Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Happy WEEKEND every one - Same Old Same Old - Im running out of old pics. This my be the last installment : Some Buds :
Plants from seed :
Four potted plants :
From left to right - Sour Deisel , Da Super Lemon Haze , Grape Ape , and D.J. Shorts Blue Berry - The next one is Pure Kush :
Grape Ape :
A bud :
Grape Ape :
Da Super Lemon Haze :
More Super Lemon Haze :
So Beautiful - Pure Kush after an over night drop in tempature :
Aurora Ultra :
More Pure Kush :
More Super Lemon Haze :
Two Huge Pure Kush Colas :
Humbolt :
BHO of different varieties :
I will see if I can come up with one more installment of Old Plant Pics. Back in 2004 my computer crashed and I didnt have my pictures backed up and lost all the ones Between 1999 and 2004. So were about done with Old Pics. Thanks every one I LOVE YOU ALL, especially Lester LOL.TOAST

I love your pictures and updates! :circle-of-love: :adore:
Good after noon all,(at least its after noon here). I learned something new - If you use plastic containers for your Hydro set ups or you just use plastic trays to saturate your Rockwool or what ever. The plastic absorbs what ever the solution is, so if you have a plant with disease it gets absorbed into the plastic and transfers the disease to the next plant thats put in the plastic(the same goes for Clorine) dont clean your plastic containers with Bleach. Actually if contaminated you should just through it away. Some how one of the clones I took resently had some kinda Grey Black Fuzzy mold shit I never seen before on it and wiped out that batch of colnes in just two days. Never had this happen before. Any way I went to Walmart and got all new plastic and Im thinkin that I will go to the Whole Sale Grocer and get stainless steal in stead. It can be stearlized.Hold on somebodys here.I'LL BE BACK. IM BACK.LOL I just sold 35 clones, that helps. This will be the last installment of Old Plant Pictures. I bet your glad thats over with.:I went to You Tube and found this video on Absalute Shatter. So I gave it a try.Apparently I was suposta spread the finished product evenly across the glass cake pan so it dries evenly. I did not do that. And heres the result. BHO Absalute Shatter :
I call it Pay Day - What happend is some of the shatter wasn't dry yet and when I scraped it togeather it came out looking like a PayDay candy bar. Even though I didn't do it completly right it was still the best ever. This next one is starting seeds :
My Seed Bank :
Random Bud pictures :
So thats it for Old Plant Pictures. When next we meet it will be Crop Update Time (in less something unusal happends) C-Ya . TOAST
Sorry theres one more thing I want to show you : This friend of mine came over , long ass time ago , 2000 2001.He gave me a seed he found in some bud , but didnt know what it was. So I grew it
and it turned out to be Cat Piss. If I would have knowen I would have cloned the fuck out of her. I would say this is in my TOP 5 . If you ever get the chance dont hezatate jump on it. TOAST
Yeah I've had Cat Piss but never grown it. It's supposed to be a pheno off the SLH from what I understand.

Very very good pot :yummy:

Enjoyed your sequences of updates Lem! Looking forward to diving into your planter and hill in the near future. :surf: :ciao:
These ole pics are great, now I know how this Grape Ape looks like :) I've left my plants by themselves fpr couple of days and ATM I'm tokin' the good stuff in Tuscanny :joint: Hope the cancer got hit hard and soon will be a part of old stories. Take care lem!
These ole pics are great, now I know how this Grape Ape looks like :) I've left my plants by themselves fpr couple of days and ATM I'm tokin' the good stuff in Tuscanny :joint: Hope the cancer got hit hard and soon will be a part of old stories. Take care lem!

Tuscany in summer. What a wonderful cliche :)

I've been once in summer and five times in November-December. I love Tuscany and Umbria.

Three summer days in Firenze/Florence was better than I expected. Crowded but not tiring.
Side trip to Fiesole to gaze across the hills was a highlight.
Al right every body,Lem's 2014 Grow Update - YEAH -Im like cooking today for some reason. Its only 92 degrees hear normally not bad at all, but its wearing me down today. Well we will start off with the Hill :
This is one of the Jack Herer's :
Here are some that started budding early.Its strange, I useally dont start to see them start changing until August 1st its gone that way for years :
The next three pics are Grape Ape :
Notis how the Pure Kush have taken over the Super Lemon Haze. I put the SLH out to early and stunted the growth. :
Ive never seen the SLH do this and I realize its because they started to bud and then had to switch back to veg thats what caused this :
SLH is not suposta look like that. Check out in these three pics, how the Calyxes all started to flower and then they stop and veg begins. :
Planter #1 ( I would have got better pictures but I didnt fell like crawling out on the wall ) : Next time :
The Cage :
Planter #2 :
Indoor Girls out for some sun. You'll remember I pulled these plants, at least the eight SLH. The four L.A. Confidencial"s I took out for the Cage :
This is one of the L.A. Confidencial's
And lastly some new Clones
You know those Tranquilty Fountains the little ones that go on your desk. I happend upon mine and gutted it and made this Meg Shift Cloner Thingy :
I got it set to go off for five seconds every two hours. If this works , I will make a much bigger one .Even though the bags work bitchen , they take up to much room. My Cancer shit is looking pretty good so I will show you all tomorrow or the next day . Hope you liked all the pics. TOAST
It's just Amazeballs over there Lem, I know Why your doing it but it's like every growing fantasy I've had x's 100. Mad respect, really way to swing big, Babe Ruth style. I was thinking about the shelving it would make a great cloning nursery, each shelf with t 5s under it or LED should one have the cake to make that much of a purchase. Only once did I have the chance to smoke Jack Herer, I got it and ran to my brother and his wife, just giggling with excitement and you've got that old burning bush growin' out back in the promised land, right on man. Hey ive been experimenting with the non smokable garden in the yard, big issue keeping compost in the sand "soil". Rain flushes it out quick so I pound a bag of charcoal to smithereens, mix it w compost then add to the ground. Sand (silica) adheres to charcoal well and so does compost. Trifecta. Dunno if posted that before( brain damage from a fall so repeat is default mode), thought id share it even though your plants look to be killing it over there.
God I love that planter bed! Dunno why. I think it's the rocks. I love seeing pot grow in those natural rock style planter beds :Namaste:

Planter bed filled in nicely. Looks like you had quite a bit of reveg in the garden this year. Hopefully everything comes in nice and nuggy. Super excited to partake in this years annual bloom with you Lem. Super stoked about the planter bed, can't wait to see it in full bloom. Could be a lot of maintenance inspecting with all the sites in there.

Hope all is well buddy and you are kicking that cancer in the ass, enjoyed all of your pictures that you have been sharing. Be Well buddy! :passitleft: :surf: :ciao:
This post is probably the one I'm watching the most. I am starting up my own medical product specifically for topical application that are rich in CBD and CBG specifically. I'm in the process of a pretty intense medical breeding program outside of my home garden that I share on here. Everything looks awesome. More power to you and I am sending all the love and healing I can your way for that Cancer to F*$& off and your meds to do what they do best.
SANTANA - SMOOTH -" Man its a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun " It was 103 here yesterday and headed to 105 today and over 100 for the next week or so. I took a strol up the hill at 1:00 pm and found this :
The Pure Kush girls were not the least bit happy. Went back down the hill and turned on the water and then went back up and made them very happy.With in a few minutes they were back :
to this day its so amazing to watch them stand up tall and proud again. Spimp The clones when last I checked, the ones in the bags so signs of rooting and on the stupid little Hydro Cloner thingy I made, there just kinda sittin there and Im waitin to see what happends. I might have screwed them up. I needed to get some supplies from the grow store,and while I was there they talked me into trying the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A and B. The bottles dont have any other directions other then " Use 4 ml per Liter of water. Both parts are to be used in conjunction with each other " What they dont tell you is you have to mix Part A in the water first and then mix in the Part B or the food crystalizes and blocks intake. I had to E-Mail them to find that out. I also let them know that they should put that information on the damn bottles. I mean seriously WTF. Well any way I mixed the shit wrong and put it on the indoor crop and had a little left over so I put in the stupid clone thingy reservior and then this morning when I got AVs E-Mail back on what to do I changed the solution back to just Clonex. So Im not sure how there doing, But thanks for asking LOL. So far no more Punks and every thing else here is way cool.I hope your havin as good a time as I am. TOAST PS: The reason I tried the Sensi Bloom is it is Totally PHed controled, you just mix it correctly in any water and it PHs its self absolutely no problems supposedly. C-Ya
WICKED update Lem.

Knew I'd love the contrast between the hill and planter bed. Really great illustration of how the plants perk back up after being watered. That is definitely the best way to have healthy plants, you really are attuned to your senses, plants, and surroundings. You have developed personality in these ladies and they are going to reward you immensely. Your piping idea with the water worked perfectly as you imagined. I just love the comparison shot of before and after being watered. They loved it so much! :circle-of-love::cheer:
So early this morning I was up on the hill Folage Spraying the plants and I was reminded of a similar morning a few years back. One morning when the Plot looked like this :
it was the night of the full moon and it had just come over the top of the hill at about 50 degrees above the East Horizon. As I was spraying the plants the leaves would bend to shed the excess water and the drops would fall to the Leaves below or the ground. Now because of the angle of the moon the water droplets would prism and light up like fire, so the whole time Im up there,it was like hundreds of Fire Flies were going off one right after another. It realy was quite Out Standing. I imagin it would work on any plant, so next full moon you aught to see if you can make it happen. Just a little sumpum I was thinkin about. Toast Oh yea it helps if your realy High.LOL
Lem I was curious, do you rest you soil a season? Crop rotation really is what I am wondering about, when I had five acres up north id reserve an acre or so and plant cover crops. I imagine though you have a large yearly soil ammendment program going on. My malawi went into flower outdoors (13.4sunlight hours currently) and whooo is it growing now lol nine inches this week.I really llok forward to seeing the hill in flower over there. Oh and one last thing, of irish/nordic descent and an arborist of 30 years w a face increasingly covered in red splotches. But folowing your example after three weeks of homemade RSO, that shit is gone. The burning sensation, the discoloration all gone. Cool.
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