Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Well I thought it would be cool to show you what I do in the middle of the night. It wasn't. I droped the camera twice,( I think I broke the flash ), Fell down three times, and broke one branch. ROTFL. So here are the pics : What I do first is spray the plants with the hose on the Cone spray nozzle :
Then I use my two gallon sprayer to foliage feed the plants :
Last time I was up here I dont remember this one being this far a long. Its a Aurora Ultra Super Frosty :
This SLH plant is filling out early ;
This is a realy small Grape Ape :
This is where I broke the flash ;
This is another SLH thats going early :
Im going to go soak in the TUB now and maybe I'll be able to get out of bed later. LOL TOAST P.S. The mix for the spray is 1 cap full Super Thrive and Two caps Foxfarms Grow Big. I spray all most every night and once a month during Veg I give them Blood Meal Tea.
Those SLH are gonna be some donkey dongs! :rofl: Sorry to hear about the camera, but I'm grinning from ear to ear about the story and pics. :)

I grow indoor in a small tent and have been debating doing a folar feed myself. My humidity at night (with tent closed) gets very high, sometimes 80%, and I was concerned that a folar feed may cause too much moisture and bring on the dreaded mold.

I guess my question is what do you think about too high humidity during veg? Is it possible if it's only during dark hours?
Also, would you say given those circumstances that folar feeding during flower would definitely be a bad idea in my circumstance?
Spimp, I have no experence with tents. I dont even know any one thats used one. But when its desert dry its good to keep the plants wet, just not when the Suns on them. Hey why cant you leave the tent open until the leaves dry. And thats probably stupid cause I dont know the situation or where the tent is or any thing so I dont know.If you cant tell, Im pretty Medicated right now . LOL As far as Foliage feeding goes, I like to top my plants alot. Mostly for clones. And I found it was easier to Spray, than laddle out of a five gallon bucket and a lot easier to carry around the Hill.LOL I dont Foliage feed the plants once they reach a certain point. I wont be foliage feeding the plants in the pictures from last night any more. I will be switching them over the flowering regiment. Once the buds start filling in good I stop get them wet. I do how ever spray the dust and dirt off them on occation. You were saying something about Donkey Dicks, LOL Those SLH plants arn't growing correctly, they normally look like X-Mas Trees. Check this out even when you top this plant only one stem grows.They are clones from the Seeds that I got from Greenhouse.Now I dont know if all SLH does this, but when you top these plants they kinda squat and the stalk and branches get bigger, but you dont get two tops,only one side of the internode growes , keepinng it shaped like a X-Mas tree.I fucked up making them go from Veg to Flower and then back to Veg. So I realy dont know how those are gona come out.No matter what, there gona have a shit lode of Tricomes on um and that all that matters.Oh and its nice to know that you can find the Jockularity in my misfortune.ROTFL A quick one for Rodogast - Dude you cant keep Peacocks in a Cage.LOL and Ginny Hens are Delisious. C-Ya TOAST
Very good suggestion sir. I leave the tent open all day, so leaving it open after lights out while drying the moisture should work well. :thumb:
I had peacocks and Ginny hens on the farm when I was a youth. Ginny's eat up all the ticks and pest insects and peacocks rule the roost. We had one that would greet people at there car and chase you inside if you didn't watch his show. lol He was kind of a dick but it was entertaining.
Spimp, as Toast mentioned, he is growing in a high desert environment. So am I, but I'm about 1000 meters higher than him. High humidity is rarely a problem for us... The atmosphere is so dry that evaporation rates mitigate mold problems really well. Low humidity also hurts us some times... I was in the single digits with dew points well below freezing for most of June. Bad.

The sometimes confusing world of Doc's High-Brix kit relies heavily on foliar sprays, often in tents, and those folks don't seem to have any more problems with mold issues than others do. Part of that may be due to the defensive powers of high-brix plants. I don't really know.

I'm going to introduce a foliar product while I flower this time. It is a cold water kelp extract from Maine 0-4-4. It has tons of micro nutrients and hormones in it. We'll see how she does.

I would say in your case try one out and see how it works. Using one does not mean spraying the plants down daily. Dose them when you're expecting a few days of drier than usual weather and lower humidity in your grow environment.

Is there a 420 contest for 'BEST. PHOTOGRAPH. EVER.'?

Because if there is, I think, Ladies and Gentlemen, that we have a WINNER.

:love: to you, Lem. Be well. And :thanks:
It is a great photo, Mr. Teddy. It looked, at first glance, like Toast was carrying a cold beverage in a hip-holster whilst scrambling around his treacherous North facing slope. Then it turns out to be cans strung up to deflect idiot teenagers and marauding raccoons. Love the red hue of the hose nozzle blast! Toast has some warrior blood in him.
Everything's cool in your garden I can see, lem :thumb:
Hmm, I think you won't mind these two pics by the way :)

From top to the bottom: Super Lemon Haze, 2 x Aurora Ultra Kush, 2 x Aurora Ultra

And here's my L.A. Confidential, cause I know you grow it yourself. Around 7 feet now :)

Take care and keep posting the stories :tokin:
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