Peace Brothers and Sisters. TOAST
Da-ta-dah , Da-ta-dah, Da-ta-dah. And now what you've all been waiting for The 2014 Outdoor Update ;
The Jack Herer :
Check out how these SLH's have Foxtailed its going to be very interesting to see how they end up. :
Here's Planter #1 I hope your not out of Pop Corn Lester. :
This was the little runt that was sitting on the wall, that never took off. It was starting to go , so I transplanted it into a Air Pot. :
Look at how big the plants in Planter #2 have gotten, they realy did the growth spurt thing. :
The Conradino plant is doing Super also. :
When I mixed that Advanced Nutrients stuff wrong it wiped out all but these five indoor plants.And Im not sure if these are OK yet.Theres plenty of tricomes on the burnt plants, to make Medicine with and I am out of meds so that worked out kinda.
Here I put 40 new clones in my out side Veg/Clone room.:
A guy that gets clones form me on occasion brought his friend that drove out from Michigan to get clones and he bought all the clones I had and ten of the plants in the cage.So that was quite a unexpected niceity. Well thats it for this time Folk's hope you enjoyed. TOAST
Maybe one day I'll have enough plants to try the hedge trimmer. It looks like it made quick work of topping all the plants in the planter with great results. Great entertainment.
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